Writing Tips vol. 3

:d the phrase is a latin term for: a god from the machine, in reference to greek theatre, where a crane was used to lower gods onto the stage. in essence, this is a plot device where you basically explain something away by saying, "oh, a god did it."

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Per Patientia Ch. 1

#1 of stories the first chapter to my story "per patientia" (latin for with patience, i think?) high fantasy, magic, all that good stuff. enter the main anti-villain, tahlis zzradi. town of sopulch, rroan ![preview?

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Chapter 2- The Reveal

latin?" "well, it was just a dream," kayden whispers. he reaches into his own energy, desperate to find green and lots of it. black was the hardest color to change an aura from. the darker the color, the harder it is to change it, like paint.

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Wolf heat: TEACHINGS PT.2

New names for the chapter still on latin: nebula: mist, fog; hiems: winter, winter time ok hope you enjoyed the chapter. please rate it and if you got the time, comments are always appreciated. thanks for reading.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Seven

"latin for _'think and create.'_fitting. what's the purpose of a mantra during meditation?" the third dummy approached, swinging at my belly. i leaped back and raised splatsy behind my head to smash its wooden skull into tiny splinters.

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Chapter 11 (Jo)

The vena society comes from the latin word "venenatis" which means "blockage". it was founded by two girls whose families were taken by the influence twenty-five years ago and has been dedicated to stop it since.

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3 : Obscured

While scilius trudged to his own latin class, he felt ashamed of himself. elliot's eyes were burnt into his vision. elliot had been smiling, by the end of the day.

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Karaoke Night - Chapter 7: A Dedication

There was a string of notes played before the actual first chord of the song, giving the song a more latin sound than the original had. at least, that's what i thought. i'd never heard the original. i noticed rouge had closed her eyes.

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A friendly visit

Adam, this is my old friend gurges ater, it's latin for black hole. he was given that name because he loves to eat and just can't get enough." "your not exactly that thin either, tubby." he defended. "yeah yeah, whatever." layrius chuckled.

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Hybrid Theory Part 1

By the way, alot... actually all (except for one) of the names are words in latin, so... yea.

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Blade Tail- The Library

So unless all of your history books are written in latin, which i guess would explain a few things, then i should be able to make do with at least the more basic stuff. the more specific can wait until i'm bored."

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