
Well this is my first shot at putting anything on SoFurry, even though I've kinda been on here for years. Feed back is MUCH appreciated! I hope to keep adding onto this story and turn it into a series, of shorter story like, chapter things, which when...

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Ascenscion Run Rampant...

_ **This is the story of Darkfyre Fyreborn, the Semyaza, the Blackening Druid. But this is the tale not of him as he is now. This is of his rise to power; this is how he cast two seperate eras into troubled times and mournful memories...herein explains...

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Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 7 – Remembering the Past and Cursing the Future

A/N - Okay, this kinda grew again. More introspection and development. **Chapter 7 - Remembering the Past and Cursing the Future** "We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a...

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She had felt it coming for the past week, her skin growing taught against her belly and shoulder blades and the thickness of her thighs. The moon had been unveiling herself in increments. Dropping one garment at a time into the churning ocean to reveal...

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Magical Mayhem Sorcerous Familiar Chapter Sixteen

Chapter sixteen: Junk Island! The engine room of the _Tsubasa no Mikomi_ was filled with thick acrid smoke. It stung his eyes even as he wove the spell that would draw it from the room. Shiro coughed once as the spell finished its work. In his...

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Magical Mayhem Sorecerous Familiar Chapter twenty-two

Chapter twenty-two: The world beyond time . . . The Akashic Records. Behind them a door. Ahead of them an uncertain path. It was a road stretching into infinite darkness, the only thing that gave it meaning, was the light that stood at the end. ...

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Razgriz: The Legend

Pt 1. Razgriz, the black wolf of legend. It appears every thousand years to engulf the land in its massive maw and embroil the four kingdoms in war. It burns the fields with its gaze and sets brother against brother, father against son. The demon...

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Two Worlds Collide - Epilogue - Life Goes On

A/N - Apologize for the delay. I had half of this written before Christmas, but changed my mind. Now I have half the prologue to a sequel and this epilogue. Just had a bit of block in how to write this. All characters fictional. New London (No...

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Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 12 - The Measure of a Man

A/N - It's a miracle. A post in less than a week :) Enjoy. All characters fictional. New London (No relation to actual New London, NH) and Thompson State Park are fictional. **Chapter 12 - The Measure of a Man** "What lies behind us and what lies...

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Night of the Were-Zoroark

?It was a quiet, peaceful evening as Peter sat indoors, waiting for Sarah to come over. The sun was vanishing into the distance, and he looked out at the darkening sky in his usual anticipation. There had been something he had been keeping from his...

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Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 9 – Best Laid Schemes, Gang Aft Agley

A/N - Apologize for the delay. School's been kicking my ass hard. All characters fictional. New London (No relation to actual New London, NH) and Thompson State Park are fictional. **Chapter 9 - Best Laid Schemes, Gang Aft Agley** "The bitterest...

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Love Under the Full Moon

Her name was Elizabeth, and she was the most wonderful girl Dan has ever met. He met her for the first time on the first day of the semester. He just moved to Vancouver in order to study at the university. He wasn't exactly lonely back then - he moved...

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