The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 16
The black dragon moved across the male's back towards his head, every step was made with deep thrusts into the bluish scales for maintaining balance and because the creature didn't want it to go any other way.
Lament of the Moon: Burning Embers - Ch0 Prt03
The brave bear panted, pulling his sword out and then delivering another deep thrust into the monster's back. he wasn't doing very well himself, but he mustered whatever strength he had in him to try and save his king.
The Silent Rain 4 - One Who Does Not Exist
Long reptile body made of smoke, coiling around her staff before she made a wounding strike, gouging with deep thrusting cut as the green-tinted fog took the shape of a dragon and tore through the stygian robe with soul-devouring rend of its misted
Midline Shift 34 - The Catharsis of Evil
The force of twisted broken bone slammed deep into the wall was shown by the bone shards now evident upon the floor, the walls broken with the odd deep thrust into them at a singular point, the last stand for victims who could not fight back.