Melodies of the Heart
'Tis sweet the melodies of the heart, two lovers hum while they're apart. Lyrics so longing, chords intermingling, but neither has even an inkling. That the tune they sing, while distance is king, Is the same sad song, the other's whistling.
The Blade Awakens
Light glistens off the fresh blanket of snow, an untouched sea of diamonds spread before soft grey eyes. The wind rustles her fur as she walks towards her goal, far beyond the vast ocean before her. So far above the world, not even most plants not...
The Nightmare that Isn't
**(Warning: The content in this story might be disturbing for some readers but marks a scar that is still healing for Kaly. Despite the content, I hope you all enjoy this peek into her life.)** The lights were out all around her as she sits at the...
The Siren's Hymn: The Pile
And now she sings the Siren's Hymn, such fatal chords emit from within. Almost 7 years he dwelt with her, sharing her fears and her dreams. The curse she bares evolves one day, and changed the Siren's song. His footprints led into the sea, his...
Fear - Revisited
Alone, she wanders, a shadow lingers Paranoid, she stumbles, immersed in gloom Thick is the night, as phantoms lunge Stolen is her breath, stifling a scream Fruitless are her efforts, frozen in time Her soul, once pure... Consumed
The Siren's Hymn
And now she sings the Siren's Hymn, No longer is her heart within. The fatal chords which she emits, shall cause others hearts to up and quit. Though not intended her soul bleeds, For every sailor she sends to the seas.
The End
If it's just not worth living and depression rules your life If the pain you feel inside is like your heart is slashed with a knife If ending it all seems a way to stop all of your pain If cutting yourself makes you feel just a little bit alive If...
My Dearest Mother
For all the tears you've wiped away and times you've bailed us out. For all the times you've kissed away and rid us of our pout. For all the events that you have planned to make our dreams come true. For all the clothing you have sown to make it...
In Silence Speaks the Heart
What words do I use to describe my love? What songs do I sing? What must I say for you to understand the thoughts that dwell within? What enchanting phrase? What savoring verse could speak my hearts content? No words, song, phrase nor verse could...
A Heart's Vow
Without you, I would not be this far It is you that is my shining star Always there and ever true You are what has helped me through I would have failed without your strength You held me while I cried at length You deal with my moods, as they...
Echoes of the Deep
We met one summer's eve A time before I learned to grieve You had taken to the shore Your ship, the Maiden, had just been moored I recall that sunset well The sunlight glittered atop the swell Your smile, it stole my heart that day If only you...
The Tale of Two Hearts: Part I
Your smile, it haunts my deepest dreams But father's rule remains supreme Our eyes linger as they meet And makes my heart skip a beat Deep in the night, I crave your touch If but in secret, I could clutch I yearn to touch your lips with mine But...