An Odd Proposal

It was hard to make out the scent over the still overpowering stench from the other room, but it didn't seem all together unpleasant.

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Character Sheet: Selen Shepard

-miasma: a foul stench of rotting flesh invades the air, draining strengths from enemies around. -plague: spreads the plague to her enemies, which causes their skin to quickly rot and kill them.

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--god, the stench!--didn't these people use deodorant? there were other smells, too...smells of food, blood, sweat, feces, and a variety of animals.-- roger couldn't ever remember having smelled so many odors at one time!


Clown Mare 9-1

Also, with that awful stench of a pony's death. "i was standing right here and all of the sudden we heard that howl noise. we all scattered but i think one of us saw it. the dead body. they told me by letter that half of the lower body was missing."

Tower of Ancients Chapter 12~ Deadly Mistake

_"last angelic my ass, not even you can suppress the rotting stench of death from my nose." the blazing beast said._ angelos quickly grabbed hold of the beast's claw as he thrust forth his other hand.


Whispers on the Wind Part 2

He opens the refrigerator door to a further assault of stench. more rotten food lay decaying inside. "how long had i lay sleeping outside?" the emptiness in his stomach is outweighed by the emptiness in his mind, heart, and soul.

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Accidents Happen - Part 2

The house was aflame from the inside, the fields alive with heat, the stench of thick oil drowning out the smell of burnt flesh. this was no accident.

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Once the smell of the dragon hit her though, her nose curled at the stench, but the young panda just did her best to remain professional. "one buffet?" "y-y-yes..."

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Temporal Anomaly

The unmistakable stench of a raccoon reached my nose and i knew that i would probably be dealing with an untrustworthy thief.

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Meeting the Emperor

Wade was not only struck by the sheer size of those feet, and the relative dirtiness, but the stench that met his nose. he had never smelled anything like it! it burned his nostrils, fogged his head, made him stare at the soles.

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The Story of Aarya

Another inhale, and she caught the stench of fresh blood, warm against the cool fall air that carried it to her nose. it wasn't the scent of a normal fur's blood, it was a scent unique to aarya's blood only.

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Blood Part I

The metallic stench of his blood was everywhere, but so too was the wolf's fear scent. it was a pitiful scene. i had seen enough. with nothing except cold efficiency i began. i approached.

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