Journey to Another world pt3 ch100 pt2
#11 of Journey to another world pt3 ch91
Journey to Another World 6
Ch. 100 Part 2
I really didn't know if Rena had meant to do that on purpose but by the time that Jenavee had actually noticed what was going on, I had sported a nice nosebleed. Ever so slowly she looked down to follow my gaze to see what had caused me to sport the nose bleed and then let out a nice loud shriek, grabbed the edges of her dress, then fell to the ground while pulling the dress quickly over herself. Feeling a little light headed from the quick nose bleed, I shook my head to try and get some feeling back into it, but as I shook my head I couldn't see Rena anywhere. Had she realized the wrath that was soon to come from what Jenavee would undoubtedly do to her or had she just let go of Jenavee effectively breaking our combined mental conversation.
'When I get my hands on that little...' The rest of what she was about to say was lost as she only looked away for a moment to where Rena had just been, then back to me. She slowly lifted a hand to my cheek but stopped right before contact. 'You know that we love you Donovin. Please do not scare us like that again.' It was one of those moments that couldn't be broken and could withstand the test of time. I slowly breathed out, raised up a hand to hover ever so close to hers, and then gave her a nod.
She then stood up and gave me a smile. 'Now, if you will excuse me. There is a certain someone that is going to get a serious lecture about pulling pranks.' To which I couldn't help but laugh at.
"Make sure that you say hi to the kids for me and let them know that their father loves them and will be with them in a little while." I said with as much loving care that it brought tears to my eyes not to be able to hold them both in my arms at the moment. With a last nod, Jenavee turned and slowly began to fade out as she stood up, and walked down the hill.
(Back in the Pokémon world)
Jenavee slowly opened her eyes and looked about her. The place was pretty much as she'd left it. The hospital room was still smelling of cleaning products, a small bit of light shone in the gap between the curtains of the window, Rena sat in a chair on the opposite side of the bed with a hand in hers while the other on the forehead of their sleeping love, Kit laying at the foot of the bed as if trying to keep someone's feet warm by laying on them, a small Ralts and Riolu clinging tightly to their fathers chest under the covers that covered all three of them.
She slowly removed her hand from that of Donovin's forehead to see that he had a slight amount of blood seeping out from his nose, but that was only a slight amount. She slowly stroked down the side of his face with her left hand and to gently rub her thumb against his cheek. "Make sure that you get better soon, love. Your family is waiting here for you."
A while later found both children fast asleep in their mother's arms, slightly squirming a bit as if uncomfortable about the position that they were in, and then began to cry a bit before they began to nurse from their respective mother. " Look Jenavee. How many times do I need to say it? I did not mean to actually lift up your dress like that." Rena complained as her ears were still a little sore from the severe tweaking that she'd gotten earlier from Jenavee. " I was just afraid that once we broke contact with each other that I would not be able to see Donovin any longer. It was a complete accident."
Jenavee let out a bit of a huff at the apology but had to admit that it all did really sound like an accident. It wasn't like she really meant to embarrass her so thoroughly in front of Donovin like that. "About once more," She said as she lightly stroked a stray hair out her sons face as he nursed from her. She really did have to admit to herself though that he was getting a little bigger and soon he'd stop nursing and move onto berries and such fairly soon. "You are going to have to apologize to Donovin once he wakes up. After all, it was you that gave him that nose bleed. You know how much he needs his blood at the moment."
" You're beginning to sound like that of a broken record Jenavee." She said but was lost as well to that of her daughter as she too nursed. " I am sorry. This whole mess with Donovin getting so sick again has me a little...short tempered."
Jenavee took a long sigh and nodded to her. "I know Rena, I know. But Donovin has pulled through tough spots before and I suspect that he will do so again." She then turned to look down at her sleeping love and gave him a tired smile. "Though I do wonder what caused him to become so ill in the first place." She turned to look at Rena. "You do not suppose that it had anything to do with Undine's performance do you?"
" It is possible." Rena shifted in her chair for a moment then took on a thoughtful expression. " But I doubt that it had to do directly with her performance. There was probably a stray bit of poison left on floor of the stage from a previous performance and somehow he caught it, though that in itself is unlikely, as I could not detect any poison in his system."
Jenavee nodded to that as well. Undine didn't know any poison attacks and would definitely not do something like this to him, unless really warranted. There was also the fact that Rena had said that it wasn't some kind of poison that had caused his heath to drastically take a turn for the worst, so it had to be something else, something outside their sphere...
" OUCH." Rena slightly yelled which caused Jenavee to quickly turn to her.
"What happened? Are you alright Rena?"
Rena shifted a bit in her chair then looked down at her nursing daughter. " Well...yes ," She then slightly removed her nursing daughter from her, which caused the little time to give a bit of a disapproving whine/whimper at being interrupted from her...meal. She then put a single finger in the little ones mouth then felt around a bit. " I do believe that that this little one has begun go grow in her first tooth." They both chuckled a bit at that, and then let their little ones return to nursing.
A little while later another thought occurred to her but she decided to voice the question or thought to when Donovin did awaken. 'Sleep well my love and know that there are those that are still here awaiting for you to rejoin us."
(The next day)
I slowly began to open my eyes and began to blink the blurriness away. 'Back again I see.' I thought to myself as I recognized the same bland textured ceiling, the smell of cleaning chemicals, as well as a few other things. Wondering what else was in the room with me, I tilted my head from side to side. Nobody was in the room except Kit who was calmly breathing in and out through her nose, as if fast asleep. It was also at that moment that I realized that she must have been asleep there for a while as I could no longer feel anything from my lower legs/feet. So ever so slowly, as hoping not to awaken her, I began to move my feet a bit. It was a little comical to watch her squirm a bit, which made me think that my toes were tickling her, to which I couldn't help but antagonize her a little for causing my feet to fall asleep on me.
After a good while of torturing her I decided to ease up and have mercy on her. She let out a few more barks of what sounded like laughter then fell back asleep. 'I wonder what kind of dream she had from me tickling her?' I thought about that for a little bit but couldn't keep the smile off my face. After pulling my feet out from under her I began to see how long it'd take me to recover or get used to my body again, only to be surprised to see that everything responded exactly as if I'd just awoken from a night's sleep. When I moved my ankles around in a circular motion they did just that, as well as everything else I moved. 'Now that's different. I thought for sure that I'd take me a while before I was able to do this.'
"That is because Rena spent a lot of time making sure that your recovery would proceed more quickly." A voice said to which make me turn towards where I'd heard it to see both Rena and Jenavee standing just inside the door. Jenavee looked fairly calm and collected, as if she expected me to wake up right then, but Rena...
" DONOVIN!" She leapt right from the doorway and sailed right across the room, as if going for a flying tackle. I quickly raised up my arms to cross in front of my face to protect myself from the emotional Rena, only to get hit by...nothing. When I slowly lowered my arms I saw that she was mere inches away from my face, enveloped in a slight glowing field and with quite a wide pair of eyes, as if not believing that she'd been caught by Jenavee's psychic abilities in time to prevent her from tackling me. So instead of tackling me in her emotional state, she just settled with a quick kiss once my arms were lowered enough and seemed content with that.
"Jeeze Rena. You ought to know better than to do that to him right now." Jenavee said as she quickly made her way across the room to sit down on the left side of the bed and then shared a long kiss with me.
" Alright Jenavee, I get it. Now, could you kindly put me down? I would like to spend some quality time with him as well." She complained as she was still hovering in the air by Jenavee's psychic abilities, kicking her legs feebly in the air as if hoping to squirm out of her hold.
(An hour later)
"They still haven't continued with the competition?" I asked in a bit of surprise as the kids happily played with Kit's tails. She would use them to tap one on the shoulder and make the other think that their sibling that had done it or other such hijinks that would no doubt keep them happy and entertained for quite some time. It was like she was some kind of step mother to them, and by the look on her face she too was content with playing with them.
"That is right. I do not know what you and Undine had done to impress them so much, but they thought that if you did so well during the first part of the competition, then the dance portion that you would do would be something to see." She said as she poured me a drink of water out of a pitcher from the table then handed it to me.
" And rightly so. I am so excited about our part that I cannot stop putting on that dress you bought for me and dancing around in it." Rena said as she was still dancing around the room, mimicking one part or another of the dance that we would do once on stage. I couldn't help but smile a bit at that as I took a nice long drink of the water, quenching my dry mouth.
"I am too, but we have to remember about Donovin's condition. We cannot have him get sick again." That stopped Rena from dancing around and gives her a bit of a pouting look, as well as gives her a quick raspberry.
" Spoil-sport."
To which got all of us laughing a bit at that, but I sobered up a bit as the knowledge of what Jenavee had just said. 'Maybe I should re-think the whole dance portion. I don't want to get sick again.' But when I looked up and saw that both Rena and Jenavee were mere inches away from my face I couldn't help but blanch a bit.
'If you even think about dropping Rena out of the competition Donovin, Rena is going to give you such a pounding. She has been worrying non-stop that you might actually do that. I hope you know that if you do cancel our dance that you could very easily break her heart, not to mention my own. We have put our hearts and souls into preparing for our part in the competition and there is nothing that is going to stop us from competing.' She spoke mentally to me only to be confirmed to see the watery tears on Rena's face about ready to fall down her cheeks. It wasn't the puppy dog look, but it was damn well close.
So for the remainder of the day, we practiced our dance to the audience of Kit and the kids as they helped by keeping rhythm by either clapping their little hands or tapping paws on the foot-board of the bed itself. By the end of the performance, I was sweating profusely and was only too glad when Jenavee handed me another glass of water.
Later on that night found me sitting in the bathtub of the bathroom in the hospital room and enjoying the warmth of the water that seemed to ease all the tension and strain the dance had put on my muscles. A few moments later there came a knock on the door and I slowly sat up in the tub. "Yes?"
" Can I come in Donovin? I would like to...check on you once more before we all go to bed." Rena said in a bit of an unsure tone as if those words carried more than just one meaning.
I really didn't feel all that confident about what she said as well, so quickly grabbing one of the wash cloths from the edge of the tub; I quickly covered over myself and nodded. 'I bet she's probably just going to use her aura abilities on me again.' I thought but nodded to myself when everything looked alright. "Come in."
To say the least, I could tell that Rena might have actually meant more than to do a little check-up. She had her head slightly bowed down as if trying to hide something embarrassing on her face or thinking that I'd be able to tell what was on her mind by her facial expression. " How do you feel? Are you still worn out from our dance together?" She asked in a very shy tone.
This all seemed slightly surreal to me at the moment. I mean, come on, a girl walks into the bathroom while you're there taking a bath with the excuse of wanting to check and see if you're alright. It's something out of the start to an adult film there. "F...Fine. It might be a bit before I'm ready to do us...our dance to the way that we done it before. But I'll eventually get there." I mentally cursed a bit at how nervous I was about the situation. I mean, come on, I'd been with Rena before. We even have a child together. This sort of thing shouldn't be making me feel all nervous.
" That is alright. No-one expects us to compete again at least for another day or two." She slightly lifted her head a bit to look over at me and I could see that she was just as nervous about the situation right then as I was. There came a long pause between the two of us right then and it seemed that it would go on for quite a while longer if not for...
"Have you given Donovin his checkup yet Rena? The two of you have been in there for a while." Jenavee's voice cut in, making the two of us jumps slightly, just to show us both how jumpy we were.
Eventually time found us there at the tub; me sitting on the edge of the tub facing inward with a towel draped over my lap, while Rena placed both her paws on my back and used her aura like abilities to heal/search for any other internal injuries she might have missed. As she slowly moved them about by back, tracing the lines of muscle back there, it all reminded me of how my mother would do the same thing. Only instead of how she would only rub the upper portion of my shoulders, Rena went deeper and made it feel more sensual and dare I say it...loving. As one of her paws came up to rest on my left shoulder I brought up my right to interlace our finger together and turned to look at her over our interlaced fingers at her. She had lowered her gaze again and I was wondering if she really was intending what I think she was.
Not wanting to let this moment go to waist, I slowly turned to the side and lifted her chin up so that our eyes met. They only met for a moment as she slowly closed her eyes and pursed her lips. 'I thought so.' Ever so slowly I too closed my eyes and slowly sealed our lips together in a deep kiss. She was the first to pull away from our kiss and when I opened my eyes to see why she'd done so, I could see tears in her eyes. She tried to blink them away but for some reason more and more of them came to her eyes. It was then that I realized the real reason for the tears and slowly brought her into my arms and she began to cry into my chest. This wasn't a moment of passion, this was a moment of to many emotions playing havoc with her and she needed an outlet for them all. 'I must have been pretty far gone this time to upset her this much. Better to let her cry herself out.'
The next morning found me outside, practicing my sword skills, with Kit and the kids watching me perform my slow dance with my blade. Perry, block, perry, strike, dodge, and so-forth as I fought a foe that I could see and face. The muscles in my body felt very...rusty as I tried to warm up each with new and more difficult maneuvers with the blade. All in all I danced/practiced for the better part of a while, but when I finally sat down and let the kids attend me with a cloth to wipe my face by my Riolu daughter and a box drink by my Ralts son.
'I would have to think up names for them soon.' I thought as I let them fuss over me for a bit before Kit came over and whimpered at me. "It's alright Kit. I'm just a little rusty is all. I haven't done this in so long that I needed to practice for a while longer than normal to make up for the lost time I missed." She still whimpered/whined a bit at me but seemed overall content with my answer. "Plus, this will help get my body back into shape for the performance tomorrow."
After I'd returned from my bath, carrying an unconscious/cried out Lucario in my arms, did both Jenavee and I talk about what to do about the competition. We decided that another day of checkups by the nurse and Rena would eventually have me as fit as I ever would be and ready for the continuation of the contest (As one of the nurses had brought in a letter that night and it read that if I wasn't able to compete that they would have no choice in continuing the contest without us.) So that's where it found us this morning. It'd been a chore to untangle myself from the girls that morning (As Rena had practically a death grip on me), and there was absolutely no way of keeping everyone asleep. Not to mention that if Jenavee and Rena caught me without someone watching over me in case of relapse, that they'd hand my hide to me on a platter and probably strap me down onto the bed for good measure. Sheathing my blade I picked up both my kids in my arms and nodded down to Kit. "How's about the four of us get some breakfast for everyone? That way we all can have breakfast together." Kit gave a happy yip while both kids smiled up at me and nodded while clapping their little hands together.
And so it went. Both Rena and Jenavee awoke to breakfast in bed while the rest of us ate there at the table. I'd decided to see if the kids could handle a something a little closer to solid foods but mush was all they really got, mashed up berries and the like. It seemed that they really didn't care for the taste and neither did I, when one of them knocked the spoon out of my hand and somehow it flew perfectly into my own mouth. After nearly gagging on the stuff for a minute, trying desperately to get the spoon out of my mouth but unable as it had somehow become stuck to the roof of my mouth, I finally noticed Jenavee quietly snickering there in bed.
Somehow a thought popped into my head that she had something to do with the whole spoon incident. 'No wonder these little guys are such fussy eaters. That stuff tastes absolutely awful.' After I saw that Jenavee and Rena had finished their own breakfasts in bed did I see the kids desperately start reaching out to them.
"It was a nice attempt Donovin, but I think that they still prefer...our kind of breakfast." Jenavee said as I couldn't help but blush a bit and nod to her. Picking up the kids from their high chairs, I deposited each to their mother and stepped back. After watching Jenavee and Rena fuss around a bit with some smaller blankets to cover themselves, the tikes settled in and happily began to nurse. "They are still a little young for moving up to that kind of food, but rest assured that when that time comes those we," She indicated both Rena and herself, "Will be happy to make proper children Pokémon food." To which I saw Rena nod to that as well.
" By the way Donovin. Where were you this morning? Both Jenavee and I awoke to find you out of your bed." Rena asked as I saw her blush a bit at something then look down to gently rock her little one in her arms. It seemed that she enjoyed having her little one nurse from her and just the thought of that made me a little...intrigued.
"Just out practicing." I pulled out my sword a fraction of the way, only to let it slide back into the sheath. "I haven't been out practicing in quite a while and thought that doing a little practice would help me to catch up with the amount of practice that I've been missed. Not to mention that doing my sword routine helped me to loosen up a bit." I rolled my shoulders a bit to emphasize the point.
"And were you out there...alone?" Jenavee asked in a tone that said that if I was that there would be consequences for doing that.
"Of course not. Kit was out there with me. So if anything were to have happened while I was out there she would've gone for help." A small wince went through me as I hoped that they wouldn't do anything to me while I was out there without them. "After all, the competition is going to be happening today and I need to...limber up." That last part seemed to pacify them and I visibly relaxed a little or at least when I saw them relax first.
About three hours later found me standing just beyond a curtain and messing around with some button or clasp on my Renaissance outfit. Never before had I felt so nervous that I couldn't stop finding stray strands of cloth sticking out of my shirt or pants that I was sure that the judges would see and take marks off from our performance. The last of the music was playing as one trainers Glaceon was finishing up its dance to the soft melody of some resound violinist. A few notes later the Glaceon finished with its dance and made a bow like motion as it tucked one of its front legs in front of the other then lowered its head slightly to the audience that quickly began to applaud their approval of the things performance. 'I can't believe that I'm this nervous before my own performance. I wasn't this way when I took on my first opponent in the sword arena. Undine would laugh herself silly if she saw me like this.'
I lost track of the Pokémon as a stray ball of fluff drifted down in front of my face and land on my shoulder. Once I'd brushed it off and looked back, the only thing on the stage was a trainer retreating to the far side of the stage. He didn't look too happy with his Pokémon's performance and would probably have some stern words for it later. 'He must be the Pokémon's trainer and had gone to collect the thing and then was leaving to await his score.' It was only then that something about the Glaceon sparked something in my mind but not fast enough as another person stepped onto the stage with his microphone.
"And that was Tommy and his Glaceon." There came a few more clapping and a few shouts of approval from the audience before the announcer raised his hand for silence. "Now, I for one am glad to announce the return of one of our rising stars. He may have fallen ill right after his first performance with his magnificent Milotic, but he is back now and ready to perform for us once again for our enjoyment. I am happy to present Donovin and his Pokémon for the dance competition, Jenavee...the Gardevoir." The crowd erupted into cheers and shouts as I slowly took a long breath and nodded.
Keeping my head lowered so that nobody could see my face, I slowly made my way across the stage to stop in the middle and turn to face the audience. With my head still lowered the overly large green hat with its two feathers stuck in the side (One long white and one short green that overlapped the white), I slowly took a knee and bowed to the audience. Slowly I reached behind me and flicked the back of my cloak with my left hand to make it flair out, but instead of lowering my left hand after the gesture I kept it out and upturned my hand as if waiting for something to fall into it.
A soft bit of music began to play and everyone in the audience began to look about them with confused looks on their faces as they'd never heard anything like it before. The sound started off with an instrument that sounded as if it had sand in it and began to be shaken to start a background rhythm that was slowly followed by some kind of electric instrument and other varying instruments that could hardly be placed due to the hypnotic rhythm of all the instruments blending flawlessly together. (Please play Little Light of Love by Eric Serra 'The Fifth Element')