Strange and Wonderful Things: Auspices

This rapidly turns silly as we weave down the street, elbows linked, both of us waltzing theatrically down lanes which will, i know, lead to my apartment and up the stairs and to my bed.

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The Volantis Corps-Ch4

Why do you think that you can waltz in here without any resistance?" i ask. he looks at me for a long while, then he re-aims his gun at my wing arm and fires. i scream in pain and start falling.

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Luka's Adventures: the star fox series

"so your just an idiot who just waltzed into my office?" i switched my screwdriver to a high pitched wail for a second, causing the paneling next to me to shatter, fortunately it was still intact. "oops" i thought she was going to pop a vein.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter11

Just waltz right up as though you haven't noticed at all, another completely oblivious idiot off the streets and a perfectly hapless victim. naturally, they don't suppose you to be dangerous!

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The Forgotten Story - Chapter 1

It tries to tighten its grip on me but i'm not letting some robber waltz into my room taking me unawares. i squirm out from under the perpetrator's arm and rocket out from the sheets. the first thing i notice is the wall.

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Viggo's Redemption (Prologue)

The band played a series of lively tunes while the masses were waltzing, fox trotting and tangoing their way around the dance floor. i wasn't much of a dancer however that didn't mean i didn't enjoy the young couples enjoying themselves that night.

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Tangles - chapter3: Malls and Balls

I can't just waltz up to him and ask if he's gay. i don't really know him! besides, what if i scare him off or he's like some kind of homophobe or something and turns me in at school! b-besides! i came here to hang out with you guys!

Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 4

But you can't just waltz in here expecting to see the countess immediately. you'll have to make an appointment. she's very busy, you know." karme scowled, and the right guard winced as if he expected her to scream at him. "fine.

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Off Leash Chapter 3

She was the one who had waltzed into my home, told me everything i knew was wrong and then tried to pat my head as if i were a toddler! i failed to see how my being a cat at this particular moment had anything to do with my irritation.

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Off Leash Chapter 9!

The image of someone waltzing into my territory just helping themselves to my stuff struck a deep cord of revulsion. the sense of violation grew with every second.

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A Second Chance

Who gave you the right to just waltz on in and start going through my stuff?!" i complained indignantly, too high to realize they'd already answered that question. needless to say, they found everything.

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Unknown Worlds: MisLeading Goals

We had arrived into the hermit kingdom and landed onto the ground before waltzing, and i do mean dancing, our way straight for the castle. when we arrived there we... "is anyone going to even read the flashback, neriax?"

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