Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 21
"(at least i pranked you good, huh?)" both hellhounds laughed and kept talking until it was late at night, when eshdar waved anubis goodbye.
Demon house
Thinking my sister was pulling a prank or that she must have seen a spider in this old house i went to go help or get her.
As a kid nigel loved pulling pranks that mostly ended up with him getting badly hurt. it was until one day his father nate gave him a brown whip with 4 tails on it, for no reason he found it.
Journey to another world pt3 ch95
'i doubt that their will be any pranks from ghost pokemon on this level either.' i thought as i looked up to samantha and saw her looking about the room.
Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale
Just a prank. but... on the small impossible chance... "i choose the pirate life and will explore the endless ocean. i will play the game like a true pirate would! with cunning, ferocity, and ambition."
Time Stop
I tried calling them, shaking them, hoping that this is all a prank. however, no reactions at all. i started to panic, and i ran outside, hoping that whatever this is, is only happening in my apartment.
The Dark Choir
Steel slowly placed his hand onto the mummy's cheek, "my emotions have been returned, this is no prank. i also owe you a great deal.
Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!) - Part 2
As orca left the throne room, her head began to fill with all the fun pranks she still had left to pull upon her 'omma.
Simultaneous Past
Even if there was a prank, it did not make the study invalid. in fact, it would support the supposition that folks who claimed to be reborn famous figures from history were making it up.
Chpt 26- Seven Years
You and luna were always playing pranks on me and i on you. i saw you as a younger brother at that time but before the day you fell into the forest i started to see you as more then just the colt my parents took in.
Birthday Balloon 4
Travis gave an evil grin as he threw it away, "i love playing pranks on the new guys." unfortunately, he never read the warning label, "not for comsumption!" thwump! dayton was pinned down to the mat, "oof."
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 4
Either bogo was pranking her or he was oblivious at all that happened, adira wondered, as she stayed as flat as possible to prevent herself from getting blown off. the fun started to dwindle for adira after a minute of clutching onto the car.