Burning Heavens PT1
An alarm blared on the console- we had six heat seeking rockets coming in, from one of the planes. i smashed a button nearby that to release flares to divert the rockets; five were diverted.
World in conflict: CH7 The 7th Sentinel Battailion
Our helicopter fired off 4 of its s-5 rockets and fired its gshg-7.62 gatling guns, the rockets hit there targets killing most of them and the gun, although fired for a few bursts shredded the surprised northerners. leaving their bodies sawed in half from
Watcher of Arceus Chapter 7
With both radara and thomas having taken down half of the rocket's pokemon so quickly, the rocket members began to worry.
Guardians: Chapter two
Ziggs will wait right outside of the exit point and take the team and the objective away from here while me and gleets rocket off whoever tries to follow."
Zero's the Unsung Hero - Part One - Intro - Seemingly Harmless IT Technicians and a War on Red Team
As he said that, a hornet flew straight up in the air and fired round after round and rocket after rocket at the banshee, and in no time at all it was taken down.
At the boy as once again he used his legs to kick away the rockets "you can't be serious" tsume said surprise as red growled "you best believe this is real honey and it's just going to get even more harder" mercury said as
Arc 1 - Pebble - 4: The Extensions
"better he sees it now then just as we're making contact with rocket," he pointed out and seraph gave a sigh of acceptance at that.
The batted breaths seeming slow than usual shifting again with more rocket attacks on all sides. "ke-keep going" stumbling past as he tripped again. he pulled back as something stick to his boot.
Lost Pokemon Episode: 16 - Fighting Fire with Magma
"if we release you, i want you three to promise us that you will return any stolen pokémon you have and abandon team rocket. from this day forward choose to fight against team rocket and help put an end to their acts.
Defense of Home
rocket launchers that had been used up lay about on the ground, the destroyed vehicles up ahead being an indication of the fighting that had been taking place.
Isolation-Excerpt 22-Primal
One of the bots was on an m23 .50 caliber hmg and a second was holding a rocket launcher. i quietly pulled the grating on the vent up and pulled a flash bang out from my vest, setting it down on the steel in front of me.
Chapter 5 - Departing and Arriving
"thanks, then few months ago, team rocket captured my daughter, trying to have some experiment on her because she's a hybrid." "guess we have something in common. team rocket almost killed me and my mate years ago." ronac said.