Eternal Pit

Story by Khalei Vi on SoFurry

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#12 of Poetry

As seen in my Writer's Blog:

Eternal Pit

These words that swirl about my head

And haunt my thoughts while in bed

Bleed my soul within this scrawl

And scream my heart as I fall

Down into the blackened pit

An eternity before I hit

The bottom opens it's ghastly arms

For those averse to it's charms


_ **Music** _ _The song of life echos within_ _without a twin_ _A divine strain_ _A pure refrain_ _Those with the ear can hear them sing_ _a voice to bring_ _a heart to share_ _a soul to bare_ _With tender care, a chorus forms,_ _Now to...

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_ **Fool** _ _My heart a void, my body a shell_ _Pointless it is to refill my soul._ _Slinking into the shadows, hands sheathed in blood,_ _Tears scaring cheeks accustomed to pain,_ _There is no end to the suffering of a broken-hearted fool_

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Contemplate Hope

_ **Contemplate Hope** `` _ _The world around me spins about,_ _and gives my thoughts a grain of doubt._ _While on this Earth, as it turns,_ _would my death even bring concern? ``_ _To the public, I think not,_ _and most a tear would sum to...

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