Clown Mare 6
You of course turned your head to the right after the subject tag on his left ear was sixty-seven and then you gave that smirk. the stallion before you stood there and then spoke with a pure deep voice, "i'm here to buy some slaves from you."
Dro'amoreth the Wise
At the age of sixty-eight, dro'amoreth became the harbinger of the companions, being granted the legacy by the noble nord warrior, kodlak whitemane.
240 A Placidity Of Kine
He wonders whether the dragon still fell from the sky in its vessel of twisted iridium back sixty-five million years ago in the sethura continuity, or maybe whether it was just a really large rock, or nothing at all, and if so whether this has affected the
Prison Cell (Thursday Prompt 23/8/12)
Countless hours being wasted here stapling papers, the metal running the pulp through like swords, i don't know if i'll make it to sixty five. hell, i don't know if i'll make it to midnight. still, i quietly sit here in my prison cell.
Game Over Chapter 3 Black Knight
They had only one hundred and thirty five coins while their opponents had three hundred and sixty eight.
Chapter III: New Friends Part II
"now, come on, earl, i wouldn't dare have him inside of me," joel retorted, "damn fool got himself irradiated with some cockamamie scheme at making a teleporter, he'd probably give me cancer, or worse, turn me into a female, and i'd end up having mutant sixty
The Soul Card
"that's one down only sixty to go." i pulled the amount of cards i had and looked at them all. i will stop the game of soul. i was lucky enough to find the soul card of healing without having to kill someone, but i wonder why the card was left.
1/365 - First Encounter.
Three hundred, sixty, and five bits of writing. may be come a series, or independent stories. i present to you a short story, written less than an hour. roughly about a thousand and twenty words in totality. what's this bit, you might ask?
Strait from the Sales Block
The woman, she looked young but could easily be in her sixties smiled, her pearly veneers would never tarnish and she would pay to remove any creases from an indulgence like a smile. 'he's privet counsel to the prime minister of the great britain.'
TFW Chapter 3: Welcome Home
"twenty four seven, three sixty five" aniu said chuckling. charity growled and ran back to kunari. "i wanna stay with little brother!" silence followed charitys demand. aniu sighed. "what?!" kunari couldn't believe what he just heard.
The Forotten Wolf, Chapter 2: Aniu's charity
"twenty four seven, three sixty five" aniu said chuckling. charity growled and ran back to kunari. "i wanna stay with little brother!" silence followed charitys demand. aniu sighed. "what?!" kunari couldn't believe what he just heard.
Wolf Hunt - the wolfess
Despite of this, she was sixty five pounds of pure killing force, her eyes sparkled keenly and her overly large paws hit the snowy ground both gracefully and silently.