Fire Branded Leather: A Drink Order for Molotov
#10 of Fire Branded Leather
Will has enough in his life to be happy. A stable job as assistant fire chief, good friends, and enough money to keep his food bowl full. What more could a dog ask for? Expect perhaps someone warm on those cold Vancouver nights.
It all came from an ad in the newspaper, "Are you willing?" He was.
Fires are breaking out all over the city and Will is run ragged. His days are soot stained as he fights to keep the city from burning to the ground and his nights reek of sweat and blood as he learns the ways of a new passion.
The flames burn higher as Will discovers there is more to this life then being a dutiful mutt who follows the orders of his superiors.
And then she places a collar on him.
Thanks for FyrDawg for commissioning this and being absolutely great to work with!
And thank you to the awesome people who helped me edit this:
-Fallacy / GamingWolgBeta
Please be aware that unlike my previous works this story will contain adult scenes and situations. I will mark those chapters appropriately.
Chapter 10: A Drink Order for Molotov
The next morning came clear and warm. And Anne was by his side.
Will yawned. The alarm clock blared, but he reached out calmly for it. A smile touched his lips as he ran a finger down Anne's side. She was still asleep next to him.
Rising slowly, he stretched every muscle from his ears to tail. A quick scratch between his legs and Will limbered up those muscles. They hadn't had this much exercise in... well, years.
His nose twitched a moment later. The scent of smoke came to him.
Will's lips pulled up in a silent snarl. There was work to be done.
After a quick shower to wash the smell of sex from his fur, Will made a point of pausing to prepare his Mistress' breakfast. Everything would be ready for her when she decided to rise.
Closing the door softly behind him, he could just see her watching.
She smiled.
Down at the foot of the stairs, Will was slightly put out that Davies didn't wait for him. It had only been a day since he'd last seen the silly cat, but somewhere deep in his chest he had to fight back the urge to grab his best friend and give him a noogie.
The scent of smoke and spilt booze swirled around him. Will paused for a moment to cock his head. He hadn't noticed the first traces of autumn sweeping in. A single dry leaf fluttered across the street, scraping and rattling as it flew.
Will was glad he'd paused to fix breakfast. The food district was deserted, nothing but boarded up stalls and smashed windows.
He frowned.
Another ten steps and the lone fluttering leaf was replaced by ash and singed paper that skittered across the ground. The riots had been here.
The burnt out husks of buildings still stood, silent witness to how far the city had fallen. And how fast.
Another four blocks and Will came upon fire station six. He let out a sigh.
The building was normally meticulously cared for, almost as obsessively as a police station. Right now it looked like it was hunkered down and just trying to survive. Dirt and ash stained its sides, and graffiti could be seen starting to grow like florescent tumors on its edges.
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