Sonic in Rehab
Sonic knew tails liked to help but he also suspected the little tyke had a secret crush on the cybernetic bunny. it was really cute how he followed her around. her 'little helper' she always called him. "hey guys, what's cookin'?"
Future Vision: Chapter 4
Both were fit with deep space probes and top notch pilots that with their cybernetic enhancements could detect something as minor as a drones impulse drive.
Lord of worlds chapter one, and preface
The necross are a race of corpses enhanced with cybernetics, by a master artificial intelligence god; the necross collective contains members from every known species in the galaxy.
Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 3: Meow Like an Egyptian
Though she's approximately 80% less made of metal than me, she was "given" a cybernetic eyestalk on the top of her head in a definite sign of fate laughing at a poor blind feline.
The Winds of Altaura (Chapter One)
The vul'prassad, a race of vulpine soldiers that enhanced the abilities of their officers with cybernetic head implants, did not tolerate a lack of punctuality well.
The Search For Tabitha's Parents (Part 2)
Navel piranha said before opening her mouth then eating up the cybernetic double of tabitha. "let's get outta here!" matthew exclaimed, going inside the tube followed by turbo, streakerbolt and daniella.
Lovers Dancing [ Installment 3 ]
With the amount of cybernetics in the room, probably anyone could have listened, but the lieutenant had cocked an ear; it was all codes, protocols and numbered locations - contingencies.
Para-Imperium Technology
Implants: cybernetics are rarely used for replacement these days, bioprinting enables a limb to be replaced with ease within a day or two, however they have some use for augmentation.
A Lykan 1
Any inago that left the homeworld had their nanites extracted, often replacing them with cybernetic substitutes.
Dream, Demon Soldiers
It looked like a giant, cybernetic robot with machine guns on the side, and had a bulletproof glass cockpit with a soldier controlling it. "holy...." hunter began. "get down!" exile shouted, falling on hunter.
Clash of the Guardians III
Staring up at the lackluster white ceiling, he tried to recollect all of his recent memories of his journey; the happening across of the armor, a seemingly insurmountable number of foes to fight, the cybernetic upgrades.
Chapter One: Quickening
His arm, lost in a terrorist attack, was replaced by a cybernetic prosthesis from the shoulder down, the metal painted in a dark matte grey.