Boy Scouting: A Baby Blue Short
The boy scouts began officially dating after the events of _[the star attractions](%5c)_ . most of their teammates didn't notice any difference. and now . . .
The boy scouts decided to make it even more interesting that they would pin the "furry boys" against the human ones.
Race Day
An initiate mostly pushed by the boy scouts was its global box car initiative. the plan was simple, invite teams from other regional boy scout groups and then engage in a larger race than what they usually planned.
Toni's Diary Entry #6 - Peanut Butter Theater
On one particular trip to falling rock, there were these two older teenagers -- i'd say aged 18 or 19, which was the upper limit to being an official boy scout -- that were there on a fall campout.
Lonely Oak Chapter 69
Most of the noise came from the boy scout side. "if it's your first time to a bonfire, then welcome; we hope you have fun." she cleared her throat.
The Troubled: Chapter 1 Building Up
#2 of the troubled sorry it took so long, for some reason i have more free time during school, had to work in waco (the city) for two weeks, i come home for one week and do jack-shit, then i leave for summer camp, were the boy scouts forbid the use of tech
Red Storm ch. 3
Take two men, scout the flank." kerensky said. "yes, comrade." pavel pointed at two men and pointed to his right. " what now, sir?" kiril asked the sergeant. "we wait until pavel returns back here." he said. "yest'." kiril said.
Fight Me
I was in boy scouts. i was in the youth group for our local church. i was in cooking club in middle school. do you know which one of them i enjoyed? none. they were all awful.
unconventional genie story
I know, the boy scouts of america. i freaking hate them." "um. no, i don't want it to be counterfeited, or stolen." "well, it \*has\* to be one of them," said the fox-woman.
Sonny gets Mad Scienced
I used to be a boy scout." pause. "well, i knew a boy scout." pause. "actually, i was fired from a fry cook opportunity." the nurse looked puzzled. "c'mon, this is my best stuff here!" "do you actually have any friends?"
Lonely Oak Chapter 41
The camp was open to the public, but everywhere lyza looked there were kids in boy scout- and even girl scout-labeled shirts. every once in a while she would come across people not wearing uniform.
POV vore - you and a little bear
That advice your boy scout leader used to give you was given for a reason. shame you didn't take it to heart. don't wander away from the campsite, the scoutmaster used to say. don't go anywhere alone. if you see a bear, stay well away.