Hood and Boots
Zakkar wasn't sure what exactly he was mixing in his flasks by the river; he just hoped he wouldn't need to use any healing magic once babolax was finished. "hey, there's something we should practice."
PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 6
The doctor walked over to an ice chest in the back of the room, retrieving from it four flasks filled with some kind of thick purple liquid. "drink these nutritional supplements," the doctor said, handing each of them a flask.
Just Breathe - Chapter 1
He's the one holding the flask. "afterlife? no, you're very much alive. i've seen to that myself. and you shouldn't be speaking so much; there is much damage that i have yet to fully repair."
Chapter Five (Now Complete)
Once more longing for her lost flask, nadirah stretched and looked around her, searching for some task or other to occupy her until her new-found companion returned.
PMD: Wildfire - Chapter 6
The doctor walked over to an ice chest in the back of the room, retrieving from it four flasks filled with some kind of thick purple liquid. "drink these nutritional supplements," the doctor said, handing each of them a flask.
Hero, Chapter 12 - The Crystal River
He pulled the box with the water flasks down from the cart and let it land on the ground with a thump. 'i thought you'd need something to help you get down.' "i was fine!"
Berserker Part 4: Death and Darkness
She picked up another one of the needle-like knives, dipping it in yet another flask before jabbing me again. almost instantly the poison let up and i could move again. "don't die too soon boy and let that gift go to waste."
Forging Bonds-Chapter 4: Placement Exam
He proceeded to sit right next to me, breathing heavily as i did while taking a drink from a flask. "ready for the test, sis?" "yes. you?" "as i'll ever be." he handed me the flask, and i chugged half of its remaining contents.
Wasteland Survivor – To the victor - ch35
I almost expected my clansmen to charge them, but to my amazement a collective shout of agreement could be heard and many clansmen produced liquid-fire flasks, and shared the drink around, much to the delight of the dwarves.
Rude Awakening
He picked up the flask and downed the whole of the slightly sweet-tasting potion. with a great sigh, the blue dragon hefted himself into his little bed and stared at the ceiling until finally drifting off into a deep sleep.
Royal Aggravations
She returned a within a minute clutching a small green flask. the councillor that had sent her off yanking it from her hands and attempting to administer it to the stricken ruler. too late. the king gave one last shudder and died.
"The Thin Line," Part LL
I limited myself to some more iron rations, a water-flask, a staff and as many arrows as i thought was practical and safe to carry.