Wasteland Survivor – To the victor - ch35
#36 of Wasteland Survivor
I staggered back to the camp, Crystal under one arm and a need to check on our children in my heart.
Crystal worked the door and we entered, to find Lyl topless laying on the floor on her side, fast asleep, a mix of kittens, wolves and a fox scattered around her, a few drinking happily.
Kevin was sitting on the couch, an assault rifle beside him, a pistol in his lap and a warm smile on his be-fanged face.
He lifted a finger to his lips, indicating the need for quiet, but a mind-voice suddenly called out ~"Mummies!"~ and a red blur raced over the floor toward us.
I let gravity take its course and ended up in a pile with crystal beside me and a very relieved little girl trying to snuggle as close as she could to me.
"Good thing I dunked you into that trough outside huh babe?" Crystal said, referring to my lack of blood covering me.
Then something happened that made my heart stop, I looked around to find a curious little wolf, paws wrapped around the hilt of one of the Gods knives.
I couldn't breath, his warning came back to me.
There was a rising pressure of electrical tension in the room, I would have screamed had I air in my lungs.
Then a little 'pop' sounded and the Bradley, my little son, giggled.
I wept as I held him.
Softly, in the back of my mind... ~"They are a little more discerning than I explained. He is of your blood, they belong to your family. I am sorry to have frightened you my child."~
I would have cursed, I almost did. My other son, Alistair, said, in his first out-loud words, "Mummy thought some bad words!"
I took off after him, chasing the squealing youngster around the room. "She will never grow up." I heard Crystal mutter aside to Kevin.
She, of course, became my next target.
As I watched, many of my injured clansmen stood back up, the magic from the Elf and Kitsune still boiling around us, it was an amazing display.
It was then the Dwarves, who our clans considered to be a hated enemy, walked over, weapons sheathed. "Ho there green skin bastards, it was a good fight eh?"
I almost expected my clansmen to charge them, but to my amazement a collective shout of agreement could be heard and many clansmen produced liquid-fire flasks, and shared the drink around, much to the delight of the Dwarves.
A strange sight greeted me though, an eight foot tall werewolf walked over to the two scouts and, before my eyes, shrank down to an almost normal size.
"How did you two fare?" It asked them.
"We took out the Elves hierarchy, their high priestess, their war advisor, most of their staff. Their Goddess got pissed at us but Thorista stepped in and... Sir, He took their Goddess apart." The Elf said, I couldn't believe my ears, these two had not only killed all the high ranking Elves but had lived through an encounter with their Goddess?
The former werewolf tilted his head to the side slightly, "Come on back to camp, I am sure there is a tale in there that needs telling. Not to mention Hellen will want a full report." Something about his words took the wind right out of the two and they almost slumped, but in an instant they were standing tall again and raising their right hands to their heads, which the beast-man in front of them returned.
I shook my head, outlanders...
"Well, since my son healed all your wounded, let me at least take a look at you." The stunning Kitsune female who had led their delegation of healers said.
I tried to put her off but just then, I noticed my side was a little sore, "I think, I think I will just have to sit down a bit first."
Blackness overcame me.
"How is he doing Merilla?" I asked the Kitsune elder while still trying to keep the remnants of my pants up.
"He is fine now, just had a nasty wound in his side, it had some gunk in it, nothing that I couldn't handle." She said, I breathed a sigh, that Orc was due a lot of thanks from us, and his people would absolutely be an ally of ours, If only we could get them and the Dwarves to sober up some time in the next week. I am not sure who broke out the ethanol-fuel experiment we had been working on, but both peoples seemed to find it a fine drink.
~"Where are you? I need you to help me start to get these stories strait before too much alcohol seeps into this lot."~ My mates voice sounded helplessly in my mind.
~"Its too late for that love, lets just relax and enjoy a night off."~ I replied to her, a mental 'sigh' was my only reply before my echidna lover appeared beside me. "Wow, you were close."
"Shhh, don't say it too loud or they all will want to talk to me." She murmured, nibbling at my ear.
I scanned around quickly, noting that with a lack of actual wounded most of the infirmary was empty.
I grinned, turned and picked her up and marched off into the quieter part of the building, ignoring the slight pain in my arms that her quills inflicted. If I had my way, they wouldn't be the only quill wounds I would suffer this day.
The male wolf dropped the unique rifle off in the stores, noting that a particular Sergeant was actually on duty to receive it.
"I see you took Kevin up on his offer Staff Sergeant." Sergeant O'Brian stated.
I decided it was time to test out an attribute of this form that I had always heard about, and gave her a grin, "Figured it would help to blend in, and I must say, it certainly hasn't cost me anything as a soldier so far but-" It was as far as I would get.
She had waited till I had taken off my ammo pouches and arranged them on the table beside my rifle before she grabbed me, pressing her mouth to mine. I was stunned a bit at first, but slowly melted into the embrace.
All too soon we came up for air, I just raised an eyebrow at her before returning back for seconds.