Acting Civilized

"we'll work on her once we're back in civilization." as these words deb felt the fight return in her. they were trying to take her away! she snarled, and tried to pull her way out of the wire around her neck.

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Unlikely Alliance Chapter 8

**chapter 8** we're back at the town where we were earlier today.

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Beer Brawl

. \*\*\* "we're back in winnipeg in front of the legislative building," toner reminds those who don't know where they are. "our low winds and high anxiety depict a category 1 racing hurricane with our remaining players.

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 6

"spike, nyx, we're back!" spike as usual came from the kitchen. "so how did it go?" he asked them. "great! we got everything off mom's list."


A Silent Soul- Chapter 5

we're back for the next chapter of a silent soul! i'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter yet, but rightfully so! it's a very important chapter where secrets are revealed and friendships are forged!

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 32

"well, we're back." tallow said as he looked about the familiar field before walking forwards at a casual place. captain shadow nodded his head as he made his way towards the copse in the distance as he turned his head around to snowberry.

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"well then draolf, now that we're back... shall we?" luc murmured, dropping the bag which he had been carrying on top of the dresser in the modestly-sized room.

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Some Odd Idaho Visit

. \*\*\* "we're back in oregon," toner greets. "yesterday's temporary winners get the first crack at the clue box." lucius presses the button and reads the tip to max. "'your next clue lies at lake walcott state park'. uhh... where is that?"

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Downstream Portland

. \*\*\* "we're back in one of the hottest regions in the world," toner introduces as he holds a very iced coffee. "and thank goodness we're leaving; not sure how much longer my fur can tolerate this heat."

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 24)

#31 of in the service of mystery and we're back to saturdays. also this is the high point of a frankly pants week this week. aren't mothers wonderful? as always, please feel free to leave comments and/or questions!

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The Non-Insurgency

I suspect it'll be a few days before we're back to our 'just-launched' peak performance. i will see you all," aria said, with a bit of dry humor, "when the lights come back on." the channel was cut. ollie looked to arianna.

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After the Storm - Part 28 [Blessing and Curse]

_'great, we're back to the topic about dead loved ones...'_ the kirlia cursed to herself as she put the dagger down on the table. _'quick, topic change, topic change...

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