A new school year Ch.3

She always did the best to make out house look good for company, the floors were shining so she must have waxed, all the dishes were done and even the book stand in the dining room was straightened up.

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An Early Morning Reflection

The lucky few who managed to find mates tut-tutted and waxed on about what was right and proper, never you mind that the numbers simply didn't add up.

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Prey for me [Ares part 1]

He cut his finger, leaving a drop of blood in the letter to prove his identity and sealed it with wax. after telling one of his most trusted runners where to leave it he fell down on the bed, letting the briefcase fall to the floor beside the bed.

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.1: Don't Change in Public Places

She had a long flat face with a long, beak like nose and could honestly have used a lip wax. "you may, madam. can i please have the account number?" jacque proceeded to be as polite as he could possibly put on for the sake of the customer.

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 10

Every surface of furniture was cluttered with papers, jars, and candles that had large accumulations of wax drippings binding them to the wood. "i apologize for the mess, but i didn't know i would be having company.

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Taming the Werewolf - 7

The moon tonight was three-quarters full and waxing, and so the smallest things set her off.


Lying Soldiers

Norlat, of green chitin that waxed almost aquamarine, and with large eyes, much like dinner plates, staring back that held an almost golden hue. she wasn't beautiful, by human standards - but i found her kind of cute. "you should sleep.

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Clipped Wings

, and the wax seal of a government agency you remembered only little about.


Daemon - Chapter 9 (Chasing the Curi'nakra)

He said handing me a scroll with a red wax seal on it. the image imprinted on the wax was the redpelt family sigil in the form of a rune in the old tongue. "you are heading to banuke are you not?" i nodded in response. "give that to the alpha there.

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Daemon - Chapter 21 (The Ritual)

After writing the letter and sealing it with wax, embedded the mark of the order of gensum knights, sir marc and his fellow knights departed the town an hour before the funeral would begin.

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Comrade Riders, One: Major Event Callout

After an hour out at the high 80 weather, he finally finished waxing his car. the flat black 1970 charger was once something that came out of the dump lot, originally burnt orange with a dark olive green cover.

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Can't Escape, Epilogue: Likes to Relax

Vincent pressed its latch and opened it slowly and carefully, finding within it an apricorn pokeball of even more ornate design than its case displayed, and a folded note bearing a wax seal embossed with elegant ideographs.

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