I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Three

"no, no, no!" he yelled as he felt himself being pulled out of his chair. he grabbed the armrests, but it was no good.

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Speak Our Minds

"no. no, that's not what i'm saying." "no?" "no." pause. "it's just what i grew up with. it's ... part of my faith." pause. "but it can't happen, and ... so, i know. so ... and being mates is just as good. it's special."


I, Dacien -- Chapter Twenty: Displacement

"i see no reason i could not function as a lens," chelm said. "ah," said sasha. "i suppose you would be familiar with that. but no. you're not trained for it, and there's no need to risk such a thing." "i wasn't aware training was required."

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The Will of Kings - Chapter 1

no offense is intended. this is copyrighted to me (mewjen(at)ymail.com), so no using it without my permission and no stealing it (any profits must be shared). this is a work of fiction.

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Writing Assignment: After waking up from a Dream

My mind cleared of vagueness and my thought perceived reality. > > i had no you. i had no one. no one to love. no one to fill the void in my heart. i was fantasizing. > > i was alone and all was just a dream.

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W.O.L.F. 5 - Darwin Zones

- no. - no. - no. - ummm... no. - hey, wait, not even smallest ones? - self-arrival. no dropship. that's close enough from tower city to make no difference. no diving suits, just rebreathers, there's no major diving expected.

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Hunting Death- Heading to Town

What's worse, is that it also means that we potentially will no longer be able to use our greatest defense, which is that no one knows what we look like.


Ragnarok - III

no more. their laughter was like sleep after a watch. they bore to us great mugs of mead. no more. my lady, all the others: now no more. it was not safe, though they were warriors too. it was not safe. now we wait on ourselves.'

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The Echoes

There's no wind, no rain, no snow, (the strange wakers told us about these things called weather) no sounds, not even from us. we all stopped talking when the echos disappeared.

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Running in the Rain

no preparing, no planning, no thinking of what's coming ahead. just doing. just living. just being! carolyn. because, you unwilling idiot, that's not how it works. life isn't just a wish. you have to work for it to make it work for you. ryker.

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The Taste of Terror Chapter 2: Long Term Relationship

"no...no...thanks, mate, but no. yes. no. tomorrow then? okay, i'll - i said no, ryan! ...yeah, see you." he grinned to himself as he ended the call, looking happily around at his surroundings.

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The Hero of Kvatch - A Prequel Fanfiction

I really had no idea what to do next. if i walked through those doors, there was no hiding. i had no weapon. i had no armor. i didn't even have any clothes! i sat and thought, and honestly i cried. "what the hell was i doing there?" i remember thinking.

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