Bath Time

Corey?s small triangular ears flicked back and forth, as he listened intently for the sound of incoming paw steps. Not moments ago, he had heard the telltale sounds of his mom preparing a bath, his bath. Quickly he had gotten up from his toy cars and...

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baby land

time with drane is like a fight just to get him in the water let alone clean him by the time i clean drane dry him up put him in diaper with clothes its time for bed for all.

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wolf infant

After the bottle is finished baby wolf played with toy's until bath time came mom had to calm baby wolf down after he see the tub baby wolf said no tub bath in sink only.

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Rebecca's Summer Fling Part 2: A Talespin Fanfic

"molly bath time," he called. she came into the bathroom wearing her pink robe.

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 8

Although if they got too dirty from all the digging, that meant bath time was sure to follow. rubble didn't mind, as the cheerful bulldog loved bubble baths. rocky, on the other hand, would try and hide somewhere to avoid taking baths.

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Storm Brothers - Introduction

"but mom, its dinner time, not bath time," i protested.

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Maycor and Demaeter 4

bath time is over. let's go." jarzyl hopped out of the tub and shook herself all over to dry her body, which made atlas glance away as water droplets went flying off her scales and all around the bathroom.

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Act Your Age at the Mall

A few nights ago, mommy had started a new game at bath time. she would ask hunter to point out body parts of his. she would ask him where his tummy or tushie or weewee or toesy poesies were and he'd have to point and loudly announce the body part.

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We played a couple of the new games he got after dinner and then it was bath time, again! (scott pouted at the last part.) i didn't need another bath! i don't wanna take baths. now, now. good little boys need to stay clean.

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Christine Ch 3

bath time and bedtime had to be upheld, after all. when the call ended, christine slumped back onto the couch, thinking. "it was good to see everyone... even if it was kind of bittersweet. it was too bad that chloe and pam's families couldn't join us.

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Simba lerns a pain full leason ( vore)

" why cant you be, good like nala at bath time ." christine sighed,looking at son smiling. " because icky and yucky. " sin put his tongue , out like any male cub manor. " it not that bad sin ,i like it ."

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Raspberry Line Chapter 20

The bath-time call. the song on her cd changed, playing low-volume tones in her left ear, while the right was free to listen to the outside world. it was about that time right now--actually past: 8:20.

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