Tribal (1 of 5)
Part 1 of 5 of a commission for Mirrk. A tribe has caught Mirrk, and as such... Well... They see him as a god, of course. How he is going to be treated there is anyone's guess, but I suspect it will involve a lot of offerings of food.
Mirrk couldn't see. He didn't know where he was, how he had gotten to his current location, or anything else about it for that matter. Instead, all that he knew was that he could neither see nor move. The last real memory that he had was walking through a forest he had never ventured into, all alone as he had broken off from his usual adventuring party after a fight. It had been a little fight, sure, but the drake wasn't one to stick around after conflict. He had been walking along, brushing the usual branches out of his face and trying to venture along with little interruption. That was all that he could remember, though, and try as he might, the mage couldn't place a finger on what had landed him in such a predicament. It wasn't as if this was the first time he had been bound and blindfolded for being somewhere that he shouldn't have been; however, that didn't mean that he was comfortable. The rope around his arms and legs chafed rather badly against his scaled skin, but thankfully he could at least still feel the robes along his frame; he was still decent. Squirming now that he was awake, the drake did what he could to try and find his bearings. His bindings were tightly around his limbs, though, and as such, he wasn't in a place to do much more than cry out for help.
Cry out Mirrk did, loud yells for aid coming from his maw in quick succession. It was only a few of those yells that were needed though, as, after just a few seconds of screaming for aid, a loud rustling reached the dragon's ears. Mirrk wasn't sure if it was truly aid coming to him, or if his captor was coming in to gag him. The drake hoped for the former but dreaded that it would be the latter as there was just the rustling and then no moves to free him right away. Instead, a jangling that sounded suspiciously like keys was heard by the dragon, and he didn't know just what to do with that sound. He cried out for help again, though this cry was shortly stifled by a paw over his muzzle. More jangling followed that paw, as well as more rustling. It didn't take much for Mirrk to figure out that more of his captors had joined him in the room; his reptilian blood was sensitive enough to heat to figure that out. Of course, he didn't want to panic much more than he was, but as he felt the room fill with what sounded like shackles and more bodies, he couldn't help himself. Shivers of fear ran down his spine, a light jostle of his plush rump and meaty thighs beneath his robe, showing just how much he was shuddering in fear. His tail coiled up behind him, his muscles all tensing for a flight from the room as he heard another rustle of the door. However, Mirrk knew he wasn't going to be going anywhere as he could feel the bindings tightening from his new struggles.
Mirrk was taken aback by what happened next, as the binding around his eyes was lifted. He had to blink a few times as the light flooded into his eyes, but upon getting at least an iota of his bearings, the drake could see that he was surrounded by kobolds. Each was as diminutive as he remembered them being, their bright red scales looking to almost shine in the sun as their attire was only enough to just barely keep them decent. Mostly women in the room, the drake was stunned to find that he had been bested by such small beasts. He was a formidable mage after all, and to think that such small creatures had taken him down was as embarrassing as it was infuriating. He wanted now more than ever to escape, but as the seven or so sets of eyes looked on at him with almost reverie in each one of them, the drake was again shocked by this. He didn't feel as though he was a prisoner by the looks he was getting, but something else... Something more powerful to the kobolds in the room, and as such, he simply blinked a few more times before giving a small nod that he was willing to keep quiet. The paw was removed from his muzzle as he did so, a small smile curling onto the female kobold's muzzle which had silenced him.
"I'm Katarina," the kobold said after a moment, her scaled paws sliding down to grasp his own bound ones. "We're sorry you were bound up upon arriving, but we couldn't have someone as glorious as you leaving without at least getting a meal and the attention you deserve." Her speech was again, revelatory, and filled Mirrk with a sense of ease as he looked up at his captor. Sure, he was bound up where he was and had little hope of fleeing, but something about how he was spoken to and the care in the eyes looking at him was calming. "We can feed that meal to you, but if you would like, we can undo these bindings so that you know you are no prisoner here."
"I'm not a prisoner?" Mirrk replied, his eye-ridge arching lightly in reply as he looked from Katarina to his bindings. The kobold shook her head vehemently, producing a knife from her side for emphasis. Mirrk jumped lightly at such an item but immediately calmed down as the knife went down to arms and cut the bindings there. From there, his legs were freed in a similar way, and he was left with just ropes loosely dangling on his appendages. Shaking said bindings free, Mirrk immediately leapt to his feet and looked down at all those around him. A few bowed their heads in shocked awe, but Katarina kept her eyes on Mirrk's. Seeing that let the drake know who was in power around him, and as such, he went from his standing position back to being seated on the makeshift bed on which he had been bound after a moment to look around at his surroundings.
"Not a prisoner, see? No... You are a very holy guest," Katarina said at last once Mirrk was sitting again. This caused both eyes to raise on the drake, as he was entirely unsure what was meant by that. Of course, he didn't think it was quite pertinent to ask. Katarina looked as though she had more to say too, so instead of questioning that odd wording, Mirrk instead gestured for Katarina to continue. "You can eat yourself, or we can feed and pamper you, of course. We would be honored to do the latter, of course... Though..." Katarina paused, looking over Mirrk's robes with a small bit of disdain. There was nothing wrong with those clothes as far as Mirrk knew; in fact, they had been specially made just for him at no small cost. Deep blue to accentuate his natural coloring, with a few bands and jewelry to complement his clothing even further as well as to amplify his magical power, the drake saw nothing wrong with what he was wearing. His host, however, did, as she cleared her throat to continue after a few moments of looking Mirrk over. "Your clothing isn't ideal for such an experience."
"Then what do you suggest?" Mirrk found himself asking, a bit shocked at those words leaving his mouth. Not a minute earlier, these lesser drakes had tied him up, and now he was willing to bend to their will as though it were nothing. Just what was he stunned, doing such a thing so quickly and easily. Mirrk went to correct himself, but he could already see Katarina bubbling with excitement at such a question and turning to one of the males in the room. Before a word could get out of Mirrk's maw, Katarina piped up.
"We have made you clothing already, and hope that you would honor us with wearing it," Katarina said, bowing her head finally to Mirrk as her arms extended towards the dragon. In those paws of hers was a loincloth like the ones which the males were wearing. On this one, however, carved into the leather were rays that looked to be like the sun, each one extending down from the top of the area, which covered the groin. A bit confused by this, Mirrk took the loincloth and looked it over. It looked as though it would fit him well, even with his generous proportions both in the crotch and his plush rear; his pear-shaped build had always made getting well-fitting pants an ordeal. He paid that little mind though, instead inspecting the loincloth for a few more moments before he just shrugged and moved to slide it on under his robe. He turned around as he did this, lifting his robe in the front with his paws and in the back with his meaty tail. His soft hips exposed to the cool air of the tent, Mirrk shivered slightly as he slid the loincloth up his legs and then around his waist. He could feel eyes watching his every move, making him rather bashful that he was showing off his meaty assets to the strangers which seemed to almost worship him in a sense. Of course, such a sight was one that they would surely enjoy, and Mirrk was enjoying all of the attention to himself. He was usually in the back of his party, casting supporting spells, so being front and center of all the attention of these kobolds was a new and exciting feeling.
Loincloth on, Mirrk turned around again, still clad in his robes. As he did turn around, he found two of the male kobolds standing on the bed where he had been seated. Each one beckoned him over, to which Mirrk complied without hesitation. There, the two took great care in disrobing the drake, both of them using gentle touches and soft, long motions to stroke along his frame as they slid his robe tenderly off his frame. The whole process was almost arousing to Mirrk, a fact which he did have to bite his lip to hide. It also left his entire body exposed to the cool air of the room, another shiver running down his spine as the chill found him nigh instantly. Of course, the kobolds could see that, the two who had disrobed him gently, placing their paws on his shoulders and lowering him down into a sitting position on the bed. Once the drake was there, the rest of the kobolds in the room stepped forward, and it took that to show Mirrk what the jangling had been that he had heard before was. He hadn't heard shackles at all; he had heard food and a good amount of it at that. It was more than he could ever eat, but it looked all just so perfectly cooked and prepared that there was no small part of him that thought about attempting it. His eyes alight, and looking down at the food with a bit of drool in his muzzle, the drake almost didn't notice that Katarina had stepped forward and placed one of her paws onto Mirrk's thick thigh.
"All of this is for you to eat, and we are here to make sure that you eat all of it. Each and every bite..." Katarina trailed off, and with that, the feasting was to commence.
"That looks like m-" Mirrk didn't get to finish his sentence before he could feel a morsel of meat pressing against his lips. Taking one whiff of the scent beneath his nose, Mirrk shuddered in delight for the sheer heaven that the meat smelled of. Not needing more of a push, the drake opened up and felt the meat slide between his cheeks. A decent size for a bite, the meat was even cut to perfection as it slid fully into his closing jaws. Chewing slowly, deliberately, Mirrk savored the explosion of flavors happening right in his muzzle. He couldn't put to words just what was happening inside his maw, but he did know it was almost a religious experience for him. He couldn't think of food that he had ever eaten that tasted so good, and in spite of his lithe looks, Mirrk was a heavy eater. This though... This food was something beyond that, and as he swallowed and opened up for another bite of that succulent meat, he knew he was going to enjoy himself with what was being offered up to his maw.
The feeding continued with the meat for a few minutes before the paws on his frame got to work. The males behind him got to work on his arms, shoulders, and back, their claws and paws lightly digging in to the scaled flesh beneath them as they expertly worked out every kink, strain, and sore spot which Mirrk had. Katarina set her paws, and sights down on Mirrk's thighs, rubbing them roughly to work out the tension which Mirrk didn't even know he had in them. Her paws weren't shy about going near his crotch either, several touches to his length happening in just the first few moments of the rubdown. The drake blushed heavily as this happened, the feeling of her paws and the ones of the two behind him already arousing enough as it was without the added touches to his sensitive, large package. That wasn't all though, as the two before him set their trays down and began to knead over his abs in a slow, deliberate fashion. The final kobold in the room pulled out a box of black ink and a brush, beginning to paint over those belly scales which were getting kneaded and rubbed down by the pairs of sensual paws which were working him over. It was a pampering of a lifetime, and it was more than Mirrk could have possibly expected when he came just minutes earlier.
The feasting continued on, the meat fading into vegetable dishes and then back to meat. It was always just enough for him to be satisfied with a flavor before another one came into the mix, and no two were ever the same. Rich potatoes with goats milk butter on them, slices of boar coated in honey, chicken with herbs that Mirrk had never tasted, fried carrots that had more of that delectable butter on them... The variety kept on coming, and Mirrk ate it all up as though he had never eaten before in his life. He could feel his stomach stretching and groaning as more food was forced into it, but the drake didn't once slow down in his eating. No, if anything, he began to speed up, even as his body was beginning to beg him to slow down. He could feel that tension on his stomach, but the rubbing and kneading that was happening to nearly every inch of his frame was too good to pass up. The massaging was just as varying as the food, too, though Katarina never once left his groin. Her paws stayed, and as they did, Mirrk could swear that he felt his member growing in length and his sac sagging lower and lower between his spread thighs. He was aroused though, his length at half-mast the entire time as he was worked over and fed more and more of the delightfully, almost sinfully good food. He ate with abandon, his eyes closed, and his whole frame leaned back lightly to just allow those paws more room to work over his frame, getting every knot, tense spot, or sore spot that could possibly be on his frame. The rubs to his feet were especially needed, Mirrk nearly choking on a large bite of beef as he groaned from the light touches to the soles of his sore appendages.
This process continued on for hours, and somehow through it, all Mirrk was able to get down every single bite of food. It was almost like tantric sex for the drake, though he knew no release would come at the end of it all. He was stuffed to the gills and then some by the end of it all though, his breath coming in short pants as he forced down the last couple plates of food. He almost didn't know if he was going to make it, but the kneading to his stomach had gotten more forceful at that point. It forced out a few drawn-out belches from his muzzle, making just enough room for him to get those last bites down into his straining gut, a part of him that he could feel bulging out from the monumental meal. It wasn't as if he was trying to stuff himself senseless, but he had done so regardless. He could feel the siren's call of sleep coming onto him as he neared the end of his feast as well, his eyes not having opened for many minutes as he ate the last of his meal. His hosts could also sense this, laying the drake down flat on his back as they continued to massage him. The sets of paws on his frame had ebbed as his meal drew to a close, just three pairs from the six when he had started, but Mirrk was alright with that; he was beyond content there. He had no idea what was happening to him, nor why, but he was as content as content could be in that moment; he could figure all of this out later.
As the last bite of food through Mirrk's muzzle and down to his packed gut, the drake groaned aloud from the stuffed feeling hitting him. Katarina, his feeder, and one of the males were all that were left of his entourage from earlier, and Mirrk was glad for that as another long belch rolled out of his muzzle. His gut was a tight as a drum now, and the drake slid both of his paws there to rub along its taut surface. He was stopped before he could get to the apex of the inflated ball, though, a pair of paws meeting his and causing the drowsy dragon to open his eyes and look up at Katarina.
"Please, the ink needs to dry on your stomach. It shows our work," she said, her grip gentle but steady around his wrists. Mirrk sleepily complied with the request, his paws sliding down to where his hips had stopped before, only to feel some more girth there than he expected. He had definitely gained weight from the monumental glut, as he could feel the softness of his thighs a lot more than when he had come into the tent earlier in the day. His package felt larger as well, hanging down near his knees... The loincloth already felt inadequate. It was no surprise for the drake, though, who wrote off the added length and sag of his sac to the hours of arousal and teasing that he had been subjected to. Of course, had he sat up and looked himself over, he would have seen that he was bigger all over; that took effort that the drake couldn't and wouldn't expend at the moment, though. No, sleep needed him... Badly, and he needed it just as badly at that point. His eyelids felt as heavy as his stomach, and a loud yawn came from Mirrk as he squirmed slightly to get comfortable on his bed. The feeder and male left as he yawned, a fact the drake heard from the rustling of the door to the tent. He didn't say anything to this, instead just letting sleep take him in. Just he and Katarina were in the room, and as he lay there, he could swear he heard a few mumbled words from the female kobold, who was still working over his thighs and groin with a gentle touch.
"..will you stay with us?" Was all Mirrk was able to make out, and he didn't know how to answer. If this was his treatment, then, of course... However, his relationship with these Kobold had started out being tied up and blindfolded, so who was to say what their intentions were. For now, though... Mirrk had just the answer.