Something Fire-Like

Collecting as many vials as he could put in his pockets. and even after all he took, there were countless vials remaining. and he dreaded to think of their destinations. dreaded to think of this deadly stockpile.

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Trouble with Kobolds

Mordie wiped the blood on his jerkin while zephyr swatted out the burning areas on his robes, one of the kobolds had a vial of alchemical fire and decent aim.

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Escape from Xevog, part 2

Do you have a vial for that?" emily stopped and patted herself down. she pulled a vial from her pocket and said, "i have exactly one." "well, how about that." she stretched her arm, and james took the vial.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty Nine

A vial of gold liquid, as tall as i was, was spinning around and around in front of me. it was hypnotic. i couldn't take my eyes away. _a guy's got to have his secrets, amber.

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Scales and Scavs chapter 5, Back to the fort

While pacing, he saw a vial that said 'numb root.' he snatched it from the shelf, took some of the salve from the vial and slathered it over her tooth. "better?" when she nodded, he said, "note to self, never feed a baby yinglet a whole mollusk."

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A New Home (Edited)

Ok, good night asto" "good night, turi" as she walked to her room she remembered asto's surprise on the shelf, and she began to wonder what it was, she quickened her pace to get the surprise as she opened her doors and laid her eyes on a small red vial

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valkyrie's awakening (part one the child and the enchanter)

She picked up a small purple vial and took the stopper off, smelling it she held her nose, the smell was disgusting, the mage walked into the other room, his hands going for a cloth to wrap the ice in, he grabbed a cotton wash cloth and filled it with

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Nighttime Visions...

Once he was done, he set the cloth aside, capping the vial and putting it back in his pouch. he waited for thornpaw to regain the sanity in his eyes, then said: "it wasn't exceptionally bright to go out by yourself." "what was that shit?"

Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Five

I watched hungrily as he put the empty vial back into his inner pocket and gave me a mock salute. "well, i'd better get some sleep too," he said, making for the door. "looks like we've got an early start tomorrow."

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The Truth Within - Ch. 2 : Recovery

His nurse expertly grabbed vial after vial of his blood in quick order, occasionally spouting a small word to tell him of his progress. this had gone better than he had hoped. with a swift pull, davrin extracted the needle from monte's arm.

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Forever Legendary Ch.2 - The Legendary Darkrai

Angered, he threw the vial against the wall, crashing it and letting out the smoke. "nice handywork there, boss" the gallade snickered. "shut up!" pikablu shouted, "it's coming!

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 18 - A Trip Down Memory Lane

I opened my maw, flexed my fangs in sight as she pulled a vial below them. i could hear the little glass filling up with the clear blue liquid. "just a bit more." she smiled and pulled the other vial under my other fang.

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