Year Of The Rabbit

Returning to almost primal instincts, an unwritten caste system has been in place since the lapines first became at peace with the human race. at the top of the system, we have the lapines.

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The Warring World

The very weakest clans, like the lagomorphs and mice of the astra plains, became the lowest of this new caste system, little more than slaves to the clans that had sided with the ardenta.

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Anthropia 10

Common peasants subjugated each other purely based on species and diet, it wasn't just between different caste systems! still, the last glimmer of hope for difference that he had clung to had all been a big misunderstanding.

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A Failed Duty - Chapter 6

"you are focused on a caste system that has me above you. but we were born to the reverse. neither system is right. we're equal." he let out a loud sigh and brought his face into my sight.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Third Tale

"indeed, in our strange, bizarre caste system completely based on dragons, owning a dragon or even something part dragon means you get to move up in the world. literally.

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Dance of the Dying Feathers

"the ancients were bound to a strict, stagnant caste system that labeled almost all the populace as being unworthy of a decent loaf of bread, let alone the saraband vermeil. these days we are more enlightened, are we not?

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Changeling, the Dreaming - A Basic Introduction

.** **------------------------------------------------** **changeling society: although the game takes place in the modern world, the fae are still very much immersed in a medieval caste system that recognizes a difference between aristocratic nobility and

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The Life of Another - Chapter 11

I forgot about the whole caste system. is it really like that here? i thought maybe a school full of deviants might be more... accepting of differences." he sat up and swung his paws to dangle over the edge of the bed. "not everyone here is a deviant.

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Chronicles of Nahia - Part 2

A feudal caste system held society rigidly in balance, benefiting the wealthy, the noble, and the landowners, while the rest of the populace scraped an existence from the soil around their glittering fortress towns.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 10

"all i'm saying is that the shapers hold power whatever you got here, this guardian stuff, it is no different from the caste system in my society, no matter how high you are, shapers call the shots in the end" "a question!"

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They have a slave and master cast system much like that we served on earth, so it was an easy adaptation." "the sionnu are a unique race that consume knowledge as we do meat. it becomes part of them saturates them. it exudes from them literally.

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