The Coming of Dragons: Chapter Five

**The Coming of Dragons** ** ** **Chapter Five** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ ** ** ** ** Surprisingly, it was Isla-Rae, the smallest and slightest of them all with her neat, short horns, who found out why...

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RUINER: Plotless Self Destruction

I like character driven media, but i write plot driven stuff. ruiner was an attempt to get into character-driven stuff, but i can't do it. at least not like this. the characters, they're too broken for me to fix in a story.

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Bird's Eye

Experiment into short, complex multi-character driven narrative. like, favourite, subscribe, love me. "what'cha doing?" the young fox asked, peeking his nose over the top of the monitor screen.

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Bear Before Blini

I mentioned that my work is nearly all character-driven.

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Black Meridian: White Lies

Some will be smut (next one coming is), some will be more story and character driven, like this. i at least have a short imagined for narem coming as well, set after black meridian, but i have to write it first.

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Dust and Spit - A J. Cole Hawkins story

Mood-wise, the result is what i think is best described as a sort of relaxed character-driven drama. thanks for giving it a read if you do, and i hope you find it enjoyable! **dust and spit** a 'j.

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