Eyes like the Forest (5)

While normally he would find company in solitude, the traveler had questions, so when a fellow passenger, a farmer, sought conversation, no-longer-gray was pleased to oblige.

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Who Coulda' Guessed? WIP!!!

If you are not legally allowed to read this or not morally obligated to read any part of this, navigate away from this site. you obviously got lost on your way to nyan cat.

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She had never used the mirror but it was a gift from her son from nine birthdays ago, so she felt obligated to keep it in a prominent position. the magnified glass brought out too many flaws in her fur for her liking.

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The Color of Passion

As john obliged, sherlock lowered one delicate hand to his trousers and slipped the zipper down. ---- jon's eyes widened with surprise, his fingers halting on the leather strap of his belt.

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Uncommon Attraction

Perhaps it was in her nature to not oblige any rules, being someone who was quite exotic not only in this part, but in this world as well. a wickerbeast. she was a rather short, white beast with long, pointy ears, a short maw, and a thick, strong tail.

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The First of Many...

Was i to oblige in this barbaric quest for a truth that i wasn't owed, by an almighty whom i felt had every right to keep it from me?

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File #9 - Determination"

The ensign obliged, skillfully tapping over the control panel with her fingers.

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389 Many Years Earlier

He starts rolling a suspect-looking cigarette and doesn't seem to want to say anything else, like he's discharged some sort of obligation by telling someone, anyone what he just overheard.

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Vapor Trails

The birds would cry out to the universe in a chorus that they were alive and happy to be alive but that would not create in the universe any sense of obligation.

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Seven Days- Part V

You've got obligations beyond selling houses and making money. you would come to god's house when you felt like you wanted it but you weren't really following his will.

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Dishonest Departure

I oblige and kiss him. i only let is last for a moment; i want to hold it, but part of me is still uncomfortable with the judging gazes of random strangers. even if it's all in my head.

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Dinner With A Dragon

Midsomer obliged and together they gazed off into the sunset. she was surprised when the drake began to sing in what could only be the tongue of his kind.

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