Goodbye, First Love

I was the white knight in your eyes, Alabaster, pure, strong and brave. You were my light, Bright, blinding, and full of life. We grew together, wrote together. We flew together, walked together. Then it fell apart. Confusion, distance, Hurt...

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First Love, First meeting

Seclusion, it's the best way to live your life. No one you have to look after, worry, be betrayed by, get angry at, feel sorry for and no one to talk to beside myself, which is ok. By the way, my name is Miatsu Zuboski, I'm a wolf. I have an...

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first love poem (poem)

walking alone in the street, not noticing you, you notice me, in the rain of the next day, i see you. just standing there in the rain. i come to say hi you say, i thought you came to say bye. no. that thought is wrong, i came...

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First Love: Part 1

Google doc file for those who prefer it: first love: part 1 feel free to comment with constructive criticism or for typos. above all, enjoy. :) first love: part 1 by stuperhero \*beep\* \*beep\* beep\*. "..uhnnn..."

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.12

I opened my eyes slowly. The girl, the heads, were gone. Did I just imagine it? I thought to myself as I stood up. I took a deep breath and picked up the scattered papers but had a hard time since my paws were shaking. As I picked up the last paper and...

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.9

"Oh Yuri...I love you so much." Mark whispered softly as he gently stroked my cheek. "Mark..." He started to lean over to kiss me. _Beep! Beep!...Beep! Beep!_ I slammed my fist down on the snooze button on my alarm clock. "Shut...the...hell...up. I'm...

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch. 11

Mark looked up from his desk as the door opened, his face lighted up when he saw Yuri walk in. As he passed by, Mark gave him a smile, but it quickly vanished when Yuri scowled and made a small "Hmph!" that was directed only at him. Mark's face...


A Bookworm's First Love Ch.10

Nothing to say except tell me if I made grammar errors! I quickly looked away. Surely I just imagined it? I couldn't be sure. Something about those two just I took a quick look around. Nobody else seemed to notice the thing I thought I...

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.8

Uh. yeah sorry this took so long... Yuri was unaware of the young cheetah staring at him as he walked home from the top of a building. The moon was bright. But its rays would not reach her. It was like the rays were afraid to get close to her. No...

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.6

Hi again! I just want take this time to thank all my watchers and the people who voted and faved. THANK YOU!!!! Oh yeah. Please comment. Whenever I don't get a comment, it makes me feel like no one read the story at all. Like the last Ch. I only...

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A Bookworm's First Love Ch.5

As the girl wandered out of the school, she didn't make eye contact with any of the people passing by. She was looking for someone else. She pushed past them, moving quickly, yet elegantly. Her long white dress flowing even though there was no wind....

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