The Fangshi of Hu village: Teaser

The scent of herbs and a million other things wafted from the interior of the house, invigorating the young man's body with but a whiff and that allowed him to stand on his own, limping to the front of the crowd.

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A Mild Disagreement

He lifts his hand before she could refute him, "this is because the 'herbs' i use have not been seen by humans since before king arthur's time." he glances at me a moment, "that's a topic for a different day hunter.

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Wolfen - Chapter 16

They also brought relaxing herbs and fed it to him, but he couldn't keep anything down without vomiting a little bit later. everyone remained in silence as they moved around camp. there wasn't much to say.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 13

"it is possible, cynder, but like i said, you can't find herbs in the middle of the..."

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The Great Prophet Of Zao Chapter 16: Lies Filled With Hope

There are five carts filled with herbs and medicine that release strong and flowerily smells.

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Academ: The Wyld Mage

Occasionally, she spotted an herb or two she recognized from a book, magic plants ripe for some career alchemist to use in a potion, but she wasn't here to pluck flowers and magic herbs, she was here to learn.

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Way of the Beast, part 2

"i don't think so," llifen responded as he pulverized the herbs with the mortar and pestle into a thick slime. he pointed to a certain area on the wolf's body before daubing the herbs onto it.

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A super size grande lettuce, pickles, onion, special sauce on a sesame seed bun with flame broiled patties, eleven herbs and spices and a cheese stuffed crust? what do i want? i want you, more than anything else.

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2540 Chapter 1

And the sap of an odd looking plant that seem to be alive and moving... he took the a branch of the plant and used the sap coming out of it to seal the wound in xeno's chest and he crushed a bunch of herbs and then forced them trough the throat of the

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The pungent scent of wild herbs filled his nose, overwhelmed his sense of smell as if there was nothing else. he could be at ease here, lost in the rippling void, in the soothing scent in the air.

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I told her it wasn't that big of a deal she panicked and ran to a tree near by and grabbed some plants and herbs. i saw she had a jacket that was a little bigger then needed when she started to grind the herbs and plants on two rocks.


Plum in... The Snow Demons of Winter

She just keeps saying stuff like 'shouldn't you be helping your mother' or 'please stop stepping on my herbs' or 'where did you get that knife!?' and keeps hiding the good stuff from me!

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