Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 24

A hundred years may have passed since the last invasion, but everyone knew that new crossing gates were signs of an invasion, as it broke the peace treaty between the surface world and the former monarchs of the outer

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Maternity Maneuver

The dragon monarch stood up, wobbly at first, but quickly regaining her grace and imposing stature. mali dwarfed the three conspirators, the half-orc only managing to come up to her chest with his six feet in height.

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Chapter 19

He swallowed hard, he was in the presence of a very important figure, similar to a president or monarch! seeing james' change of expression, chancellor phanes laughed lightly. "please, don't concern yourself with my status.

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Payment and Payback

Every forty years, a youth is apprenticed by a special advisor of the monarch. when their training is up, they are taken somewhere, and come back different. they are sound of mind but their bodies are mangled in some fashion. at least that's the idea.

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Equestria's Lost Souls

It wasn't that she didn't trust and respect them enough to understand her feelings, but... she was their monarch. it was expected of her. like so much else, it was all unspoken, yet implicitly expected. finally though, the time came for the talk.

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How it Ends.

Kept hidden by storms and illusions for an eon, the lost nation of naghant re-entered the world, her queen stepping onto the world stage with all the grandiosity befitting the glass-crowned monarch of the jeweled city of ocala.

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The Unintended Curse ch14

"be as it may, as proper etiquette dictates i should lecture you in higher society and its monarchs, but seeing as my business is that of a higher matter, i must remain on topic."

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Lord and Master (Goldeneye's backstory) - Part 1: Coalesce

Http:// he is the light of the eastern sun, supreme monarch of the serapian realm, lord of the sky and earth, eternal master of all he surveys, devourer of mortals... the emperor of all.

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Transcend - Part 1

Somewhere in the back of the fallen monarch's mind--the part of her mind that wasn't focused on the growing drain on her energies--she was berating herself. she had grown cocky. it had started so innocently.

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All's Fair - Part 5

I walked into composition like a returning monarch on bandaged paws, gave the royal marine a saucy wink, laughingly got the homework from friday and brushed off his concerns.

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Chapter 8: Home is Where The C Wing is

The professor and monarch ran briskly down the northern corridor and stopped abruptly in front of the escape pods. kira scanned the three pods casually, then said. "she's in this middle one right here. open it."

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Ofenna's Royal Proposition

They soon reached a point where they didn't need to strike any further bargains, but they never forgot the tribe of monkeys that helped him climb from outsider to monarch.

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