Indigo Nights- Chapter 13: Mr.Kuiper
Are they a zenith, or are they masquerading as one? do they not like girls because not so deep down they wished they were one?
Necessary Monster
To keep this eternal struggle behind the curtain of a vast, coordinated masquerade that would keep normal people blissfully unaware. aspects of the compact changed over the centuries. new signatories were added. old ones died off.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 56
masquerade never ends.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 32
The pressure of accomplishing the mission was gone, as well as the painful masquerade of pretending to be someone else in front of the dragon. relief was all that was left.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 14: Puzzles, Riddles and Enigmas With No Answers
The being masquerading as an otter said gently. "and here we are all safe and sound while this is happening." the hyena replied. "probably the only safe area away from all the crazy out there." doria added.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 43
He spoke to every wolf and every animal masquerading as a wolf, he spoke to every soul and the darkness inside every soul, gathered together into the force nilia had called 'hunger', the force that demanded death and sacrifice above all else, the force that
Alcatraz Ch X~Dissonant Attraction
Brasilia esquadrao was large and larger than life in gra units, and what had once been a global squadron of many had grown into a full battalion of underground soldiers that masqueraded as the broader brazilian branch of the gra military.
Journal of Zarek Heartfiekd: Finnick Follies
Cousin jeffrey, or malcolm as he prefers to be called by his middle name by people in public, been wandering around masquerading as a human and meeting the local lillilin whom taken to him like they knew him before.
My unit is what matters, not this pathetic piece of crap unit you masquerade as an army." a pause and a subtle tilt of his head, his eyes flicking over his shoulder as he added quietly: "lower your weapons or i'll kill you.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 43
He spoke to every wolf and every animal masquerading as a wolf, he spoke to every soul and the darkness inside every soul, gathered together into the force nilia had called 'hunger', the force that demanded death and sacrifice above all else, the force that
Everwinter Ch39: Center of Stillness
But how did you know, i went trough great effort to masquerade myself." the executor seemed to roll his eyes and placed his glass on the balcony railing, "i merely needed to observe the others to know you were the one.
We'll Always Have Coffee
There is a truism for many writers and artists that fiction is merely truth dancing at a masquerade ball; artistic works without truth are transparent, pointless exercises in mass production.