A Legend is Born

This however is only legend, only myth, only story, or at least thats was what i was lead to believe.....

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Orange of the Twin Pools

I heard various yarns about it: legends, myths, and witness encounters. one stuck out to me the most.

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One night.... (The unoficial continuation) pt3

After much deliberation, i decided that it would be best to leave everything exactly the way it was, but perhaps i will encounter more legends that were believed to be myths.

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The Journal of Naltar Tel'Zan (Intro)

However, as years go by, the truth gets covered by lies, until all becomes a myth or legend._ _to you who reads this astounding tale, i pray you may find truth in it.

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#12 of poetry "ishamentaru, god of noon, was in some accounts of the myth held to be the son of barolan, god of sunrise.

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Most of the survivors mutated into creatures of myth and legend. dragons were the most predominant. gryphons, hydras, and minotaurs were also common. those that didn't mutate were killed by the new inhabitants of the city.

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Gleaming Gold

Often their influence is so subtle that in many places the thought of them even having an ability like allure is thought to be laughable or a myth. although not everything is known about them there is one thing every dragon knows.

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Through The Pass - Part 1

"they have enough technology to comfortably adjust to life in a city, but they have all these elaborate myths to explain natural occurrences, and things they don't know. why?"

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 12

It's like the human myths of the afterlife. they hold the camps over our heads as 'hell' and rawss is 'heaven.'" meriah looked at him and tried to disagree, but when she thought about it, she saw the same thing.

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Maybe All Confessional Essays Should Be Written In Blank Verse

And how much more was it a crisis when one of them (me,) all accidentally, discovered that gay people did exist, if only in myth, legend, and san fran. (my uncle, mother's brother, he was gay. he lost lovers and friends to hiv.

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Funeral on a Station (Otherwise Untitled)

As he carefully arranged a friendly grin across his muzzle, he was silently thankful that the gods of old were nothing more than myths. he wasn't entirely certain that he'd be able to explain to one the nobility of his deceptions.

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Apocalypse book Chapter 1

There is a myth that martesium is the only thing that can kill satan, and god too. when night approached, jake had to put blankets over the armory windows. he did this because the nighttime sentries are more thorough than the daytime sentries.
