The Early Years

Story by Legionaire on SoFurry

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This is my first writing, please let me know how I did :)

The Early Years

Chapter 1

I am called Legionaire, I am a 5'9" blue, white, and yellow wolf with a little bit of dragon showing through.

This is my recollection of the past years of how I came to be who I am today.

And just as any story starts, these stories will begin at the beginning.

I was born, yes I know surprising isn't it, from a female dragon and a male wolf.

I do not have any memories of my parents seeing as how I was dropped off at the Arcane Tower shortly after my birth.

The Master, as he was called, who took me in was an old black dragon, although he doesn't look it you can hear the weight of the centuries gone by in his voice.

I was not the only orphan at The Tower although I was the first, I was soon joined by two twin female dragons. In the years between 5 and 12 me and the twins spent our time cleaning around The Tower and learning, which we found out later was very advanced studies.

During those years the twins and I were given numbers in place of our names, mine being One and the twins shared the name Two. The Master said that we would learn our names on our 13th birthday, just as he did, although he informed us that "The Master" was not his name but the title everyone knew him as, and that we would also go by our future titles when we divined our true names at 13 and The Master looked into our futures to learn our titles.

I guess I should tell you that the reason that the twins and I were at the Arcane Tower, was because dragons and those that were hybrids like me, had magic in their veins and needed to be taught control and how to use the magic Gift.

After learning most of the basic studies; reading, writing, mathematics, science, and history, at The Tower, The Master began to teach us the control needed to properly use the Gift.

At the age of 12 we were beginning to focus more on magic, and that was when The Master taught us about the main law of magic: You cannot create something from nothing. But he taught us that you can transform something into something else, and that was how we first learned how to transform into our feral forms.

Sometimes when the twins and I tried to rush through a lesson, as many young one do, in order to practice what we were being taught, The Master would stop teaching and let us find out the hard way why we should listen before practicing. And it was during the first lesson of transforming into our feral forms that we decided to try first instead of listening, which if we had listened to The Master, we would have learned that during the change into our feral forms our instinctive side tries to take over our rational side, which for three 12 year olds is extremely hard to control without proper warning.

As I went through the change I could feel my instincts try to take over, it felt like three people were fighting for dominance inside my head as my dragon, wolf, and rational side tried to take over. I was eventually able to take control over my instincts as did one of the twins, but the other twin was not so lucky and she started to attack anyone who was near her, and the closet one happened to be me.

As I was trying to get away the other twin tried to get closer so she could help her sister, and as we smacked into each other, the wild twin had enough time to race forward and latch onto my right thigh with her teeth.

I can tell you that a bite from a dragon can be a little painful as the teeth break through skin, but luckily before the feral could do any more then she had already The Master intervened by forcibly shifting the twin back into her original form.

The Master now had a new lesson to teach, as he reprimanded us about trying something we didn't fully understand, when he began to help heal my leg. After the healing I had a nice yellow scar on my thigh from where I was bit, and The Master said that it would be left there so that I would always remember the lessons learned today.

When the twins and I finally had some free time later that night, they both came over to apologize to me for what had happened. As I was waving their apology off saying it could have happened to any of us, both of the twins darted in and gave me a kiss on the cheek before running off.

I would stay up late that night thinking about the girls, having been raised together, we were like family and as such I never really thought of them as more than sisters, and after those kisses, I realized that they were more than adopted sisters, but were females.