Rainy Day

Again, delilah shut off the cb radio.

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Rainy Day

Again, delilah shut off the cb radio.

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The End ch3: Safe Home

He was talking into the handset of a cb radio. "hey blade, where ya been?" a voice said through the trucks speakers. "you had us worried! why didn't you come back yesterday?" the voice asked. "oh, i had my reasons" blade said with a laugh. "oh yeah?

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Bulletproof Heart Chapter 1

As the multi colored suv drove down the road the cb radio started to broadcast static and a voice. "that's probably motor trying to figure out if were alive or not."

The Hitchhikers - Chapter 1 - The Shocking Reply

Andy decided that he'd try to finish with dignity so he put the letter back in the envelope, placed it in a compartment under the cb radio, turned the cb to channel 4 which was his company's channel, started the truck, put it in gear, drove out of the truck

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 10

He picked up the cb radio microphone and turned to the convoy's private channel. "all convoy vehicles, decrease speed to forty-five miles per hour!" the thought didn't occur to him to attempt a second contact with the pilaco garrison commander.

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Starting Over Chapter 4

Suddenly a cb radio sitting on the dash crackles to life, "13? shamrock? is that you guys?" shamrock picks up the microphone and says, "yeah it's us cat can you lower the gate and arrange a meeting with the council."

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Pandemic-Day 35 7:15 AM 12/30/2022-Chapter 5-Camping...Sort Of

I also took the officer's cb radio, personal radio and sidearm, which went into the glove box, while dad's .45 went back under the seat. "now we get to the gas",i said walking around to the back of the officer's truck.

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Pandemic-Day 51 11:59 AM 1/12/2023-Black Ford

It was another six or so before i saw a sign reading "rest stop-5 miles ahead" i picked up the cb radio and phoned abbie. "hey abbie", i said. "what up?", she asked.

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How Legends Are Made Part 2 Chapter 3

. \*\* owen threw the cb radio across the room of the small apartment-like resort room, the machine crashing against the panelled wall and small parts flying away from the main construct.

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1- A Husky Tells No Tales

The cb radio in the helicopter crackled, bringing the husky out of his mesmerized trance, "exile, this is hunter, do you have a copy?"

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