Even more strangely, the large skull of the t-rex, even in its fossilized state, showed indicators that the creature had additionally suffered burns sufficient to cause charring to the bone surface.
Poem by a sad wolf
My heart bleeds for you, you don't need to suffer, i can handle it. why do you pull away? cant you see my love for you? what joy you make me feel and that each beat i have may hurt, but that the great happiness you give me out weighs that?
First contact
He eventually got up, at first suffering from slight difficulties to stay upright but made it to the door and rattled it. there was no lock and it was massive.
My ending
And you shall suffer three times fold karma is a bitch, don't you know?
Lion King : Chapter ll Family extended part 2
Jewel left so she did'nt have to suffer your crualty. really well thats to damn bad i'll make sure to make her suffer extra. she was'nt kidding when she said she had the worst childhood. she was'nt lieing zira told me to make jewel's life a living hell.
Lion King : Chapter ll Family extended part 2
Jewel left so she did'nt have to suffer your crualty. really well thats to damn bad i'll make sure to make her suffer extra. she was'nt kidding when she said she had the worst childhood. she was'nt lieing zira told me to make jewel's life a living hell.
Remembrance to a Mentor
I look around and see him no more; instead i am looking at a world full of lies, cheats, scams, hatred, and suffering.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Five
Their enemy that had caused an immeasurable amount of suffering had ultimately helped their cities evolve. "ironic," muttered tang.
The Outlander 3 28
"now sandokhan you shall suffer as i have suffered!" "what you have suffered is nothing in comparison to the suffering you have made others endure," "oh really?"
Promised Land
The tendency to fetishize suffering for its own sake had always reeked of nihilistic, anhedonic judeo-christianity to eli.
The boy never knew i existed but i grew to love and care for him as my son just the same. when he suffered i suffered. when he was happy i was happy. for a time i thought that i would be able to live as being a prisoner in my own body as long as my son was
The Deserter
And not only dinosaurs were suffering. some of the lower creatures, such as the mammals, were feeling the stress, and tried to flee their homes.