While he was looking around she lowered her head to look at the lava, just enjoying the feel of the heat against her scales, when, of course, the doors opened at the front of the gym, and a boy, she guessed at about age 13? maybe 14 if he was lucky,...
Ambipom, Cherrim, Female, Gorebyss, Heji, Kingdra, Kynexn, Luxray, Male, Pokemon, Salamence, Serena, Sneasel, Snorlax, clair, cloyster, dragonair, reshiram, sceptile
Douglas, his luxray, and liam, his garchomp, instantly went to farah's side and began to help her.
Death, Pokemon
Other reports also sighted the intruding pokemon to be a rhyhorn, luxray, and a charizard. during the attack we left the specimen in his cell to try to find and contain whatever was here.
Alakazam, Magic, Pokemon, diary, espeon, experimentation, log
You like like some luxray's chew toy."
he shrugged his stiff shoulders as best he could, trying to blow it off. "w-well, y'know, got attacked by a graveler," he said, while letting out a nervous chuckle.
Fanfiction, Gabite, Garchomp, Pokemon, Riolu, buneary, lopunny
Shortly after, he turned around and looked at me with a glare that would rival a luxray.
"look kid, you need to realize that work and play are two completely different things.
ABDL, Diaper, Diapers, Pokemon, Story, Toxel
Malcolm screamed out and in an instant, the second man was knocked to the ground when a luxray rushed into the house, jumping up and tackling the second man to get between malcolm and two men, giving a loud roaring hiss, sparks dancing over his form to show
Blind, Gardevoir, M/F, Pokemon, Story Progression, Violence (Not In Yiff)
The poor luxray thought max hated him, but he never stopped his greetings."
charles looked surprised. "wow, that bad huh? even pearl was able to say 'hi' to lu after a few days."
Absol, Depression, Eevee, Growlithe, Lucario, Non-Anthro, Pokemon, Vaporeon, eeveelutions, virus
"a charizard, aggron, luxray, gengar and typhlosion." she said, listing them off almost too rapidly for bane to understand.
Bane, Charmeleon, Dexx, Nathan, Pikachu, Rape, Story, never, sarah, spark, squirtle, venusaur
His prey had evolved to a luxray and drew had more hunger. ty grabbed and gobbled chimchar's head. chimchar laughed, feeling his tongue caressing his face and engulfed by ty's saliva. ty strokes his neck where he his prey passed to his throat.
Pokemon, vore
In moments more, the police finally arrived in squad cars and in motorcycles, releasing pokémon like arcanine, stoutland, luxray, and boltund while also giving chase armed with clubs and batons.
Battle, Halloween, Incineroar, JCSolis01, Party, Pokemon, Pokephilia, Romance, Story, Wrestling, blaziken, conflict, russian