If They Ever Learn the Truth
The lady said. "mustn't deny our lord, that is high praise...very well." "high praise indeed." commented aileen, coming up next to them. "i...apologise about my earlier startlement my lady." oderan began.
Bar Jocks: Story One, Part Three
"which one you think are bigger, ladies?" the ladies felt the two's arms. they couldn't decide which was bigger. "maybe another pose, joe?" the 'roo said as he shifted to a crab pose. joe followed him. "what about now?"
Love in War Chap. 2
Ian looked at him saying, "and your little side adventures with other ladies?" randy took another sip, giving a sideward glance at ian said in reply, "if you try, have fun with both of those lovely ladies."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 92: One Act Of Betrayal Saves Us All
lady barq asked. "lady ursa, lady barq meet us at the holding house, have shakara waiting with her medical supplies and send overwatch to back up corey and rumble." "acknowledged."
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Forty
She closed her eyes and hurriedly began to hum, occasionally muttering "lady valdo... lady valdo," to herself under her breath. toke looked toward the door. just past that thin slab of wood, there was a crowd of people waiting for him.
A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 06 : Stand Off and Stand Down
"yes, m'lady," he admitted, "i do indeed own my sister. i purchased her at the same time i purchased hansen."
Realms of Fantasy Chapter 4: Refur a Friend
The old lady would be on at any moment, and the thought of my mother showing up put any more carnal thoughts out of my head.
Realms of Fantasy Chapter 2: Strategy And Strategic Retreats
I could hear the old lady yelling something, maybe a warning, but i couldn't make out the words. sorry old lady, looks like you'll have to get that loan without me.
Realms of Fantasy-Intro
I pulled back the hood of my robe to glance back at the old lady, shock and confusion clear as day on her face. her mouth moved as if she were trying to say something, but no words were coming out. "it's still me, old lady."
Enter Hikarume, the Elven Princess
"yes lady sakura, and i will do everything i can to help you." the girl concluded. "arigato, kiseki." lady sakura said gratefully. "lady sakura! princess hikarume had been found. she was out in the garden and now she is in her room."
Clown Mare 3-1
Said lady buttercup; when she shut her eyes and gave that one drop of water near her right eye that flowed down her right cheek. duke teddy, lady buttercup, walked to the door that led outside.
Tina's Story Chapter 77 Charm School -A Gray Muzzle story
Then the ladies said their farewells, and went their separate ways.