Suncrest - Chapter 6

Our reputations would skyrocket. we might even get statues." "that's a big if, gi. besides, i don't need my reputation further dragged by having to run thrice from the same target." "which is why we gotta get it right the third time.

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The Dragon and Kitsune

I act not in control, not to score victory, and yet we get our reputation as tricksters and players of games. huh? why is that?"

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Changeling, the Dreaming - A Basic Introduction

Redcaps are a species of ill behaved faeries who have a reputation for being disruptive miscreants.

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If i am writing a professional novel with 150,000 words and my reputation is on the line, then i will have 10 drafts, send the story to friends & family for feedback, and then i will send it to another professional who will edit this for me.

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Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Brothers Will Be Brothers

"i have a reputation to uphold, remember?" "heheh-yeah..." donichus looked over at jaqaran, who smiled back. and then he turned to the throne, a smirk spreading across his face. "so... 'what you truly felt was right in your heart?'"

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Clown Mare 2-3

reputation is high key in society. one little mess up, and we all could be in a path of regrets. the pressure would be on all of us." * * * a pony walked towards the big circular table with ten chairs around it.

(poem) Let’s Hear It for the Fox

Petty thieves, such reputation keeps foxes low in their station fantastic thefts or robbing 'hoods, foul fellows named in motherhood?

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The House on Rainbow Road - 03 - Molly

Without a single man to notice, they snipped and degraded every girl they saw, building their own images upon the shattered reputations of others.

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Same Business, New Location: Introduciton

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it takes ten years to make a reputation. it takes ten seconds to break it. -unknown ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i grunted as the large ursine slammed his meaty paw into my face yet again.


Kanova Lore

Perhaps one of the most immoral companies the universe has ever known, kanova has achieved a reputation that's just as fearsome as the cruel wolves they work for.

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Saphira's Heat Preview

With their history and reputation the people would see forsworn, not riders. no one else is capable of this job eragon.' eragon sighed and smiled.

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1. A Touch of Vandalism

I see that pinkville high lives up to its reputation." in some ways, the worst part of it was that rachel's father didn't even punish her.

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