
As I lay back in the grass, I look above into the sky Dark thunder clouds swirl above me, the air tense with it's rage. I'm not sure, and as a result I cry My tears are hidden by the falling rain, my fur being pelted and soaked by the tears of the...

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Red Roses mean love, White Doves peace: Srsly (6 Icons!)

deeper meaning is a function of interpretation. readers interpret things based, most of all, on their own lives.


#29 of national poetry writing month if you're looking for some grand, special, or deeper meaning to this poem then i'm sorry to disappoint but i honestly just wrote this poem in like 5 minutes because i was sick and tired of trying to figure out some added

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Snow's Journal (Entry Five)

Khajiit begins to find deeper meaning in this emotion. khajiit has never felt this before; such feelings are strange to him, though he feels as if he truly does "love" urjora. snow wishes for urjora to be his partner...

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Draven's Story: Memory 3

He could only scratch the surface while his classmates could see the deeper meaning in everything. he struggled with mathematics, only sometimes remembering what the symbols on his paper meant.

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Chance or Fate

Talk of jobs, and friends, and interests passed quickly, the topics soon shifting to deeper-meaning subjects such as death and passion and the merging of the two.

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Chapter XIII: Ask Us To Do Anything

Well, i hope you all still enjoy it despite the lack of deeper meaning in music :). * * * **kaeden's commitment** _by draugr_ chapter xiii: ask us to do anything * * * [!

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Under The Quiet Moon - III - 01/20/2011

His eyes said there were more words to that sentence... a deeper meaning he might be fighting with inside himself. she always hated that about him... that weakness that held back his words. his failure to express his desires.

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Under The Quiet Moon - 3 - 02/22/2016

His eyes said there were more words to that sentence ... a deeper meaning he might be fighting with inside himself. she always hated that about him ... that weakness that held back his words. his failure to express his desires.

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D.E 1 Chapter 18: Revelations

I mean, i know they didn't seem to have fur on them, but i think there was a deeper meaning into that term." "andy is right." i said, still sitting on the floor with my eyes closed. "that didn't make any sense.

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A New Year

He drifted from one orb to the other, studying her deeply as if hoping to find a deeper meaning to her drink of course.

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What Comes in your Dreams

"no, i had meant for you to return home, and have the symbol bring deeper meaning to you in your dreams. after all, i had been giving you them for some time, i thought i might as well shed some light on why you were given them."
