Dream Factory Episode Two: Picnic Panic

At least on this side of the cliffside farms. on the other side, past the waterfall that cut in the middle of the cliff, there was another farm for animals. though blue had helpers for the two farms, they were really her baby.

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Fish and Lilypad

She paddled past the farm where she had seen the tan mare, who was now playing with a small filly. just before home she found a clean hollow with bubbly water to wash off any remaining mud.

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Blood Rose-17

After they made me mine my fathers farm for two years. after they shot down my friends and classmates in front of me, and i joined the monstrosity. now though, i really wish i hadn't." he said.

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Prologue & Chapter 1

Copse warren is situated within a copse near to a farm and a river, named test.

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The Farmer

His farm was one of the smaller ones, and abutted the marshlands which signaled the beginning of megakat swamp.

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Two Worlds?

Stan and his dad have a troubled relationship, his dad feels he is lazy and doesn't do any work and feels life on the farm will teach him to be more of a "man,".


Accidents Happen - Part 2

On a hill overlooking the farm, three horses carried men decked in flashy armor, undoubtedly officials working for the ptolemy regime.

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Chicken Coop Sides A & B

The farmer never came back to the forest and i never went back to his farm. both of us were content in ourselves. we were even.

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Red Barchetta

They could feel the well-weathered leather as they drove across the now-deserted farms in iowa- the smell of the corn harvest was in the air.

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battle of the fandoms ep 4

Finaly got back two writing the story and will try make a 2 week deadline for myself since the series been over posted using postybirb battle for the fandoms ep: 4 - harder than an apple applejack was on her farm with her brother talking about how all

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Book One of Rabbits Part 3 of 29, "I don't know what you are anymore."

Why do the neighbors of nesterly care so much about the thumper-noble's farm enough to pay for the occasional tour? this farm is merely a dark farm to the lapin who live here.

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