Necessary Monster

Story by Shale_the_Smiler on SoFurry

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In a rapidly changing world where it's hard to keep up and sometimes no choice seems like the right one, the monstrous can become routine, and optimism can become depression. Every day brings another new atrocity until the attempts to stay sane and steady seems hollow and one can only cry at the futility of it all. But even in the thickest clouds there is always a way to move forward, and even a monster can find a purpose.

Disclaimer: any similarities between this work and others is purely coincidental

The door swung open and slammed against the cheap, plywood wall into a well-worn dent. The couple didn't even notice it. They were too busy moaning and grunting and tearing at each other's clothes. The snake woman, all green of scale with her bust and hips bound up in bright red leather, flicked her tail sharply and slapped the door shut behind them. She kicked off her high heels and smiled up at the handsome tiger, coiling her fingers through his hair. "Mmm..." She chuckled and flicked her forked tongue out between her red painted lips. "You're blushing. Hey now. Don't be so awkward" she murmured sweetly, pressing up snug against his chest. "I'll be gentle..."

If anything the handsome young tiger male just blushed brighter. Tall, skinny, and dressed in a polo shirt and dress pants, he looked like he'd just come from an office building after work. So out of place in a cheap motel like this. But he hadn't been able to keep his eyes off her from the moment he'd walked past her street corner.

"I'm sorry..." he murmured, yellow eyes breaking from away from her's for long enough to flick down her body. Her scaly neck. Her open topped corset. The large expanse of scaled flesh that tantalised and strained against its bindings. His hands tugged and fumbled at the ties of her corset, struggling to undo them as the serpentine whore nudged him across the room. "I've...never really done this before..."

"Ooooh! I get to pop your cherry?" She giggled and patted her client on the cheek when he started to stammer denials. "Shhh...I'm just teasing, handsome. And relax. I'll be gentle. You won't be the first time I got to break someone in." She nudged him another step back until the backs of his knees bumped into the bed. It was a cheap mattress, torn and in poor condition. But it would do. She'd made do with worse. More than once the nubile streetwalker had bedded her client on the cold, hard pavement. It wasn't as bad as it sounded, when you had a handsome man with you. "Just let me take care of everything sweetie..." she hissed and coaxed him to settle down on his backside, his hands falling to rest upon her hips.

"O-okay...if you're sure..." With the serpent woman before him, the tiger looked her up and down, awestruck eyes taking in every inch of her beautiful body. She grinned and posed there for him, arching her back to push her breasts out and rocking her hips steadily, knowing he could see her cameltoe through her tight skirt. He was absolutely spellbound. Ohhh, there were nights when being a whore was absolutely worth every moment. Licking her lips slowly, the reptile let herself sink down onto her knees before him, setting her hands on her John's hips, nuzzling gently against his thigh. "Is there anything...special you like stud?" she hissed.

"Mmph...everything..." The tiger moaned deeply and stretched back, hands moving backwards along the bed. "I want do everything to me..." "Ahhh, a man after my own heart!" She chuckled softly and pressed her snout flush to the swell in his crotch, nosing him steadily. Pleased by what she judged his size to be. Parting her muzzle, she pressed her lips against him through his clothing...gratified at the sweet sounds that her handsome young client made. And from there she got to work. Slender fingers carefully undoing the buckle on his belt and the button of the tiger's dress pants while she mouthed and kissed his crotch. Everything... She could do that. The whole package...from foreplay, all around the bases, to the homerun. The best way to get a good workout...

Her slender fingers had just pulled apart the tiger's dress pants and she'd lifted her head up some when he spoke up. "H-hey..." Tilting her head, the snake girl peered up at her client, who still blushed as he smiled sheepishly at her.

"Can I...know your name?" he asked her. "For when I...?"

The serpentine streetwalker considered that for a moment or two, tongue flickering through her lips. Eventually though, her smile came back. "Mmm... I don't usually do this for Johns" she admitted, palms caressing the handsome male's thighs. "But...Casey. Call me Casey. Heh...and I'll just call you Handsome for now. If you come back for another go...then I'll learn your name. Does that sound fair?"

The tiger chuckled lightly, reaching under the pillow with his outstretched hands. "That sounds fair. Casey...I'm sorry..."

Casey's head snapped up in sudden alarm, lovely purple eyes suddenly narrowed and glowed into a brilliant flame. But the tiger was already moving, and his palm slapped against her forehead. There was a flare of white light and the sizzle of burning flesh, and Casey's jaws parted in a silent scream. For a split second the muscles in her body just went loose and she collapsed to the floor, the silver crucifix falling to the floor between them, still smoking. The serpent's beautiful face was marred. Lips parted to bare growing fangs, larger than any normal snake. Her jaws unhinging and a long, lashing tongue disgorging forth. Horns sprouting from her forehead. And that wicked burn mark scarred permanently against her forehead. Gathering herself up on the floor, Casey glared hatefully at the tiger and let out an inhuman hiss, hurling herself across the room. Those delicate fingers sprouted wicked claws destined for his blood. And when he threw himself at her, they found his flesh. But he'd closed the distance too quickly. She raked her claws across his back scything through flesh and drawing blood but missing his chest and heart.

Snarling, she wrapped her tongue around his neck and face, opening her jaws wider. She would stab her fangs through his eyes and then swallow him whole for marring her face! But instead of recoiling he grabbed her by the lower jaw and forced it down, stabbing up into her mouth with a long, narrow dagger. There was a wet crunch as the rune engraved silver punched through flesh and bone and stabbed into brain. Casey's burning purple eyes rolled back in her skull as she twitched, her weight suddenly flopping against her John's body. He thrust again and the blade pushed further into her grey matter until fully sheathed. Only then did the claws slide free from his back and her beautiful body soon lie limp and boneless, slumped in his arms. The tiger rolled the two of them over and laid the succubus on her back, that poor quality mattress inadequate as a pallet but it would have to do. He clasped her hands together and stayed silently at her side. Gazing at her patiently. Ears pricked up to catch sounds of anyone rushing up the hallway. Had the brief struggle been heard? He didn't think so. The succubus hadn't screamed or roared, and he'd fired no guns. There should still be time.

Ahhh. There it was. He'd been right. Before his eyes, Casey's body...changed. The horns retracting. The tongue and claws evaporating into smoke. And those blazing, hateful eyes returning to the lovely, playful orbs they'd been when seeing her on the street corner. Now though they held a somewhat bewildered look, as though the girl couldn't understand how things had come to this.

"I'm sorry..." Alexei whispered to her, kissing her gently on the forehead. "Though I understand if you can't forgive me."

Sighing, he reached underneath the mattress for the tarp he'd concealed there beforehand, like he had his weapons. At least he'd be able to give her an honest burial.


"Casey Talbot. Age twenty three. Ran away from home at age fifteen and disappeared. Resurfaced five years later at the Olympia night club as one of Annabelle Kincaid's girls, her body and soul thoroughly corrupted. One year ago she broke the Compact and began killing her clients at her discretion, bringing her to Baneslayer attention. As ranking paladin in Miami, you were assigned to handle her and last night her case was brought to an end." Inquisitor Parker set down the file folder and looked him in the eye, the distinguished old Doberman arching one of his. "Is there anything you'd like to add Paladin Volkov?" he asked the tiger who sat before him.

Alexei didn't answer at first. He was slumped in a chair across from the inquisitor's desk, eyes downcast. His mind still fixed on those bewildered purple eyes.

He was shirtless, the garment draped over an arm rest. Casey had managed to tear up his back pretty good before he had put her down, and his wounds had needed some sewing up. He didn't complain though. He'd had worse after all. And it hardly felt right to complain. The day was done, the job was finished. The monster who'd eaten five clients and devoured their souls had been put down. People could sleep a little easier as the things that went bump in the night got a little bit quieter.

And a young girl had died in his arms.

"Nothing to add?" Parker ventured, steepling his fingers together. Even among the dust and scattered tools and taped up cardboard boxes he had taken great pains to dress in his formal robes for this debriefing. "I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised. I'd heard that you tended to be...vocal about your role in our organization and how things are done. I was expecting something a bit more...verbose."

Now that did make Alexei smirk. His black lips peeled back over a set of teeth that would have been more at home in the mouth of a great white shark and he chuckled wryly. "Hm. Maybe I'm just tired" he mused. "I did spend most of the night digging a grave after all. My back is killing me. Maybe I'm thinking that having this conversation in the basement of an art museum should be the lead in to some joke, but I can't quite put my finger on it. One wrong turn by a tour group would make for some awkward questions." The smile widened and he raised his head to glare at the stoic canine. "Or maybe it's because I just killed a young woman who just wanted an out from a life on the street that I'm feeling a bit out of it. So excuse me for not being so snappy as usual."

Parker merely nodded, a thin smile curving his mouth as though this was more in line with what he'd been expecting. Just what had the inquisitor been told about him, Alexei wondered wearily? After his last inquisitor had been recalled to Europe, he'd been suspicious that he was going to get the 'surprise performance evaluation' as an excuse to get him yanked out of the field. And the sage way this new guy looked at him wasn't easing those concerns.

"I understand." Inquisitor Parker nodded, understanding. "You work so hard. In this day and age our order is spread thinner than we would like. So much more responsibility falls upon our knights and paladins than it should. And you are at the forefront of what we do. You're sent all over the world to dive into the darkness, keeping the peace between man and monster and slaying those who break the Compact. The files on your kill record are...impressive, to say the least." He paused for a moment as though choosing his thoughts. "...And quite detailed with your own commentary."

'Bingo' Alexei thought, and he sighed as he sat up in his chair. The lack of sleep and his injuries all of a sudden catching up with him. He was tired. And he was not in the mood for verbal sparring.

"I must say, the level of criticism that I see in these files is frankly shocking" inquisitor Parker noted, flipping to a random page. "I knew you were famous...that your father and sisters have their own files just as big. But I'd thought that you were more committed to your purpose than this. Inquisitor Roberts wrote that you would 'rant about the assignments you were given', in his words of course. That none of us understood what really goes on out here and that we're having you killing 'children and innocents.'" The doberman raised his eyebrows lightly, watching for a moment as Alexei stood and pulled his shirt on, covering up his scars and fresh wounds. "Children and innocents like Miss Talbot, I take it. Who killed and ate five people after breaking the Compact. I've no doubt that she once was an innocent child, Alexei...but not by the time you'd found her. The path she chose, whatever the reason, was her own choice and it ended in the very violence that she chose to commit on those weaker than her."

"Excuse me inquisitor." Adjusting his shirt and straightening the hem, Alexei was already turning away. "I think I'll be going home for the day. I'll deliver my personal comments another time."

"You've said it before yourself" Parker persisted as Alexei stalked towards the door. "Monsters have to be put down. That demon stopped being a girl when she sold her soul. And even more so when she gave in to her new instincts. You know more than most." He regarded the tiger not unsympathetically. "The world is changing, but our purpose stays the same. This isn't the time to show weakness Alexei. The world needs men like you."

His hand on the doorknob, Alexei grit his teeth together and squeezed. The sounds of tortured metal reached his ears as he fought to get a grip on his temper. Some would be so easy to just give in and lose it. To be like Casey Talbot and take the easy way out.

"You're not like her, Alexei." Parker had approached him from behind while Alexei had fought to not tear the doorknob off the door. "You can't help the circumstances of your birth. You've proven time and again that you're not a monster."

Alexei sighed and gave the battered doorknob a twist. Keeping his eyes forward, he murmured "Thank you...for the vote of confidence, inquisitor. But it doesn't feel that way...when I keep killing innocents.

This time he didn't let himself stop and walked from the basement. Parker didn't follow him. Alexei didn't know if he would write some condemning report to the higher ups in the order, or if he would be warmer in tone. For now he just needed to get outside and go for a walk. Clear his thoughts. Think things over.

The doberman's reference to his father and siblings returned to him. Maybe he'd go and visit Annabelle. She'd like to hear how this sorry business had turned out at least.

Climbing some steps, the tiger came to a door and pushed it open without much care and appeared on the ground floor of the Miami Museum of the Arts. It was still early in the day so there were only a few visitors bustling about on the ground floor. A couple of girls giggled excitedly under the watchful eyes of their parents. Alexei tilted his head to see what they were looking at. It seemed to be a done up model of a Spanish soldier. Apparently the museum was having a colonial times exhibit.

For a moment he wished he could be one of those kids. So...blissfully unaware of everything going on in the world.

Squaring his shoulders, tucking his hands in his pockets, Alexei ducked his head and crossed the entrance hall, making for the exit. Drawing attention only from the chipper girl at the counter.

"Hope you had a good visit!" she said with a cheery smile. "Have a good day!"

Alexei managed to smile back at her and wished that he had her enthusiasm.


The Sinners' Accords. The Treaty of Twelve. The Concordance of the Fae. The Pact between Man and Monster.

There were so many names for the first great agreement between the human race and the supernatural beings that lived in the shadows. The Baneslayers simply called it the Compact.

The records of how this came to be were spotty. Some claimed that it was due to the tireless efforts of a small group of men, demons, fae and lycans who fought to bring factions to the table so that they could bring an end to thousands of years of lawless predation. Others claimed that the bearers of the demonic mantles had manipulated everyone involved to create circumstances that benefited them. Still others believed that certain power players in the world had read the writing on the wall, anticipated changes in technology and population, and looked to preserve their own power and influence in the coming centuries. Whatever the case twelve major factions, some known and respected, others hidden and feared, had come together to hash out the first major treaty recognizing each other's right to exist and vowing to communicate. To not resort to violence in every situation. To keep this eternal struggle behind the curtain of a vast, coordinated masquerade that would keep normal people blissfully unaware.

Aspects of the compact changed over the centuries. New signatories were added. Old ones died off. As humanity spread across the world and those who preyed upon them followed in their wake new purposes were created. Lines of communication were set up so that crises could be handled quickly and quietly. Because despite the friction inherent in the system, everyone agreed on one thing. The fact that there was a whole other world existing in the shadows had to be kept a secret to avoid the mass disruption it would bring.

Alexei was rather divided on the whole thing. On the one hand it was hard to deny that the compact was a dinosaur. With population explosions, new technology, and small scale warfare breaking out all over the world at the drop of a hat, so many people who were supposed to be represented and protected had fallen through the cracks. And given the disparate forces at work the odds of any massive overhaul in the near future were slim to none. Too many of the signatories profited from the current state of affairs. Why pick off the protected when there were so many unprotected, after all?

On the other hand...the compact let groups like the Baneslayers exist. It let Alexei do his work without being hunted down and torn apart by angry demons.

Although...was that really such a good thing in the end? He'd killed so many people. So many intelligent, thinking beings. Warlocks driven mad by their own powers. Demons looking to feast on the souls of mortals. Fae and lycanthropes, vampires and other more transcendent beings. And innocents of course. People just caught in the crossfire or who'd made mistakes dabbling with darkness.

They all showed up in his dreams sooner or later.

"Hey! Wake up!"

Alexei jerked and sat up in his seat. He tensed briefly, lips peeling back to snarl reflexively, ready for a fight. Then caught himself and sighed, turning to glare at the chocolate furred feline woman with wavy black hair who slid into the booth across from him. Tall, curvy, dressed in a knee length black pencil skirt and shiny black corset with a short green leather jacket that matched her eyes, she looked like a cross between some kind of business exec and a BDSM fetishist. Like she should be on one of these stages or tables giving a private show to an important client rather than wasting her time with someone like him.

"I knew that you were feeling down when you dropped in today" she purred to him, smirking and drumming her fingers on the tabletop, leaning back against the seat cushions to display her leather and lace 'business outfit'. "But I didn't think that you'd be rude enough to visit your sister and then fall asleep on her!"

Alexei rolled his eyes and huffed. "Well what did you think, Anna?" he asked her.

Anna's smile widened, revealing that they had the same shark-like teeth. It was something their father had and that his children had inherited. "For starters I hoped that you'd finally come by to have a drink with me rather than to talk business."

Annabelle Kincaid. Owner of the Olympia night club and brothel. The police very much wanted her but because her clientele tended to be wealthy and influential, because she was very careful about her business practices, and because her employees were well paid, well cared for, and there of their own free will, it was always too much trouble to harass her for any minor crimes. There were plenty of other sex workers in much more dire straits for them to expend their energy on.

The Baneslayers on the other hand wanted her for very different reasons. She was a mixed blood succubus. One quarter demon, the rest mortal. The best of both worlds, as she would say. And she freely offered her gifts to those of her girls who wanted them in exchange for love and loyalty. Sometimes it worked out well. Miami was her territory after all, recognized by treaty and held on her own power and authority. Sometimes it didn't. Casey was one of those who hadn't. And Alexei's order would love nothing more than to take a crack at her for crimes against humanity. She was powerful and flaunted that power...and stayed fully within the laws that governed such things. Plus she had powerful financial backers. One of them was Richard Dewford, one of the Seven Deadly Sins, an immensely powerful demon and a signatory of the Compact.

Needless to say the situation was a bit complicated. Particularly as they shared the same father. And the

Another benefit of the compact...without it, Alexei would probably have graced a witch burning pyre decades ago.

"You know I can't drink alcohol" Alexei scolded her. Demonic temptress and predator or not, she was still his little sister. "It messes up my stomach."

"Well what are you drinking there?"

The tiger glanced down at his glass, half filled with a dark red liquid much like wine. "Cranberry juice."

Annabelle made a disgusted face and Alexei let himself smirk lightly. The Olympia wasn't overly busy at this time of the day. It was only late morning after all. Nearing ten o'clock. And most of Annabelle's prospective clientele were out working for the day. Staff were bustling about getting ready for the evening's shows. A couple of janitors were vacuuming. Some waitresses clicked about in high heels making sure that every table cloth was neat and that the glasses and cutlery were pristine. Some of Annabelle's working girls were out and about as well. A couple sitting on their own, snouts buried in books. A group of three sitting around a table with textbooks and notebooks, talking school with each other. None were in their 'uniforms' at the moment.

Though Alexei could tell...about half of the girls in here were like Casey. There were signs that he'd been trained to look out for, and more that he had picked up on his own. The turn of a head. The flash of a smile. The way one walked. Everything instinctively done to draw attention. To attract prey. To feed on the lust and desire of others.

Annabelle caught the look in his eye and let go of her teasing for now, reaching across the table to pat his hand gently. "You're thinking about her, aren't you?" she asked him not unkindly. "Casey."

"Yes. No. It's...more than that." Alexei frowned and huffed, peering into his glass.

"It's not your fault, Lex. Nobody forced her to go hunting her clients instead of feeding off of their emotions." Anna huffed lightly, folding her ears back. "Though I admit, I thought that I judged her better than that. I should have gone after her himself. Or asked Richard for a favour..."

"Hmmph... Maybe then I wouldn't have had to..." Alexei trailed off when he realized he'd been about to blow up on her and looked away, ears folded back. "I'm sorry. It's not your fault either. I just..."

Anna didn't take any offense beyond flicking her ears lightly. "You really are stressed out, aren't you?" she asked him, putting away the teasing tone for the moment. "Was it that tough of a fight?"

"No. Maybe that's what made it so hard." Alexei stared into his cranberry juice as he wrapped both hands around his drink. "She never saw it coming. Not until it was too late anyway. And she turned back afterwards. To what she used to be. Heh." The tiger chuckled mirthlessly, baring his teeth in an approximation of a smile. "The inquisitors and the other higher ups...they don't really get it. I mean, I've told them. So many times. Every report I send back to them points out many of these 'demons' and 'monsters are just...people! They're like your Casey, girls who are desperate and sell their souls for a little bit of power and safety!" Annabelle frowned at that but he pressed on. "Or they're some older gentleman who got cursed with lycanthropy and now turns into a wererat and drags children into sewers to eat and doesn't remember anything but the nightmares! Or a teenager who had a demon or angel or fae some ways back in their family who one day starts juggling fire, or hypnotising people, or growing spikes! And because they have nobody to turn to, they don't know what's happening to them...and get worse. And then its people like me...who SHOULD be protecting them who go out and kill them."

The tiger planted the heels of his hands on his forehead and sighed. The silence spread between them, the only sounds being the occasional bustling staff left them to their business.

Annabelle did run a tight ship, he'd give her credit on that. She stayed fully within the bounds of the compact. They didn't go terrorizing the city at her will. And they minded their own business when she was having a private talk in her own club.

Yet she had no problem with corrupting girls with pleasures and power.

His sister stayed quiet for a moment, waiting for another outburst. When it seemed like he was finished she smiled gently and arched an eyebrow. "Sounds like you've been holding that in for a while..."

"I suppose so..." The tiger sighed and shook his head, huffing lightly as Anna reached out to ruffle his hair and scratch lightly behind his ears.

"'re burning yourself out. I know that you're too proud and committed to think about taking a break, but...seriously. Take a break." Anna patted his head once more and waved a hand around, gesturing to the Olympia. "Spend a couple weeks just...relaxing in here. Drink some cranberry juice. Watch some girls dance with the strip poles. Turn off your cell phone so they can't call you in to fight some beastie...let somebody else handle it." The feline succubus frowned and clasped her hands together on the table in between them. "You've done enough for everyone need to take care of yourself too. Or one day it'll be your body they take away for burial..."

She was right, of course. She always was.

Alexei looked at her. Not answering for a moment or two. Anna stayed quiet too, just watching him. Knowing what he'd say in response. This was an old game for the two of them. He talked to her to get things off of his chest. She commiserated and coaxed him to quit or take time off and heal his worries. He would refuse but thank her for being the best little sister. They'd talk about their father and sister and act like a normal family. And he would eventually head out and she would get back to her life.

This time he waved a hand idly. "Why do that?" he asked her. "Make the offer to your employees when it can make them go crazy?"

Before she answered, Annabelle turned and waved lightly to one of the waitresses. The girl hurried off and Anna turned her attention back to her brother, a smile quirking her lips. "You've never asked me that one before."

Alexei shrugged and waited.

" really are shook up, aren't you?" She waited for a few more moments until the waitress returned, carrying with her a mason jar with something fruity and sweet complete with a flower. Alexei could smell it from across the table. Raising her drink to her lips, Annabelle took a sip as she regarded her brother thoughtfully. And when Alexei thought she wasn't going to answer, Anna nodded.

"Lots of reasons. It helps me compete, for one" she told him right up front. "I'm running a business. A night club. A brothel. There's a lot of female flesh on display here. And succubi like me? Incubi like you? We're good at grabbing attention. Inciting desire. Drawing in paying customers. And the girls who accept my, how shall I put it, blessings? They're better merchandise. They work harder. Longer. Make better tips. Returning business. And they enjoy it all the more because of it."


"Yeah, well welcome to life. It's a bent world, but I just live in it. And so long as I do I may as well rule a chunk of it." Anna huffed indignantly, snout wrinkling some in irritation. "Besides, if you think I treat my girls badly then you should go check up on Wal-Mart! Funny how a scary demon girl like me treats her employees better than the soulless megacorp, hmm?"

Alexei shrugged lightly. "Well I'm pretty sure Wal-Mart doesn't eat people's souls..."

"Spoken like someone who hasn't worked retail." Anna smirked though there wasn't much humour to it. There was enough truth to make that smart remark too heavy to be funny.

Alexei raised his hands, surrendering the point while Anna took a moment to sip at her cocktail again before continuing and pushing the conversation past the gloom. Rather than continuing right away though, she arched an eyebrow at her sibling and said "How did you feel in Dresden?" Immediately the tiger went stiff. His ears folded back and his hand squeezed tightly around his glass. "What's that got to do with anything?" he asked, voice harsher than he intended.

"Humour me." Annabelle didn't back down. "I want to know how it felt."

He didn't answer. The memories swelled and he pushed them back, but they always managed to spill over into the rest of his being whenever it was...brought up.

...He could still smell the smoke, feel the heat of the flames. The air raid sirens and the screams and shouts and explosions. Clinging to mother's arm with one hand as they fled through the streets. Hugging his stuffed bunny under the arm with another. It was funny...that stuffed bunny always stayed so clear to him...even as everything else was blurry and fuzzy from terror. His stuffed bunny and his mother. That was all. Her voice, so strong and reassuring as she hurried him along. How had she managed to stay so calm? Or was it all a mask? Something she'd put on to hide her terror? He'd held onto her hand tightly as they'd ran through the streets. And he remembered wondering, where was father? He would protect them. And then another explosion, so close....

Alexei blinked and he was back from the burning city. The stench of the embers clung to his nose for a few seconds. And then it was gone. The fire and the screams and the nightmares of his childhood were all gone. This was the Olympia, he reminded himself sternly. He was with his sister trying to unwind.

And she'd asked him a question.

She deserved an answer, didn't she?

He slowly uncurled his fingers from around his glass and nudged it away by a few inches, and set his hand in the other to massage his knuckles. His ears laid back and he sighed. "Scared" he admitted. "Small. Helpless. Weak."

Annabelle's expression softened. Nodding to him, she reached out across the table and took his hands in her's, squeezing lightly. "So does almost every girl who comes through the front door and asks about a job" she told him. "They all want to gain some control over their lives. That's why I make the offer. A part of their soul for safety, comfort, and not fearing that you won't wake up if you fall asleep. A lot of them think it's a fair trade. They win. I win. And a few people get to stop being victims."

Maybe he was just tired. But Alexei found that he couldn't argue with that. He held onto her hands for a few more moments before he sighed and slumped back in his seat, planting his hands over his eyes. Squeezing them shut. Pulling himself back together. And he almost laughed at himself when just cracking them open again was a chore. Annabelle was right, at least about him being exhausted. Philosophy and whether what they did for a living was the right thing, those questions could wait for some other time.

Huffing, he planted his hands on the tabletop and cracked a wry smile. "You got into the right business, Miss Honey-Tongue."

"Hey, should you be talking to your sister like that?"

"Probably not. But I think I'm too tired to keep my foot out of my mouth." Chuckling some, Alexei waved to the bar, signaling for another cranberry juice. "You're right. I'm exhausted and in no mood to get up and move around. I think I'll just stay here and angst a while until I nod off. Will I be bothering anybody here?"

"Nah. You won't be the first man to fall asleep in their booth here." Annabelle chuckled and raised her glass. He raised his own empty one and they clinked them together. "I suppose I'll leave you to it then. I do have to get back to work myself."

"Practice what you preach, Anna" Alexei quoted at her.

"Do as I say, not as I do" she snarked back with a smirk. "I'll check up on you now and again. But in the meantime...get some sleep. Relax. And make sure you go and see dad and Zarra some time. They both miss you."


She must have seen that he wasn't exactly convinced, because Annabelle reached over and ruffled his hair again, this time making sure to scratch and stroke enough to coax a small purr from the tiger. Smiling gently, she got up to her feet, taking a moment to straighten her dress. "I'll let security know to leave you be" she promised. "And you...just take care of yourself. Silly big brother..."

Silly. The word made him smile, and he even chuckled to himself as Annabelle walked away, her heels clicking on the floor. He supposed that he was. And that had to be better than being insane.

The waitress returned with his drink and he raised the glass of juice to his lips, taking a long swallow. Relax, Anna had said. Well. It was the least that he could do for her. Settling back, stretching his legs out beneath the table, Alexei let his mind wander as men and women bustled around him, living their lives to the best that they could.


Demons. Monsters. Fae. There were so many schools of thought about them. Were they reflections of humanity? Were humans reflections of them? Were they truly magical creatures or simply differently evolved? The scholarly arguments could be long and loud on the subject, sometimes coming to blows. Every scholar of the Compact had their own theory.

Of course to groups whose purpose was to defend people against such threats, such theories were at best academic. Oh studying how to fight a werewolf and how it differed from fighting a vampire was certainly valuable, but so much of it was useless tripe or outright dangerous. A hunter who sympathised with his prey was a poor hunter. At least that was the traditional way of thinking.

For Alexei, it was rather hard to not empathise with his prey when he was one. Beings like him...mutts, tainted, demon spawn, scions, whatever one chose it all amounted to the same thing, and that was that being like Alexei had certain advantages when it came to fighting the good fight and keeping the masquerade intact. As a quarter demon, in particular a quarter incubus, he was stronger, faster and tougher than normal men. His senses were enhanced and he could read people's emotions feed on them for power. He knew how best to track down, fight and kill demons, especially cubi. But at the same time...he understood them. Empathised with them. Shared the same weaknesses. The need to feed on sensation, to feel strong could drive a man to madness. The Baneslayers had been perplexed when they'd found him all those years ago, trudging across a shell torn field in Afghanistan. There were plenty who'd been all for lopping his head off on the spot. Thankfully for him, more enterprising heads had prevailed.

He mused on this as he strolled down the sidewalk, hands stuffed in his pockets and his gaze down, peering at the concrete. Wondering. Reminiscing.

It was late afternoon. He'd napped in the Olympia for a few hours and woken when business was starting to pick up. Lounging there in his booth, he'd watched the shows begin. Scantily clad women strutting about, serving tables of rowdy young men and more distinguished gentleman alike. Bringing drinks or food, no private shows happening just yet. And the main stage was clear, though the way things were going there wouldn't be much time until the lights turned on and performances started.

Alexei had thought about spending the night there. Ordering dinner and watching the show. Taking in the sights of lovely females at work. But...then one had happened to pass by his booth, a zebra. Hips swaying from side to side in her short shorts as she carried a bottle of wine to a table where a husband and wife duo was seated. Just a little too graceful a little too focused. Like the young couple had her entire attention. Like she wanted to swallow them whole.

He hadn't wanted to spend the whole day around women he might have to kill in the future, no matter how lovely they may be. So he'd left. Heading out alone to wander the streets aimlessly, with only the faintest clue where he was headed.

He had been walking through a small business district for several minutes when it clicked for him that he was being followed.

Keeping his eyes on the concrete, making himself keep his slightly slumped posture like he was just another young man depressed by today's society, he listened carefully. Two sets of footsteps. To the side of him. Across the street. They had a heavy tread. Lots of weight to them. He paused in his walk and turned to peer in a shop window, sighing heavily as he studied his reflection.

They were good enough to hang back and not let themselves be spotted in the shop window, but to do so they had to hold their pace confirming that they were following him. They hadn't shot him yet. They were probably waiting to get him alone, or maybe follow him back to his apartment. Fair enough then.

Thumping his forehead against the glass in a depressed sort of way, Alexei absently brushed his hair back over his shoulders and turned to continue on his way. Like clockwork, his pursuers kept pace as he travelled down the street. At this time of day the thoroughfare was reasonably clear, but not so deserted that a man being yanked off the street would attract no attention.

And since they hadn't started shooting him on the spot, they probably cared about not being noticed.

Probably. Huffing to himself, Alexei casually kicked a small stone down the sidewalk and turned a corner, taking himself out of sight for a few seconds. And with public eyes off of him he grit his teeth and 'flexed.'

Lifting his hands before his face he watched as his fingers twitched and shuddered. His natural claws sliding free from their sheathes and thickening. Growing longer. Hooked. He idly wondered if this was what it felt like for Annabelle when she made use of their talents? Probably not...she was better at embracing her demonic side than he was. It helped that she was constantly feeding on the emotion her club provided, like a perpetual feast of power while Alexei refused to indulge. Still, despite the aches and the pains he got what he needed.

Once his claws were of sufficient length, he tilted his head back to study the wall of the alleyway. Two brick buildings, built close together. It would do.

Gritting his teeth he reach up and dug one set of claws into the cracks and crannies of the wall before him. Once he had himself a good grip, he heaved and pulled himself up. Reaching above him, he grabbed on with his other hand and began to climb. This was always hard going. His shoes scrabbled at the brick for purchase but it was mostly sheer upper body strength that kept him hauling himself up. It wasn't long before his arms burned with the effort but he dared not slow and leave himself vulnerable.

Thankfully the roof was only twenty or so feet above the street, and he was able to scrabble and scratch his way up in short order. Pulling himself over the ledge, he rolled onto his back and bit his lip, fighting the urge to breathe fast and deep. Instead he pricked his ears up, listening carefully. And there it was. The heavy footsteps heading into the alleyway after him. As smooth and casual as could be. And then the abrupt stop when they saw that he wasn't there. Holding still, he listened for the reaction. And Alexei grit his teeth at what he heard.

There were male voices speaking to each other in hushed, growling tones. The language sounded 'spidery' to the ear and incredibly old. Like it was meant to be spoken beneath ancient ziggurats among the dead. Alexei didn't understand a word of it. There weren't many who did in this day and age. But he did recognize the style. Ancient Assyrian.

And that meant ghouls.

Inching himself up onto his side, his heart pounding so hard he'd have sworn that they would have heard him, Alexei lifted his head and peered down below into the alleyway. The pair had put their heads together and were bickering quietly so as not to draw attention with their shouting. He'd been right. Both were large males, dressed in heavy boots, jackets and track pants. The smaller of the two was a gator, and he hissed and growled and gestured to his larger companion. The other, a long horned bull of some sort, snorted and growled back. They were both large, brawny and looked like they could bend frying pans with their bare hands. To say nothing of what they could do to his head. They were forms chosen with a fight in mind while still staying under the radar. That was how the game was played after all. It wouldn't do to break the Compact by reverting to their natural bodies and ripping his limbs off for everyone to see.

Beating him to a pulp then stealing his wallet to make it look like a robbery turned violent though, that was well within the rules. Assuming they didn't eat him to remove the evidence.

Alexei's ears folded back as he watched them. His pupils tightened into vertical slits and he could feel a growl beginning in his chest. Hurriedly, he stuffed his hand into his mouth, shutting himself up. This was not the time to have a freak out... He did not have his gear on him and a fist fight with a pair of three hundred pound carnivores would not end so well for him. But it was so...hard... He wanted to dig his claws into them and tear. To drink their hate. To rend them apart and send their heads back to their clan lords as a warning... He didn't NEED his gear after all... Everything he needed was already a part of him.

Alexei squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath. His forearms tensed, his chest and shoulder muscles bunching. All that power that his blood gave to him. He could let it out... It would be easy.

'It would be wrong!' he thought to himself, biting harder into his hands until he drew blood.

The taste of blood helped him to focus. He'd always found that funny...instead of triggering his instincts and clouding his mind he'd always found the taste and scent of blood calming. His father was proud of that...he said that he'd inherited that from him. Whatever the case the tiger lay there still and as silent as he could be as the ghouls left. He pricked his ears up to follow their footsteps. And when they faded into silence he stayed there for several long minutes. Finally he loosened his jaw and slowly pulled his teeth from his hand and studied it. The holes bled freely but were not serious. Still, he couldn't go leaking blood everywhere.

Alexei 'flexed' again, growling softly as he willed the wounds to seal up. Bit by bit the bloody wounds closed until there was naught but cleanly healed flesh beneath. Lapping lightly at the blood, he rolled over and climbed up to his feet, considering how to proceed.

Ghouls were after him. It couldn't be a coincidence. Which of the clans had agents in the city? Why were they after him specifically? How long had they been stalking him before making their move? Or had they been loaned out to an employer? Ghouls tended to be mercenaries, preferring to let demons and vampires and so on compete in major cities while they scavenged the scraps and hiring on to whoever could pay them. But large clans could be very aggressive in defending their territory, and they had long memories for slights. And Alexei and ghouls had a long and unpleasant history together...

Oh it was so tempting to just go home and sleep. Or do what Annabelle had suggested and go see their father. Despite their somewhat rocky history he'd be glad to handle things. To call in some favours or even 'disappear' his would be pursuers for him.

Alexei closed his eyes and let himself toy with the thought. Then he sighed resignation and opened them up, turning south. No...he hated involving his family. The Baneslayers were already looking for an excuse to become involved in his family, and he wouldn't jeopardise them. He'd have to handle this himself. Which meant that he needed information.

Which meant a very unpleasant personal call.

"She's going to be so smug about this..." Alexei growled to himself and approached the edge of the building he stood atop, beginning the process of climbing down again.


"Oh Lex" Talia cooe, smiling ever so sweetly across the kitchen table from him, "You really need to drop by more often. You never call, you never visit. Not unless you need something." The young zebra woman's smile widened, lips peeling back to reveal the fangs of some kind of canine. They flickered in the light of the thick blue candle that rested between them.

Alexei grunted noncommittally and sipped at the cup of coffee she'd poured out for him. No other herbivore ever made him feel like he was about to be eaten. At least she knew how he liked his coffee.

Talia drummed her fingers on the table top with a thick and leaned back in her chair, putting her shapely chest on display. She looked like a college student. More specifically, part of some goth clique. Black skirt, black stockings, black corset, black army jacket. Mascara, lipstick, the whole deal. The only hues on her were her eyes, a light blue. The rest of her house, one of those cheap townhouses typically rented by students, looked much the same with lots of candles, ornate nick knacks jars of powdered incense and assorted books on 'The Dark Arts' and other crap like that mixed in with the usual things found in a student's home.

The effect of so much cheap, gaudy decorations didn't do much to make the zebra look mysterious and occult so much as cheap, shallow and easily amused. Which was just fine with her. All the better to be overlooked. If someone went and started poking into her life too closely they might very well find themselves on her dinner table.

"Sorry that I didn't have any dinner ready for when you dropped by" Talia went on, grinning like the cat that caught the canary, dragging the moment out. "If I'd known you would drop by I'd have let some steak thaw, poured out some cranberry juice, lit some candles..."

The tiger arched his eyebrow. "You're not interested in why I'm here?"

"Oh, I'd much rather guess. Hmm..."

Alexei sighed inwardly and fought to stay stoic. He stayed silent and drank more coffee while the zebra 'hmm'ed and tapped her bottom lip, rocking on the back legs of her chair. Growling or getting angry wouldn't do any good. Talia Guillory was a lot more than some college student with a goth fetish. She was a ghoul, and had ties with every big name in the state who knew about the Compact and what it meant. She had dirt on every demon, werewolf, ghoul, sorcerer coven and their dog. Placed here by her clan, she was a go between for them and the rest of the underworld, a mediator for her elders when there was business to be done. Although he suspected that there was more to it than that. Once he'd asked her why she kept this particular shape out of all the ones she'd eaten and decided to dress like she was trying to piss off her parents. She'd grinned and said "My parents hate it." Fair enough.

He really shouldn't like her as much as he did, he reflected. But she'd been a good source of information for him over the years. She'd never turned on him, she'd saved his life twice. She irritated him like nobody else. And they'd broken up with each other several times. After all that, he couldn't help but like her...even if he probably shouldn't.

"'re a massive workaholic" Talia mused out loud, studying him with narrowed eyes. "And you go out of your way to be the stoic, solemn slayer type. So you wouldn't drop by to get things off your chest. Not unless you were really, REALLY broken up about things. You hang out with your little sister for that. The business girl, not the one who eats people." She grinned and lifted a leg to let her hoof thump upon the table between them. "Not sure what her man sees in her, really... You never stick your dick in crazy."

Alexei rolled his eyes. "Pot calling the kettle black much?"

"Heh. Black AND white if you please." The zebra crossed her arms under her breasts and pushed them up, making them strain against her corset. "Didn't stop you from sticking your dick in me."

"Maybe I'm crazy too."

"Oh Alex..." Talia cocked her head and smiled fondly. "You're all too sane."

"For now..." The tiger shook his head and splayed his ears out. He'd wallowed in angst enough for the night. Pushing himself to his feet, he drained the rest of his cup of coffee and took a few steps around the modest kitchen, pretending to study candles and crosses while Talia thought out loud.

She watched him like a hawk, absently nibbling on a fingertip. "You're all antsy about it too. Pacing around like a tiger in a cage." She smirked, showing off the tips of those wicked teeth again. Reaching to the side, she plucked up a small pinch of incense from a nearby jar and sprinkled it into the thick candle on the table. The smell of patchouli and rose filled the air and made Alexei's nose twitch. "Which suggests to me that this is about something unexpected, since you're always cool as a cucumber when you're on the job."

"Am I? I never noticed."

"Heh. That's why you have me. To spot those things you always miss." Talia licked her lips and growled lightly, righting her chair then pushing it back from the table, rising up on her hooves. "You're a man of action. When you're on the job, you have no doubts" she murmured to him as she sauntered slowly towards the tiger, deliberately putting some sway into her flared out hips. "It's when you have to slow down and think that the doubts come. That you wonder and worry. About friends. Family. Civilians. Collateral damage. Start to ponder the morals of everything you do. So yeah...I'm getting the vibe that something sudden has come up for you. Something you need information for. But you want to keep this to yourself and not tell your trigger happy friends about it." She draped her arms around Alexei's shoulders and leaned against his chest, lovely blue eyes locking square with his as her smirk widened. "So..." she practically purred, "How close am I?"

Alexei stoically kept his hands at his sides, balled into fists. Although he did snort. "You're so full of shit Tal...could you be any more vague?"

"So am I wrong?" Talia chuckled and smirked at him, waiting patiently. Eventually Alexei sighed and nodded.

"Without actually listing any kind of specifics you've somehow managed to not be wrong" he affirmed, flicking an ear as she moved a hand up into his hair and began rubbing gently at the base. "...Tal, I'm serious." Reaching up, he took her forearms in his hands and guided them away from him. "Two ghouls were hunting me earlier. I gave them the slip but we both know they won't quit so easily."

"True enough..." The zebra nodded slowly and 'hmm'ed. "You are kind of a public enemy to every clan I can think of."

"More reason for me to take these guys out and disappear again before they decide to get nasty."

" could always hide out with me for a few weeks." Talia smiled ever so sweetly and reversed his hold on her wrists, taking Alexei's hands in her's. Lifting them to her muzzle to kiss at his fingers, she winked. "Or months. You know how protected I am. They wouldn't dare kick down my door."

"No...they'd just cut off your arms and legs and keep at it until you tell them where I was." Alexei sighed. He looked down and folded his ears back, squeezing Talia's hands tightly. "Tal...I don't want you getting yourself hurt."

Oh that got her bristling with indignation... "I can take care of myself!" she snapped, baring her teeth at him like a feral animal.

"I know you can. Man alive, you've saved my ass twice... But I signed up for this so nobody else would have to..." Alexei cocked his head and smiled wryly as Talia glared back. She really was too attractive when she got angry. "I'd rather get myself mauled than you...taking hits for others is what I do."

Talia huffed and shoved him back a few steps. "You and your damn martyr complex..." she muttered and stalked away. She smacked at a candle as she returned to her seat at the table, sending it rolling across the floor. Alexei quickly stomped on it a few times to put out the flame. Talia just glared at him and laced her fingers together in front of her and ignored the mess of melted wax and slightly singed carpet. She didn't speak up for several moments, even when Alexei returned to the table. He didn't say anything. Just waited. Finally she huffed in exasperation.

"There are hit teams from at least three major clans and who knows how many others are out for your blood" she growled at him, scraping her fingernails across the tabletop. "Shang. Guererro. And Baptiste. They know you're in Miami and they're here for your head. Hell, they're practically coming to blows for the first crack at you!"

Alexei blinked and his ears pricked up. "So many?!"

"Can you blame them?" Talia returned to leaning back in her seat, her smile returning. "After Berlin, Cairo, New Jersey-"

"You know what I mean", he snapped, gritting his teeth. "How did they get wind that I was here?"

Talia shook her head. "Damndest thing. Some guy showed up out of the blue a few weeks ago and started asking questions. He hit up a bunch of us who keep our ears to the ground. And he was very interested in you. Who you were, where you hang out, people you know." The table made a loud scratching sound as she dragged her nails through the wood. "I kept my trap shut. But near as I can tell, others talked to him. And he wasn't subtle about what he wanted. Word that you were in Miami got around..." She hesitated a moment, then added "Near as I can tell, that's how the clans heard you were here. I doubt it was a hard choice to send in hit squads."

Alexei sighed and clapped his hand against his forehead. "Crap..." he muttered.

The pair didn't speak for a time. Talia watched Alexei silently while the tiger mulled things over. Little sound reached their ears. The hum of the dehumidifier. A motorcycle roaring by down the street. The air conditioning beeping lightly as it regulated the temperature. And Alexei's mind was whirring.

Ghouls knew he was in Miami...all of them, from the sounds of it. He was going to need to pack up and get out. Disappear for at least a few months. Or he wouldn't be able to turn his head without dealing with another shapeshifting carnivore bearing down on him. There were other options but none that he relished.

The Baneslayers could try to negotiate a ceasefire on his behalf...which might be successful, but ghouls really, REALLY tended to hate him and wouldn't be satisfied with much less than his head on a plate. And he still wasn't sure if they were planning to get rid of him after all these years. He could go to his father or one of his sisters. They'd ask their boss to intercede for him...and the demon prince would be all too happy for a price. Richard Dewford and he didn't get along so well, and he'd be delighted to make Alexei bend the knee.

Going on the run was always an option. An unpleasant one, but once he lost his tails then he could get back to work. Reconnect with his family, his order...and wait for it all to happen all over again, while more people got killed.

He could try calling for back up to pick him up...

All because some incautious asshole couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"What are you going to do?" Talia asked him at last.

Alexei hesitated. Then shrugged his shoulders and smiled wryly. Pushing at the table he got to his feet. "Well I don't have my gear on me" he explained, "And I'm being stalked by carnivores out for my blood. They may very well be lurking just across the street right now waiting for me to stick my snout outside. So..." He cracked his neck to the side. "I suppose I'll have to improvise. Can I borrow some of your incense?"


Once he left Talia's home Alexei went on high alert. His ears pricked up to catch sounds, his nostrils flared to sniff the air and his eyes flicked left and right into every shadow as he stalked through the moderately cheap neighbourhood. Hands clenched into tight fists in his pockets and his body tense, ready to lash out.

By now the day had passed and the sun was setting. Twilight was falling upon the city, and the day's business concluded most people were off the street and hunkered down safe in their homes, or else working late and otherwise distracted. With the streets clear Alexei was on edge. He expected to be ambushed before he got a full block away from Talia's home.

It turned out to be three blocks.

Ahead of him about half a block away the gator and the bull from before turned from a shadowy used car lot, emerging from behind the vehicles. The pair had kept their guises but the way they they stalked across the pavement, wicked teeth bared and eyes locked on him like a feral predator... The bovine curled his lips back and growled deep in his throat as he flexed a fist and cords of muscle stood out on his skin. The gator hissed and dropped his head slightly, thick spade shaped claws sprouting from his hands. All signs of civilization just sloughing off of each of them and leaving behind something hungry. And angry.

Alexei let himself slow to a stop as he watched them approach. It was a slow and deliberate display. A threat. A promise to rip him to shreds.

And it was a distraction.

The patter of clawed feet tearing down the sidewalk reached Alexei's ears and when he spun around two more were already leaping for him. These two were undisguised, their true forms like some cross between a baboon and a hyena. Ears laid back, muzzles spread, and slavering jaws ready to tear his flesh from his bones while wicked yellow eyes focused on him. They must have been bold if they were willing to show themselves like this. Stepping back as he did, Alexei pulled his fists from his pockets. He raised his arms and twisted his body to the side and in between the two ghouls opening his fists as they landed with concrete cracking force. They missed him by a hair. And their momentum pulled them face first into the fistfuls of powdered incense. Oh how they howled! Clutching their eyes, they stumbled awkwardly as they rubbed fine grains of powder from their faces, drawing blood in their bid to see.

In a moment they would be back to ripping him to shreds. So Alexei acted. Laying his ears back, he bared his teeth and growled, drawing on every scrap of his father's 'gifts' as he flexed. His biceps tightened, muscles rippled beneath his skin and his claws grew long and curved as he seized the nearest ghoul by the shoulder and the muzzle. The beast hissed and cursed him in his ancient language, grabbing the tiger by the wrists but it was way too late. Alexei heaved and veins stood out on his neck. Skin tore. Flesh ripped. Vertebrae cracked and crunched and the ghoul's head came torn from its body. Ghouls were tough. It took a lot of work to put one down for good. Even now this one tore at his arms, thick claws ripping tracks in Alexei's flesh even as blood fountained from the stump of its neck. The pain bloomed in the tiger's mind and he snarled, twisting on his heel and hurled himself at the second ghoul, dropping the first's head. He crashed against the beast and the two tumbled to the pavement clawing, tearing and biting savagely. There was no subtlety or skill here, just pure savagery.

He tasted blood and flesh as he sank his fangs into the ghoul's body. His heart raced as he tore at the creature's thick body. The ghoul gave back as good as he got and Alexei felt those thick, spade shaped nails driving into his chest and tearing furrows in his body. He found himself grinning. Even when the ghoul reversed their position and rolled him onto his back. When his skull was forced back to crack against the sidewalk he laughed through a mouthful of skin and tore it away. The pain was nothing. The blood soaking through his ruined clothes was nothing. There was only the lust for violence and the need to kill. The ghoul cracked his head back again and he could taste how much it hated him, wanted to slaughter him. He fed on that. Took it inside of him. Let it make him stronger. Then drove both clawed hands into its thick, muscular chest, past skin and muscle and bone. It coughed at him, snarled something. Some last spite. Alexei didn't care. Licking his chops, he yanked his arms to the sides and tore its chest cavity open. All manner of blood and viscera fell out onto him and he lunged up, driving his head into the now open chest cavity. What did he bite into? The ghoul's heart? Its spine? Whatever it was, he twisted hard and tore it free, and the seven foot tall, three hundred pound monster collapsed bonelessly atop him.

Killed by a greater monster. Most scions of incubi tended to feed off of lust and desire like their parents. Alexei's father though had always preferred different emotions. Hate. Rage. Something you could really get drunk off of.

Alexei kicked the corpse off of him and kipped up to his feet, yellow eyes searching for the other ghouls. He was a split second too slow and the bull hit him full force in mid charge. Although he wasn't a bull anymore. Dropping his flesh disguise, he still towered over Alexei and dealt the demon tiger a pair of savage blows to the chest and neck. Grabbing him by the throat, the ghoul flung the smaller male back towards his companion. Tumbling, Alexei staggered, regained his feet, and then felt claws driving into his chest. Blinking, he found himself staring into the face of the gator ghoul. He leered, flashing yellowed fangs as he clearly savoured having Alexei's blood on his claws, twisting them round slowly to drag out the pain and grate them against his bones. Hacking for breath, Alexei spat a wad of bloody phlegm in the ghoul's eyes. He almost laughed when it yelped out. And he did laugh when he brought his forehead cracking against his snout with a crunch of bone. His or the ghoul's, Alexei couldn't be sure but it was enough for the damn thing to lurch back and yank those claws from his chest.

The other ghoul roared behind him and Alexei knew vaguely that he had to finish this quick before the surge of power left him. But mostly he just wanted to kill. So he threw himself at the ghoul and they came together again in a flurry of violence. Claws ripping, teeth tearing. He tasted blood and didn't care if it was his own. Sinking his claws down on something, he twisted hard and heard a crack. A howl of pain followed. Repeated blows to his head. He felt something crack under the assault yet didn't let go, twisting, yanking and ripping hard until the two separated, Alexei clinging to a torn arm.

For a second the two stared at each other, incredulous. Then they threw themselves at each other again. Alexei went down on his back to the larger, heavier predator and sank his fangs into...something. He couldn't see through the blood in his eyes.

A heavy blow struck him in the head. He growled and flattened his ears back but hung on and bit harder. Another blow and another. He grinned mirthlessly, skull throbbing from the repeated blows. It felt kind of good. The damn hated him so much. It was a mango fruit punch. Chilled, not ice cold. Sweet. Blood gushed over his tongue and he bit down harder, claws scraping at his head now. Mmm... For a moment he just let go and reveled in the feel of the things desperate hate and desire to end him. It was so left him light headed...

"I think it's dead, handsome."

A fifth! Spitting out flesh, Alexei struggled to heave the ghoul atop him to the side. Flipping onto his front, he locked his gaze onto the newcomer. A female this time, her mane long and braided as it grinned at him through a mouthful of fangs. Light blue eyes regarded him with admiration and amusement and her teeth and claws were wet with blood. Hacking up blood he hissed at her. He would tear her to shreds like the others. If only he could move...

Alas he couldn't. Not even when her heavy boot struck him in the temple.


Everything was pain. His face burned. His chest ached. His arms and his skull flared with agony. He kept his eyes shut as he lay in silence, unwilling to face reality and all that pain just yet.

"Hey. Wake up."

Alexei grunted and bared his teeth, defiantly keeping his eyes shut. In response his nose got flicked.

"I know you can hear me Lex. Keep it up and I've got a frying pan with your name on it."

Cracking his eyes open a sliver, the tiger squinted about. He was in someone's bedroom. Lots of black and purple, lots of candles. And there she was, sitting on the edge of the bed beside him, smiling oh so sweetly. "Mmph..." he grunted and winced. Even that effort raked at the inside of his throat. "I told you not to get involved..."

"I thought about it." Talia shrugged. "Decided fuck that." Dressed in a bathrobe that kept her curvy body mostly concealed, she rested a hand on his chest and gently pushed him back as he started to sit up. "Don't move" she cautioned. "You're barely held together as it is. I ran out of stitching trying to sew you back up and had to use duct tape."

"Duct tape." Alexei groaned and stopped resisting, closing his eyes as Talia patted his chest lightly. He'd had...dreams. Been drifting in and out of consciousness, he supposed. Being sewn up would do that to you. Though now that he was awake and lucid he could recognize his surroundings. Talia's bedroom. She'd been keeping him in her home while she'd cared for him. ...She shouldn't have. There were so many reasons why she shouldn't have. But he couldn't say he was upset. "How bad was I?" he asked.

"Oh I've seen you in worse shape." Talia grinned toothily, though as Alexei opened his eyes again he caught the worried look there. "Badly cracked skull. Three ribs cracked, four more broken. Enough skin and flesh ripped out to make a whole other you. Half your face was caved in for a while. Massive internal bleeding. You were missing an eye for a while. And you were pretty far gone at the end. I had to knock you out just to get you back here." Running a hand through her mane, she tapped the tiger on the nose again. "And what do you think would have happened to you if I hadn't followed you out there, hmm Mister Lone Wolf? You'd have got yourself eaten instead of spending days getting to doze in my bed!" She tsked and shook her head. "Lucky bastard."

Days. Crap. He'd been out for days and who knew what was going on out there in the world? And further more...healing from the level of damage that Talia had described... Yes, he was starting to feel the withdrawal. Beneath the pain and ache of his body was the gnawing in his gut like hunger. Alexei grimaced and growled quietly to himself as though matching the rumble.

He didn't feed off of emotions often. Or rather...he didn't gorge. A little here, a little there. You could gain a lot of benefits just walking downtown and letting the combined emotions of all humanity wash over you. There were all kinds of emotions out was a myth that incubi fed only off of lust. And like his father Alexei preferred rage. Hate. Anger. It was his guilty pleasure. And part of what made him go like he did. He could convert it into power, energy, strength, healing. It had kept him alive when the ghouls should have torn him to pieces. It would get him back on his feet in days instead of months.

Ahhh but getting lost in that bloodlust...

That was always a risk.

"You'll no doubt be all angsty when I tell you this, but I've had various ghoul clan representatives knocking on my door the whole time" Talia went on, leaning over him to press something cool and damp on his forehead. A cloth, he thought. Whatever it was, it felt good. "Each one wanting to talk with you and get your side of what happened exactly. And not to maul you while you lay helpless and unable to defend yourself." She smirked. "I told them all to go fuck themselves. That didn't make any of them happy. For a moment, I was sure my apartment would be the site of an international incident."

"Ugh..." Alexei shook his head weakly, planting his hands on his forehead. "Damn they know you got involved?"

"Well if they did I figure they'd have dragged both of us off" Talia said with a grin. "Or tried to anyway. Neither of us is so easy to kill, are we? And so long as we keep our traps shut and just continue to keep score between one needs to drag anybody anywhere. And you..." She touched his face with a gentleness that belied the power in her striped body and the will to rip apart another ghoul to keep it from getting to him, caressing the stripes on his cheek and muzzle. "You just lay back, heal up, recharge your batteries, and let me take care of you until you can go back to ripping people to shreds."

Before Alexei could respond, the zebra leaned in close and planted her lips firmly on his, shutting him up. He froze, ears folding back and eyes going wide. The touch lasted nearly five seconds, and even that was too short for him to react. He'd barely begun moving his lips against her's when Talia broke the kiss and nuzzled gently across his face. Her lips nipped at his ear and her voice whispered softly to him. "I know you're going to keep risking your life whether I like it or not...but if you ever do something so stupid again, I will strangle you with your own stripes..." Pulling back, she smiled sweetly to him then turned to prance off, putting some extra shake in her hips to tease him as she went.

Left alone in Talia's bedroom again, surrounded by candles and nick knacks, Alexei groaned softly and shut his eyes. Well. What a fucking mess.

Ghouls everywhere had found out he was in Miami and were gunning after him. He'd been gutted like a fish and had drained his energy reserves nearly dry fighting them off. He would be out for days recovering while who knew what was going on in the world. His handlers were more than likely going to chew his ass out about an incident in the open. Some anonymous dumbass was going around with his name in their mouth letting every Tom, Dick and Harry know that he was in the area. He had none of his equipment on him. And on top of everything...he couldn't help but feel like he and Talia were going to try to get back together. Again.

Twitching his ears, he turned his head and listened. He could hear the zebra-disguised ghoul bustle about in another room, shuffling and thumping around. He could still feel the warmth from when she'd kissed him. ...Well, maybe that last part wouldn't be so bad.

And he did have some ideas for the rest of it...


She had insisted on being involved. Of course she would be. Talia had been all too eager to help him out. Backtracking the rumours and questions, following his mysterious stalker. Narrowing his presence down to a subsection of Miami, and then to a single building. She'd wanted to come with him, but had relented. Albeit with some sharp words and a promise from him to not die.

Which was how Alexei found himself here. He left the door open when he strolled into the Zleep Eazy motel room. It was every bit as seedy as you'd expect from a place that replaced s's with z's... Well its occupant wouldn't care, and he wouldn't be here long enough to make a difference. Strolling on in, he headed for the bed, clutching a bottle in his left hand. Taking a seat, he tugged out the cork and took a slow swig before picking up the remote control for the TV and switching it on.

It felt so much better to be out and about again...especially properly armed. To his polo shirt and dress pants he'd added combat boots and a long jacket to better hide the array of weapons designed to fight all manner of beasties. He didn't think that he'd need them here, but it was better to be prepared than not. Especially since what had happened the last time he'd stepped out into the open...

So when he heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway he just relaxed, continuing to click through the channels until he found some movie with car crashes and explosions and settled back to watch idly. Listening to the footsteps pause outside the open door then slowly lumber on inside. Alexei glanced towards him and arched an eyebrow.

For a moment the two just regarded each other, the tall, skinny Siberian tiger and the enormously built Ussuri brown bear. The bigger carnivore watched Alexei silently, unblinking. Not even breathing. Alexei met his gaze solidly, resisting the urge to lash out before the other could, while studying him. The years hadn't been particularly kind to the ursine. His once fine clothes were gone, replaced with an ill-fitting shirt and patchy pants that looked like they had come from a church donation bin, and his hair and fur were unkempt with neglect. But his back was still ramrod straight and those reddened eyes burned with...something that wasn't quite life.

Finally Alexei raised the bottle to his lips and took a drink. Swallowing, he then held it out, offering it to the bear. "Drink?"

Sucking in a deep breath, Soichiro Daisuke growled in response. "I don't drink anymore. The alcohol would do nothing for me."

"It's not alcohol."

"I don't care." Soichiro approached, sucking in another deep breath. He'd have to in order to speak. Alexei guessed that he was used to not needing to breathe by now. "You got my message?"

"Your message nearly got me killed."

"You got my message."

Alexei arched an eyebrow. "Not even bothering to pretend sympathy, I see."

"I'm dead, Volkov." Soichiro shrugged his broad shoulders and kept his unblinking eyes on him. "Sympathy means little to me now. Except insofar as where it can help me reach my goals."

"Is getting me killed one of your goals?"

Soichiro paused to consider. Alexei could almost see the gears turning in his brain and wondered at the synapses that still functioned in his brain. The undead were strange that way. Driven on by sheer willpower and who knew what else. The bear may not even have considered that he was going to get him killed this way.

Sucking in a breath, the bear shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. "It is not, no. My apologies. I need you alive for what I have to propose."

Alexei arched an eyebrow. "And what's that?" "We kill Marcus St. James."

Well then. That was interesting. For a few moments Alexei had no legitimate response. He stared at Soichiro, considering whether he should laugh or curse. But the bear's steady, dead eyes he'd not a hint of amusement. He was serious.

"The last time we tried it failed" Alexei said flatly. "You died, if you'll recall. Your home was destroyed. Your business ruined. Your wife and son are allowed to live so long as they're co-operative. What could you possibly have to gain?"

The bear cocked his head and parted his muzzle. His shoulders shook, and after a moment Alexei realized that the undead was laughing. Sucking in a breath, he growled and arched an eyebrow. "What do I have left to lose?" he asked. "St. James has insulted and persecuted my family...can you say they'll ever be safe while he lives? And I'm a corpse. Should I lay down in my grave and rot? Or spend my time seeking justice?" Taking a step closer, he growled "Don't tell me you don't want to try again... I remember. You told me how some monsters need to be put down while others have use. Both of us still have use, Volkov. And St. James needs to be put down."

Alexei bared his teeth and growled at the bear. Soichiro didn't respond in kind and just waited, watching him steadily. His hand tightening around the bottle. This was ridiculous... He'd had the same feeling the first time Soichiro had approached him to kill St. James. They called the demon wolf the Merchant of Death. He had his own private army of professional killers at his beck and call. And his own personal power was immense... One of the Seven Deadly Sins... The last time Soichiro had tried this, he'd taken the bait and brought the proposal to his order. The Baneslayer high commanders had approved an operation against him. And it had ended in violence. Mayhem. And a god damned mess. And he'd got within ten feet of the psychopathic bastard too. And it had almost ended there.

...Cigar smoke and the smells of human interaction hung in the air. The sounds of laughter and muttered curses mixed with the clink of glasses and the shuffling of cards as money was pushed back and forth across the table. There he was. The big grey wolf, something off about him even dressed in his impeccable suit. Grinning wide, his mouth full of razor sharp teeth as he pushed bills and playing cards across the table with his poker buddies, shady figures of all kinds. He didn't have a clue. Everything had gone perfectly. The hunters had infiltrated the night club weeks before, mingling among the staff, slipping into the crawlspaces and waited until right this moment when the Merchant of Death's guard was at its lowest. An unseen signal was passed. And the hunters sprang into action. Alexei, back stiff and head bowed in his butler's tuxedo drew his handgun and aimed for the demon's back. It was his bodyguard who saved him. The shadow casting panther hurled darkness between hunter and hunted just as he fired. The demon killer rounds tore through the darkness drawing a scream of pain from the woman and a roar from St. James as they embedded in his back. He arched his spine in agony, surging to his feet. Wounded. But as he whirled on Alexei, eyes flaring red while chaos took over the club, he was far more enraged than in pain...

"We took our shot" Alexei growled as he snapped back to the present. "We failed. And that was when he didn't see it coming. How do you think this will go?"

Soichiro arched an eyebrow. He didn't answer for a moment. Then growled out, "I'm not hearing a no."

He wasn't, was he?

"If we try this...then people will die" Alexei told him quietly. "Not just us or people we care about. There will be collateral damage. Innocent victims who have nothing to do with us and are just trying to get by. That monster will lash out and he won't care who he hurts, or what he has to do to survive. If we try...then it will be nearly the two of us. My order won't have anything to do with another operation like that, not so soon after the last one. And with all the risks involved..." He shook his head and slowly loosened his grip on the glass bottle, reaching out and setting it on the coffee table. "We might as well kill ourselves quickly and get it over with."

Stepping closer, the bear turned his body and eased himself back onto the couch. It creaked under his sheer weight, and he set his hands upon his knees as he huffed in response. After a moment he reached out for the bottle, his big paw dwarfing the glass. Gazing dully at the television screen, Soichiro didn't speak for a time. Alexei supposed that he was thinking. He was certain now...the dead man was a revenant. So determined to see his final purpose through to the end that he'd refused to stay dead. Revenge must consume his thoughts. How hard was it for him to just sit and talk with him instead of following the trail of the man he'd hated so much? Alexei had to wonder, just what was going through his head?

"I've thought about this a great deal" Soichiro rasped after sucking in another breath, breaking Alexei's train of thought. "And I hate St. James more than words can say. But revenge...justice...that's not why I need this." He waited a moment, perhaps for Alexei to speak, and continued when he stayed silent. He harmed me. My grandfather. My father. My brother, wife, son. This isn't for me, Volkov. It's for them, and others like them. I'm a walking corpse...I can't even taste whatever you've got in this bottle. I doubt that I'll make it out of this alive again one way or another. Doing this for me and my hatred...there's no point in it."

"I'm going to do this for everyone else. People like my wife and son who that monster will hurt if he keeps at it." He looked straight at the tiger beside him, fixing him in place with those cold, dead eyes.

"All those people who feel scared...small...helpless...weak..."

"You understand."

Alexei nodded as a wry grin spread across his face. He almost laughed. Annabelle, Tanya...they were right about him, weren't they? He was going to get himself killed. He just couldn't help himself. It was either that or cry.

"I killed a girl, not long ago" he said softly. "She was going to eat me. She had eaten others. But she was just a girl. She'd got mixed up in all of this..." He gestured to Soichiro, to himself, to the world around them. "There was nothing I could have done for her, and in the end I put her down like a wild animal. Maybe that's just the way things go." His grin twisted. "If so, it's wrong." He reached out a hand, offering it to shake. "Let's do something about it. Even if it's something small."

Grunting in agreement, the undead bear turned on the couch and nodded. "Then we have an accord" he declared. "We shall kill a monster for the sake of others."

"And probably get killed trying" Alexei agreed as his partner in crime clapped a big mitt against his hand.

Though he had to figure, Talia was going to kick his ass first...this was going to be hard to explain...