Destiny With A Dragon - Chapter 5
Thor paused and said reluctantly "yes father" "then i dismiss you my son" with the cue of his father, thor stood and entered the room to the left of the throne. coming upon a long staircase that dropped far below the surface of the great city.
The sisters reunite
reluctantly, sigarda's eyes met her sister's. there was no resentment, if fact there was even a joy of sorts. but there was no warmth, either. a silence filled the air, as the light from sigarda's spell died.
Year: 3116 march 8 after many peace meetings, earth reluctantly agrees to an idea to determine peace between earth and corneria.
Spectember: Ichthyornithid Parrots
Like all ichthyornithids they lack derived brain anatomy seen in our birds, so they are somewhat less agile flyers and in this particular species rather reluctant at flying.
The fox and his bunny gamer
She desperately looked at the legend of zelda link between worlds but said nothing alex grabbed the game and bought it "come on lets go" dani was reluctant to go loving the store but complied the two went back to their home "so now what?"
Life's Pains (Part 1)
I reluctantly decided not to pursue it further, knowing he would tell me in his own time. i was proven right as he turned and said "alpha?" i looked over at him, "hmm?" "i actually do have something to tell you, but you can't tell anyone."
Life's Pains (part 1)
I reluctantly decided not to pursue it further, knowing he would tell me in his own time. i was proven right as he turned and said "alpha?" i looked over at him, "hmm?" "i actually do have something to tell you, but you can't tell anyone."
Remember Me, My Love
The orange of the sunrise is starting to glow softly over the forest path on which i reluctantly walk. she's not standing there anymore...she must have gone inside now.
unspoken words
It truly is a revealing state of reluctance, the things i cannot share. i wish to share the world with you, the lands and oceans. yet i hestiate to share a word with you, the laughs and tears.
Tempers Are Rising
**_by whispering, the father resigned himself, reluctantly:_**"alright, i won't insist this time. but i'll end up to discover what's happening. whether you like it or not." **_and in turn, left the room._** "yeah. that's the problem."
Research Log [#008]
The lapd, upon arriving at the facility (after being reluctantly granted entry to the facility by the higher officials) were outwardly frustrated to find that most of the scene had already been cleaned up, with most, if not all, potential evidence being disposed
Mewtwo's Christmas Carol
What he had heard could simply not be true the legendary psychic who had earned his reluctant admiration could not possibly take pleasure in such an idiotic celebration!