Lost Memories: Chapter 3: Through the Night
I dashed towards the nearest demon and hacked away. there were still a plenty of demons left. i began to dance in a flurry of attacks and i cut down every demon in my path.
dragon's meal: final
After a few years stuck in the behemoth's den, spike had noticed a small demon child crying near the peaks. spike brought the young demon down to the base of the mountain and asked it about how it got there.
Tale of the Wind Goddess Chapter 1
I looked around the dungeon hoping that demon my sister had come back from the kitchen safely. demon went to the kitchen to meet her best friend shoch'.
Pillars of Folly 2 - Setting up Shop
I saw," the basilisk rumbled then laughed, "with your eyes screwed shut, whimpering like a babe why not have a look at me demon... i've not got a demon amongst my friends."
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 16
I think you're closer to that of a pride demon than a wrath demon at this point. the willingness to fight back is simply a matter of pride, after all."
Voodoo, the Ambitious Necromancer
It sure scared the demon shitless - she liked that. ''look at me!''
Light of the Gods Below
Looking up at them jiram recalled the tales to know what type of demon he was faced with. demons of cunning, surely.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 29
"you're not fit to be a wrath demon, vessel." "i am not even a true demon," said ammon. "so, who cares?"
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 7
Never trust a demon. not even an ally.
Indeed, his demonic presence did stir the leomon beside the wolf somewhat, but not enough to raise any alarms nor to cause concern for the looming demon.
Though, the demon himself was nervous for that fate. what would the great muse do when he discovered the demon and the child living together within the same walls? both prisoners to a human of obsession. "why do you stay, demon?"
MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 22
With a quick movement of his arms, the boulders slammed into the demon, with the walls following right behind them, utterly burying the demon. the waterspouts danced in a circle around the struggling demon. again, however, he managed to break free.