Oracle's Hope

What was unusual was his under fur that started at from his muzzle and ended around inside his mid-thigh. where in other foxes it would have been white, here too it was black.

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Jack: Rexi & Talon -- 24. Rexi

He'd long since realized that zackton was unusual, but then the half-orc had been so far beyond any of rexi's experience that the truly unusual things had slipped by his notice. and sassy's notice.

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The Paths of Destiny - medium poem

It is the unusual pokémon of choices, many options lay beneath it's paws. it could gain defensive attributes, or attacks full of power, maybe extraordinary speed for such a little creature. the small body carries unexampled potential.

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Furry takeover AI version.

An unusual substance known as "purelatex" had engulfed the surroundings, causing panic among the residents. this viscous, pure white ink had an unsettling property - it transformed those it touched into fearsome inky versions of big cats.

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Seven - Chapter 1

It was an unusual city, split into two, distinct sections. there were the mountains of skyscrapers and high-rise buildings, home to the upper class with their cash and luxuries.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Eleven

What i eventually gathered from the bits and pieces of human speech i understood and from their gestures and postures which i understood far more was this: they were interested in my unusual size.

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Temptation 07 - Scene of the Crime

Which was what made it unusual. any wound small enough to only let out that much blood would have left a trail as the victim moved around and would be layered as the bottom bit dried up before new blood dripped on top of it.

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Demon Castle Digitalpotato - Intro

Do you dare try and go further and further in, exploring what kinds of unusual things that reside within the demon castle? just remember one thing. this castle is home to many demons. they are not the kinds of demons that you think of.

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Astral High - Chapter 11

His finger nails were made of bone, and i noticed his unusually large feet, not that every other aspect of him wasn't unusual.

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In Loving Memory- Demona.

She, as many of the other bizarre creatures he had seen and met, was unusual, but entrancingly beautiful.


Lost Pokemon Episodes.

It's not unusual for that to happen. rare colored pokemon don't tend to live long in the wild... i'm glad hakuzo could save the little fox in time. i fear it may have been chased after in the wild, and ended up here.

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WoW: Owl Odyssey - The Acorn Contest

Every eye was on the delighted huntress and her unusual flying companion. "dionna gracefully commanded, "i shall go first, as such to display the skill and superiosity of the night elves."

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