Story #5 - Angry Beavers "Change Of Events"

Norbert has lured Daggett into a room promising to be finally gotten back, it seems to be revealed as a suprise party. Eventually Dag realizes it isn't his birthday. Norb turns on his machine to grab Dag to bring him to his demise. A face full of a...

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Hey guys, it's your friendly neighborhood facesitter here. I don't know if furs will be mad at me for doing this? But I'm requesting someone to please write a story for me, I just watched the film "Rock Dog" and I fell in love with Bodi and the...

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Unpleasantries, II

She tuned in, vaguely aware that she was still human enough--still able to understand human language; not just butt-sniffing and posturing and geckering, the sorts of things she'd been doing nigh autonomously for the past eight nights.

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A Conflict of Minds

"so we learn barking and butt-sniffing." "i guess that'd be a crude way of putting it. genuinely making animal lexicon part of our repertoire, and understanding it to the fullest we can."

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Savannah Blues Part 4

butt sniffing, ball chasing, hand biting, tail raising-," the skunk muttered to himself stomping his way back up the stairs. isaac shook his head sadly at what the world was coming to before following behind the skunk.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 36: Panther in the City

He put his hands on his waist and hugged him from behind, sniffing his neck. "good kind of smelly." the panther rolled his eyes. "get out, i'm taking shower. you're gonna get all wet." "so what? tell me to stop and i'll stop."

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Part 1: Talking Smack

"you won't be when i'm done with you, you little ass-sniffing flea-bitten dog fucker," he slurred out, his voice somewhat nasally from the fact that his sinuses were blocked with blood and cartilage.

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 16 : Ancient

"i knew john had a butt-sniffing fetish, but you too vilkas?" peter asked in surprise. i stepped up to the bed, "it's not a fetish peter, it's an instinct to help us keep tabs on each others' health." peter raised a brow in confusion, "seriously?"

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