Kamen Rider Zero: Chapter Special (Part 2)

However, before he was able to get very far, tess fired off a special arrow that burst into bolas. the bolas quickly wrapped around mobius and weighted him down, causing him to stumble and fall onto the stairs themselves.

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A Special Gift (Anthro Vaporeon TF/TG) [COMMISSON

Blue had just landed in Florida ready to start his vacation. He had planned to spend a whole week hanging out the coast, namely at the beach soaking up the sun, meet some new people, hit up some tourist attractions, and have an all around good time. He...

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Kamen Rider Zero: Chapter SPECIAL (Part 1)

This is a special book...written with _you_ in mind..." somehow unable to resist, zero's vision slowly blackened as he slipped further and further into unconsciousness.

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Wolf hound special ops: the three wolfs (cap.3)

III Animals of War escapa Aunque las creaciones del doctor Hemerich tenían mucha inteligencia, la parte de animal que había en ellos los dominaba súbitamente, haciendo que la ira y la sed de sangre los dominará, en el cambio genético, se...

Wolf hound special ops: the three wolfs (cap.2)

II Vitrum nivei. Es egoísta pensar que en la enormidad del cosmos, la Tierra sea el único mundo que alberga vida. La pregunta es, ¿qué tan lejos está el planeta con vida más cercano? ¿Qué creerías si supieras que hay un décimo mundo en nuestro...

Wolfs Hound Special Ops: the three Wolfs (capitulo 1)

I Proyecto: Soldados Genoma Estados Unidos: Una de las más grandes potencias del mundo logró alcanzar lo inimaginable: Con su poder científico-tecnológico lograron crear soldados más fuertes, combinando el genoma humano con el de los animales más...

Kauto and MW - Top Gear American Special Part 5

#5 of mw and kauto - top gear american special i must admit this may not be my best if i'm honest.

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Saving the Spirit !~(Suprise Easter Special!) Cracking a Hard Shell

NOTES: Happy Easter guys! I wanted to provide some comedic relief for y'all. This happens about a decade before the last chapter. Enjoy! Crowley was painting a blood-red pentagram egg when Aziraphale's digigrade leg bumped the wooden table, shaking...

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Koto (Chapter 5: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained)[Extra Length Special]

Welcome to chapter five. I had to delay this chapter because I was busy, but I decided to make double the length of a normal chapter to compensate for the wait. For whatever reason the site is messing the indents on a lot of the paragraphs. Please make...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 20 - A trip down Memory Lane - A Special Bond

"miss.ull, you said you would teach us about 'special bonds' today, right?" someone from the crowd called. miss.ull kept on smiling. "that's right nilo! today we'll be...well lets say not "learning" but "finding out" about our own special bonds.

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chapter nine

Selling of virginity- no special deal with monarchs for heirs- yes special deal with dukes for heirs- yes special deal with baron for heirs-no special deal with knight for heirs- no special deal with commoners for heirs- yes and no (depend on client )

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 5

If i control a dark magician girl, i can special summon her master from my hand or deck. i now special summon dark magician! the powerful mage appears on the field, as i smile.

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