Jason's Nightmare - Part 2
#3 of Jason's Nightmare
This is Part 2 of Jason's Nightmare, a side story to BridgeToPeace's Pokemon High School. This chapter is longer than my usual post but it's more on the lines that the characters are saying, not much events going on here. This chapter is more of an... introduction to Jason's problem or something like that.
NOTE: I may portray the characters differently compared to how BridgeToPeace would but these characters (except Jason) are his.
"Jason," a woman's voice called out from outside of the cabin. "c'mon, you love nature!"
"Coming!" Jason responded, the lucario getting up from bed in a rush.
Jason opened the door to find Guren, a gardevior, waiting for him. "Why are you indoors?" she asked. "I thought you wanted to be out here."
"It's nothing." Jason answered with a shrug. "Raiki and I had an argument again."
Guren sighed in disappointment and lowered her head. "I don't understand that man really." Guren said. "He's just so aggressive and dominant. I'll go talk to him--"
"No." Jason immediately answered. "that's not necessary. I will never gain his respect if I let you fight my battles."
Guren stared at Jason with sarcasm. "Me? Fighting your battles?" she asked. "Jason, the two of you are constantly fighting and all I do is stop you two."
"No, that's not what I meant." Jason answered, frantically waving his hands and face flushed red.
Guren then burst out laughing and patting Jason's shoulder. "Jason, I'm kidding. I know what you meant." She said.
"Oh..." Jason said, turning his head in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
Guren gave Jason a compassionate smile and placed her arm over his shoulder. "Have I told you that you look like a child?"
"What do you mean?" Jason asked.
"Well," Guren started, placing her hand at her chin. "it's just that when you smile or get shy like that, you remind me of a child, a baby even."
Jason stared at Guren, processing what she had said. "Okay... I guess I can take that as a compliment."
The two stared at each other in silence for about a second, then they burst out in laughter and headed for the forest. Mt. Hatsugen was huge, it had large forests, beautiful lakes and a breath taking view at the peak. Not only that, but it's said to resonate an energy that only a few people can feel.
"I've never been in a place like this." Guren said as the two walked through the beautiful forest, the afternoon light dappling on the canopy causing a beautiful light show in the forest. "I've always been occupied within the confines of the city, I never paid much attention to this place."
"Well you'll love it out here." Jason said to reassure her. "Trust me, the sweet smell of the breeze and the feel of nature, everything is just the best."
Guren closed her eyes as she breathed in the air, her body seemingly glowing in the forest light. Jason couldn't help but feel... happy... being with Guren, seeing her smile in the afternoon light, all those made Jason feel nostalgic. "You were right, Jason." She said as she opened her eyes. "The air is amazing." She turned to face Jason and found him smiling at her. "What is it?" she asked.
Jason lowered her gaze and scratched the back of his head. "Nothing... it's just... I'm glad to be back in the forest, and with someone I can talk to."
"Well save your happiness for the rest of the week." Guren said. "If you're too happy today, you might not have any happiness left for the rest."
Jason let out a chuckle of amusement. "Yeah, yeah. So anyway, what are we supposed to do in this mountain?" Jason asked. "Try to experience a vision?"
"I don't think so." Guren answered. "I think I heard some of them say that the school wanted their students to relax for a while."
"Wow, your school does that?" Jason asked, staring at Guren in amazement. "We don't do that back at the US."
"Makes you want to stay here, right?" Guren asked.
"Not sure yet." Jason answered. "The place seems nice, the technology is amazing but the people... still working on that."
"Still worried about Raiki?" Guren asked. "He's a good man, Jason. Trust me."
"Hope so..." Jason answered.
Jason and Guren continued their forest stroll, chatting and just enjoying the nature around them. Along their stroll, they would occasionally dare the other with a personal question though they limited it to questions that aren't too disturbing.
"So Guren," Jason started. "How did you and Raiki end up becoming friends anyway?" He asked.
"I was expecting for you to ask that." Guren sighed. "It's been a long time actually, I was still a kirlia back then and he a luxio. We played often as kids... but of course he was still mean to me. There would be times when he'd bite me to assert authority." Guren continued. "He'd wound me, scar me and torment me. But, somehow, we managed to be the best of friends."
"Why?" Jason asked.
"I don't know..." Guren answered. "I guess... I 'complete' him, in a way. It's hard living in this world when you don't form a bond with another."
"I know that feeling." Jason said.
"That's why I see hope for you." Guren said. "You went through the same stuff I did... of course yours is worse than what I got since he's much stronger now but my point is: continue down this path and Raiki will respect you."
Jason felt tears welling up inside. He didn't know why and how it was possible that the thought of being friends with Raiki could possibly make him cry but that's what he felt. "Thanks..." Jason replied forcing his voice not to crack. "Anyway, it's your turn to ask me a question."
"Hm... where to begin?" she mumbled to herself. "I guess the first thing I'd like to know is--"
"There you two are!" an angry voice roared from far behind. Jason and Guren turned to see Raiki making his way towards them, the luxray looking quite furious. "We were looking everywhere for you two, it's almost sundown!"
"It's THAT late already?" Jason asked as he stared at the sky. "Wow, I guess time flies when you're having fun."
"Yeah, well your fun is over now." Raiki commented. "Back to reality, we're having a campfire by the cabins and everyone is supposed to be there."
The three of them made their way back to the group, Raiki placing himself between Jason and Guren. That night they shared stories, sang songs and gazed at the stars. Raiki had Guren all to himself, he didn't like it when someone else was hanging out with her. Jason was left alone, gazing at the stars, contemplating on the past. "What's wrong with me?" Jason whispered to himself. "Something's... not right..."
"Something troubles you, young one." Professor Kashikoi approached Jason and sat beside him. "Care to talk about it?"
Jason stared at the mewtwo, thinking of the many things that troubled him, but he knew only one stuck out. "Nevermind, I don't think you'd understand." Jason shrugged.
Kashikoi stared at Jason, he knows he'd be able to understand. "If it changes anything, yes, I have spoken with your parents."
Jason stared, wide-eyed with surprise at the mewtwo. "Oh right, you mentioned that before." He mumbled. "What did they say about me?"
"Nothing much." Kashikoi answered. "The usual information that a school requires, that's all."
Jason knew that Kashikoi was hiding something, he could feel it with his aura. Since Jason evolved into a lucario, he's been gifted with skill in the aura. "It's getting a little late." Jason said trying to avoid a long conversation.
"I'm aware of that." Kashikoi answered. "You and I are the only ones left outside. The rest have returned to their cabins."
Jason sat up in surprise and looked around. He was right, they were alone outside. "That's not possible..." Jason whispered to himself. "I swear... I didn't feel them leave."
"Hm?" Kashikoi hummed. "Are you saying something?" He asked.
"No, sir." Jason lied. He stood up, patted the dust off his pants and bowed to Professor Kashikoi. "Good night."
"Good night." Kashikoi replied as Jason walked back to his cabin.
Jason entered their cabin and found Raiki drying his mane with a towel. "Didn't expect to see you here." Raiki said with a bitter expression. "thought you were going to sleep outside."
"How long has it been since you guys returned to your cabins?" Jason asked feeling sick and lightheaded.
"I don't know." Raiki answered. "About an hour maybe."
"An hour?" Jason asked, gasping and panting. His head throbbing in pain, the world around him seemingly spinning.
"You're going to take a shower right?" Raiki asked, oblivious of Jason's condition. "Don't want to be sleeping with someone smelling rancid."
Jason didn't answer, he couldn't for he didn't know Raiki was talking. He slowly limped towards his bed and fell on it like a ragdoll. He could barely see a blurry figure of Raiki standing beside him. He knew Raiki was about to protest that Jason had ignored him but Jason was just too tired to even think. Jason's eyelids grew heavier and heavier and as they closed, Jason drifted into deep sleep.