Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon’s Slave Interstitial 2: The Duel
**Counter Earth Chronicles - The Demon's Slave ** **Interstitial 2: The Duel** Day: N/A (eternity) Diamantopoulous, Flo's master sat on his throne in the throne room of his tower brooding. He was very restless, something was not right in the realm-...
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 1
Brimming with rage and overconfident, prince besegrare invoked the right of the duel challenging his own father for the throne. "you must think me mad," said molokhn, "to even consider this worthy of my time.
Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 3
Selene heard twilight accept a duel challenge from trixie and selene decided to intervene. "if we are going to have a duel then let's set some ground rules." she said aloud getting everypony's attention.
Hell on Earth. Chapter 11
Is it a duel challenge? does anar have to beat him in hand-to-hand combat?" "dunno," the big raptor growled, "but it stinks! literally. get a whiff of that!" "careful! it could be cursed!" rap warned.