Shayde's Story Chapter 3
He was losing control of his anger, and his attacks were getting wilder and wilder. many more cuts adorned his face, testament to the shadow's quick strikes. shayde stood up shakily, holding his injured arm.
Rune Weaver
This skill was unique to her generation of wilderness researchers, allowing others like her to _feel_, intimately, the world around them unlike any who had come before.
BX-132 Chapter 2
wilderness preserves like this were scattered throughout the country, adjacent to large cities and industrial zones. falstaff park lay adjacent to the port city of longbow.
The Golden Wolf
Finally he packed a few supplies and went farther out into the wilderness, setting up more of his traps once he was out far and alone. after a week, he began to lose hope that he'd ever succeed. his food was low and he would have to leave soon.
A Dream of Twilight
It was the end to a beautiful day, starting his week-long holiday out in this wilderness. -an hour later- stepping from the cabin, clad in his trunks, he flew out from the porch, heading towards the lake.
Aurora Sitka Ideas
Jobs in the forces aurora's mate aurora's cubs aurora's accomplishments # aurora's career rank advancements meeting albus koy andrea sitka meeting kisara meeting felix i sized up my newest group of long-term wilderness survival students and privately
The Lioness' decision
Quickly the entire herd disappeared into the african wilderness leaving the hunting party without anything to hunt. that was when she saw the mess that her carelessness had made. the pride would go hungry tonight.
The Lioness' decision
Quickly the entire herd disappeared into the african wilderness leaving the hunting party without anything to hunt. that was when she saw the mess that her carelessness had made. the pride would go hungry tonight.
Double Agent
He thought again to the wilderness of mirrors, infinite in its scope with no possible way out. doors were disappearing left and right, demons materializing out of thin air only to be fought at by angels with holy fire.
Tales of the Lost Chapter 9: The other Chosen one Zelos, the battle with Alice begins!
The fox said with a smile "i'm the great zelos wilder." marta then got surprised, but zelos said "i'm sorry, i have an appointment with the governor general.
Music review - Flood by Boris
The drumming becomes louder and wilder, completely submerging the guitar. the solo continues until we reach the 14th minute mark and the second suite begins.
Tribal Legends - The Water Wolves
Sometimes he stayed for the night in the wilderness, returning home next evening. once he found a lake high in the mountains. it was beautiful. quite big, cool, part of it hidden in a forest, part of it where high mountain walls entered the water...