My ending

Story by SilverwraithStar on SoFurry

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#2 of Poetry

Another one of my poems, I had decided to write.. See if you can guess the feelings behind this.

I stand at the very edge today

Wondering if I shall ever fade

The tattered skirting, flows with the wind

Holding me back.. from my treacherous end

The cold stone, beneath my feet...

Keep them blood covered, and sore...

Barbed Wire, wrap around my legs...

My pleading cries, wake me up from my death bed

No one else... hears my begs and pleads for help..

I begin to fade, without a sign..

The memory that you had of me.. distorted because of a few lies

You had no idea of how it would torture me so..

You say that you loved me...

And I say that I loved you too..

But, when you believe, such a false judgement..

Does that mean that I had already began to wither away

The knife that you once so called, pulled out..

You drove it in deeper without a care of when and how

The tears I now cry

Make my eyes dead and dry

My heart now hollow from the inside out

Would you ever care, if I disappeared from this drought?

Memories shall fade..

As time shall pause..

My loving feelings for you.. Shall never end..

The image I hold of you, now drenched in blood

If you would look and see, the patterns of my cuts

None related to you

However, you opened me up

Stepped inside

Never gave a 'What for' on how I might die

You pleasure yourself, to my aching screams

My eyes filled with fear, and just plain agony

Is this what you wanted?

My oso great pain to me called yours?

Or for my screams, to fill your doors..

My blood tracing.. Back to my treacherous end

You were never the one to hold me in

The wind, and my freedom.. For which I live for...

I would rather die if I fell in love once more

My heart shatters, and my bones break

But my mind, is still awake..

And you shall suffer three times fold

Karma is a bitch, don't you know?

I will pray that you won't suffer like I did

But , Part of me wants you to understand what it is

What it is to love and care

But then again, you can rot in your despair

I'd never give a second thought to if it was fair

I just know that I'm done with this last and final dare

You no longer have my care

So suck it up you so called man, and beware.