magic wells
parents left next morning the parents came back to the well to spend time with there infant boy the well became human to speak to parents.
From Un-caring to passionate
His scales were much different from his parents his parents were white with red and his were black with blue, and he was somewhat taller than his parents his parents were 4'10 and 4'9, while he stood at 5'11 when his parents asked "what is that garbage
Chapter 9-Is this the End or the Beginning (Final Chapter)
About my foster parents abuse and attempts at murder.
Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 12
As he sat there, alone, he thought about his parents and how right they were. * * * marshall wasn't sure how to break the news to his parents that he was gay. he had always felt different.
No Frills: Siber
The teachings he got from his parents became more distinct at this stage of siber's life.
Tales of Zootopia: Wynn
Wynn told the story of how their parents treated them, and their parents' lives were ruined ever since. wynn told the police and the public about what their caretakers did to them.
Axel the wolf
About 3 hours passed and he finally reached his parents house located in the deepest part of the country side, hidden among trees, he knew his parents loved the privacy they had in the country but this was ridiculous he didn't remember his parent's house being
The Lost Hatchling
He never again left his parents side or went against their word.
Sprite Master: Chapter 2
He smiled as he had things he would think of his parents as he was at his new school. he then looked at his parents. "what school will i be going to. is it a magic school like mom went to when she was young?"
Life Beyond the Snow: Chapter 2
And very soon after, those... thugs came in and started yelling at my parents. my parents tried fighting them, but they were just too strong. they.. th-they pinned my parents on the ground, and my parents just looked at me..
Chapter 1: The Unfortunate Day
Imminently his parents orders the kid to run away , to save him self and do not look behind. the voice of his parents were very strange , he never heard them talk like that before.
tigers on the brain part 6
"i guess i wouldn't since i don't have real parents. my parents died when i was 5. but even though they died and i'm adopted. there is one thing my real parents always said to me.