
He changed into his human form and entered the village as a traveler to learn what they were saying about him. while disguised as a human he learned that the locals had come to think of him as a local forest protector.

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Spirit Bound: Historical Data

Yoishi traveled extensively his whole life (lasting 65 years), under the guise of an artist and musician, learning all he could from anyone he met.

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Arvians - The First Loresinger

The darker twin learned much in the ways of the ritual, and of the spirits and their connection, the loresinger delved into his namesake, studying the old records, and learning from the elders the way of our kin.

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The Early Years

Names at 13 and the master looked into our futures to learn our titles.

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Malakye Anaris - Character Detail

He watched and learned how to plant his own crops, growing enough to keep him fed over the winter season and not need to steal from others. as he grew up he learned to hunt, becoming quite proficient with a spear.

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Academ: The Wyld Mage

Mara sniffed, "not that impatient...just eager to learn." "then slow down or you'll have trouble learning."

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First Lessons (Hueroc/Ellora)

"i don' wanna learn," taran huffed. "i want to play! learning is for grown-up dragons." hueroc laughed. "well you don't have to learn yet if you don't want to.

The Coffin: Part 5

"and was she so rigorous with the students who scaled the mountains to learn from her?" "but of course! many disciples couldn't learn the way, and thus never learned a single swing of swordplay from her.

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Chapter 5 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Though suzujomei survived, he learned several lessons about the teaching styles of the dragons.

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Seven Days- Part V

Joshua said, desperate to learn more of how this trial would make him a better person. "well there is more to life than making money and being successful. in fact, we should learn what success truly is.

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Falling - Kreet 82

They're going to learn common anyway." kallid laughed as he stood and stretched his legs. "well first, _you'll _need to learn to speak in kobold! you speak terribly!" "really? i'm that bad?" "pretty bad kreet.

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 8: Fyrin the Expelled

And he won't learn that on the streets. he needs to learn these things here in the temple. if he doesn't learn to quit acting like a barbarian, he'll continue to hurt other people or risk getting himself killed one day."

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